Sunday, 15 July 2012

Hundreds clash with riot police in Madrid (Beratus-ratus pertembungan dengan polis rusuhan di Madrid)

REVIEW 1WC'sChannel 2012: Riot police arrest a woman during a protest outside the Spanish socialist PSOE party headquarters in Madrid (TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: polis Rusuhan menangkap seorang wanita semasa bantahan di luar ibu pejabat parti sosialis Sepanyol PSOE di Madrid Julai 13, 2012)

Beratus-ratus penunjuk perasaan bertempur dengan polis rusuhan di Madrid set baru langkah-langkah lebih penjimatan. Seseorang mengalami patah hidung dan 3 orang telah ditahan. Penunjuk perasaan yang ditunjukkan pada petang Jumaat di luar pejabat Parti Rakyat Sepanyol Perdana Menteri Mariano Rajoy sebelum bertempur dengan polis pencegah rusuhan, laporan AP.

Polis menggunakan cota untuk menghalang orang ramai daripada mendapat terlalu dekat dengan ibu pejabat Parti Pekerja Sosialis. Langkah-langkah penjimatan kerajaan konservatif Sepanyol telah dibangkitkan kritikan sengit dari kelas menengah bekerja yang telah melanda kebanyakan oleh potongan kewangan.

Pentadbiran telah tertakluk kepada tekanan antarabangsa ke atas keadaan sistem kewangan negara dan ekonomi dengan 25 % peratus rekod kadar pengangguran. Langkah-langkah berjimat cermat yang baru yang dicadangkan termasuk cukai jualan tambahan dan kenaikan secara beransur-ansur umur persaraan 65-67 tahun. Penunjuk perasaan berkeras langkah-langkah itu akan mengurangkan penggunaan, yang akan seterusnya memburukkan lagi kemelesetan ekonomi Sepanyol.

Pusingan ini baru bantahan datang hanya 2 hari sebelumnya selepas rusuhan (after the previous unrest), apabila sekurang-kurangnya 76 orang cedera dalam pertempuran, banyak oleh peluru getah yang digunakan oleh pihak polis. Mangsa yang cedera termasuk 33 pegawai polis dan 43 penunjuk perasaan - kebanyakan pelombong dan penyokong mereka. Pakej terbaru langkah-langkah kaunter krisis Sepanyol termasuk potongan gaji dan kenaikan cukai, manakala penduduk di negara ini berjuang terhadap kemelesetan ekonomi dan kadar pengangguran hampir 25 % peratus.

Matlamat yang ditetapkan langkah-langkah untuk mengurangkan € 65 billion daripada defisit bajet melalui 2015 - pelan pengurangan defisit terbesar dalam sejarah Sepanyol baru-baru ini. Kerajaan kini axing bayaran tambahan yang tradisional dibuat kepada kakitangan awam sebelum Krismas. Kerajaan dan penggubal undang-undang juga akan mengalami pemotongan.


Hundreds clash with riot police in Madrid

Hundreds of protesters have clashed with riot police in Madrid over the new set of austerity measures. One person suffered a broken nose and three people were arrested. The protesters demonstrated on Friday evening outside the People's Party offices of Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy before clashing with riot police, AP reports.

Police used batons to prevent the crowds from getting too close to the Socialist Workers’ Party headquarters. The austerity measures of the conservative government of Spain have raised fierce criticism from the working middle class that has been hit the most by the financial cuts.

The administration has been subject to great international pressure over the state of country’s financial system and economy with its record 25 per cent unemployment rate. The newly-proposed austerity measures include additional sales taxes and a gradual raise of the retirement age from 65 to 67 years. The protesters insist such measures would decrease consumption, which would in turn aggravate the recession of the Spanish economy.

This new round of protests comes only two days after the previous unrest, when at least 76 people were injured in clashes, many by rubber bullets used by police. The injured included 33 police officers and 43 protesters - mostly miners and their supporters. The latest package of Spain’s counter-crisis measures includes wage cuts and tax increases, while the country’s population struggles against the recession and an unemployment rate of almost 25 per cent.

The aim of the set of measures is to cut € 65 billion off the budget deficit through 2015 - the largest deficit-reduction plan in Spain’s recent history. The government is now axing an extra payment traditionally made to civil servants just before Christmas. The government and lawmakers will also suffer the cut.

AFP Photo / Dominique Faget
AFP Photo/Dominique Faget

AFP Photo / Dominique Faget
AFP Photo/Dominique Faget

AFP Photo / Dominique Faget
AFP Photo/Dominique Faget

(Reuters/Dominicue Faget)
(Reuters/Dominicue Faget)

(Reuters/Dominicue Faget)
(Reuters/Dominicue Faget)

Demonstrators take part in a protest against the Spanish government′s austerity measures on July 13, 2012, in Malaga (AFP Photo/Jorge Guerrero)
Demonstrators take part in a protest against the Spanish government's austerity measures (Penunjuk perasaan mengambil bahagian dalam protes terhadap langkah-langkah penjimatan kerajaan Sepanyol pada 13 Julai 2012, di Malaga  (AFP Photo/Jorge Guerrero)

AFP Photo / Dominique Faget
AFP Photo/Dominique Faget

AFP Photo / Dominique Faget
AFP Photo/Dominique Faget

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