Sunday, 15 July 2012

Miners’ strike: 14 injured as thousands rally in Madrid (Pelombong 'mogok: 14 cedera sebagai beribu-ribu perhimpunan di Madrid)

REVIEW: Spanish National Police officers in full riot gear detain a protester during a coal miners demonstration (pegawai Polis Negara Sepanyol dalam gear rusuhan penuh menahan penunjuk perasaan semasa demonstrasi pelombong arang batu di Madrid May 31, 2012)

Spanish National Police officers in full riot gear struggle with a protester during a coal miners demonstration in Madrid May 31, 2012 (Reuters/Sergio Perez)

Spanish National Police officers in full riot gear struggle with a protester during a coal miners demonstration in Madrid (pegawai Polis Negara Sepanyol dalam perjuangan gear rusuhan penuh dengan penunjuk perasaan semasa demonstrasi pelombong arang batu di Madrid May 31, 2012 (Reuters/Sergio Perez)

Sekurang-kurangnya 14 orang telah cedera, termasuk dua wartawan dan lapan anggota polis, semasa demonstrasi hampir 10,000 pelombong di Madrid. Pertempuran telah meletus sebagai pekerja dari seluruh Sepanyol membantah pemotongan anggaran kepada industri. Pertempuran itu bermula dengan pelombong yang membaling mercun pada pegawai polis di sekitar bangunan Kementerian Industri. Polis terpaksa untuk menyuraikan orang ramai yang ganas menggunakan cota, dilaporkan melepaskan tembakan peluru getah serta.

Empat belas orang telah cedera dalam pertempuran, pegawai polis yang paling mereka, laporan media tempatan. Dua orang telah ditangkap. Beribu-ribu pelombong tiba di Madrid pada hari Khamis dalam kira-kira 100 jurulatih untuk membantah pemotongan subsidi drastik kepada industri.

Pihak penganjur meletakkan jumlah penunjuk perasaan pada 10,000, manakala pihak berkuasa menganggarkan angka itu pada kira-kira 5,000. Perarakan dinyatakan di Stadium Santiago Bernabeu dan berakhir di luar Kementerian Perindustrian. Ekoran kejadian itu, kesatuan pelombong telah dipanggil untuk mogok yang tidak ditentukan sehingga kerajaan menyemak semula pemotongan anggaran.

(AFP Photo/Pierre-Philippe Marcou)
(AFP Photo/Pierre-Philippe Marcou)

(AFP Photo/Pierre-Philippe Marcou)
(AFP Photo/Pierre-Philippe Marcou)

Miners take part in a demonstration in Madrid on May 31, 2012 to protest against cuts in government subsidies to the sector (AFP Photo/Javier Soriano)
Miners take part in a demonstration in Madrid on May 31, 2012 to protest against cuts in government subsidies to the sector (Pelombong mengambil bahagian dalam demonstrasi di Madrid pada 31 Mei 2012 untuk membantah terhadap pemotongan subsidi kerajaan kepada sektor) (AFP Photo/Javier Soriano)

(AFP Photo/Pierre-Philippe Marcou)
(AFP Photo/Pierre-Philippe Marcou)

A miner throws a firecracker during a demonstration to protest against cuts in government subsidies to the sector in Madrid on May 31, 2012 (AFP Photo/Pierre-Philippe Marcou)
A miner throws a firecracker during a demonstration to protest against cuts in government subsidies to the sector in Madrid (Pelombong membaling mercun semasa demonstrasi bantahan terhadap pemotongan subsidi kerajaan kepada sektor di Madrid pada May 31, 2012 (AFP Photo/Pierre-Philippe Marcou)

Policemen stand guard during a miners demonstration against cuts in government subsidies to the sector on May 31, 2012 in Madrid (AFP Photo/Pierre-Philippe Marcou)
Policemen stand guard during a miners demonstration against cuts in government subsidies to the sector on May 31, 2012 in Madrid (Anggota polis berjaga semasa demonstrasi pelombong terhadap pemotongan subsidi kerajaan kepada sektor pada Mei 31, 2012 di Madrid) (AFP Photo/Pierre-Philippe Marcou)

At least 14 people have been injured, including two journalists and eight policemen, during a demonstration of nearly 10,000 miners in Madrid. Clashes have erupted as workers from all over Spain protested against the budget cuts to the industry. The clashes started with miners throwing firecrackers at police officers surrounding the Ministry of Industry building. Police had to disperse the violent crowd using batons, reportedly firing rubber bullets as well.

Fourteen people have been injured in clashes, most of them police officers, local media reports. Two people have been arrested. Thousands of miners arrived in Madrid on Thursday in some 100 coaches to protest against drastic subsidy cuts to the industry.

The organizers put the total number of protesters at 10,000, while the authorities estimate the figure at around 5,000. The march stated at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium and ended outside the Ministry of Industry. In the wake of the incident, the miner unions have called for an indefinite strike until the government revises budget cuts.

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