Sunday, 26 August 2012

S-400 Air-defence shields Russia from Sky & Space threats . . .

'S-400 pertahanan udara perisai Rusia dari langit & 
ancaman ruang angkasa' . . .
By 1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012 | earthWatch Sunday  26, August 2012

TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: (9 minit yang lalu) 'S-400 pertahanan udara perisai Rusia dari langit & ancaman ruang angkasa' Hubungan Iran dengan Rusia telah memburuk lewat selepas Moscow  batalkan kontrak untuk menyampaikan udara maju sistem pertahanan, S-300. Banyak kemarahan Tehran, perjanjian itu telah musnah berikutan sekatan senjata Majlis Keselamatan PBB. Rusia pula telah membangunkan projek lagi dengan versi yang lebih canggih senjata - seperti laporan Piskunov Egor RT.

1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012: (9 minutes ago) ‘S-400 air-defence shields Russia from sky & space threats’ Iran's relations with Russia have soured of late after Moscow cancelled a contract to deliver an advanced air defence system, the S-300. Much to Tehran's anger, the deal was torn up following the UN Security Council's arms embargo. Russia meanwhile has been developing the project further with an even more sophisticated version of the weapon - as RT's Egor Piskunov reports.

'Stuff yang Sukar: Dibuat dalam pasaran Palestin 
tercekik oleh Israel . . .

TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: ' (RT News. 1 jam yang lalu): 'Stuff yang Sukar: Dibuat dalam pasaran Palestin tercekik oleh Israel' Penyitaan Israel di tanah Palestin membawa bersamanya tambahan ditambah sekatan ekonomi yang keras. Mana-mana produk yang dibuat di sana - tidak hanya dihalang daripada membuat cara mereka kepada DUNIA luar - tetapi ianya sedang disimpan daripada serta pasaran Israel. Paula Slier RT mengambil melihat dengan lebih dekat kesusahan petani pengeluar dan Palestin. (1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012: (RT News. 1 hours ago) ‘Tough Stuff: 'Made in Palestine' market choked by Israel’ Israel's seizure of Palestinian land brings with it the added extra of a harsh economic blockade. Any products made there - are not only prevented from making their way to the outside world - but they're kept from the Israeli market as well. RT's Paula Slier takes a closer look at the hardships of Palestinian farmers and producers).

TINJAUAN 1WC’sChannel 2012: Iraq meterai lintas sempadan al Qaim dengan Syria (AlArabiya. 2 jam yang lalu) (1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012:  Iraq seals al Qaim border crossing with Syria) (AlArabiya. 2 hours ago).

TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: (AFP. 5 jam lalu) Pertempuran antara puak pro-dan anti-Syria di bandar Tripoli Lubnan membunuh 3 orang termasuk seorang ulama Sunni pada hari Jumaat, menjejaskan gencatan senjata rapuh, kata seorang pegawai keselamatan. Sementara itu, bilangan pelarian yang melarikan diri dari perang saudara di Syria melonjak kepada lebih daripada 200,000, PBB berkata, sebagai jet pejuang dan kereta kebal dilaporkan melepaskan serbuan baru maut dalam hotspot di seluruh negara. UN-Liga yang baru Arab Duta Lakdhar Brahimi berkata Jumaat bahawa beliau "takut" pada saiz tugas menamatkan konflik Syria.

1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012: (AFP. 5 hours ago) Clashes between pro- and anti-Syrian factions in the Lebanese city of Tripoli killed three people including a Sunni cleric on Friday, jeopardising a fragile truce, a security official said. Meanwhile the number of refugees fleeing civil war in Syria surged to more than 200,000, the UN said, as fighter jets and tanks reportedly unleash deadly new raids in hotspots across the country. New UN-Arab League envoy Lakdhar Brahimi said Friday that he was "scared" at the size of the task of ending the Syria conflict.

Israel titis Iran - Petunjuk serangan kepada Amerika Syarikat . . .

TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: (RT Berita 7 hours ago) ‘Israel titis Iran - Petunjuk Serangan kepada Amerika Syarikat’ Iran dan pihak pemantau atom PBB telah gagal untuk mencari jalan keluar dari kebuntuan atas program di nuklear Tehran pada rundingan baru. Mesyuarat itu berlaku di tengah-tengah laporan bahawa Iran terpasang lebih 'mesin pengayaan uranium' di salah satu kemudahan. Bagi RT bercakap kepada Gareth Porter, seorang wartawan penyiasatan dan penganalisis dasar luar Amerika Syarikat dan tentera.

1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012:  (RT News 7 hours ago) ‘Israel drops Iran-attack hints to US’ Iran and the UN atomic watchdog have failed to find a way out of the stalemate over Tehran's nuclear programe at fresh talks. The meeting took place amid reports that Iran's installed more 'uranium enrichment machines' at one of its facilities. For more RT talks to Gareth Porter, an investigative journalist and analyst on US foreign and military policy.

S-400 air-defence shields Russia from sky & space threats

Tough Stuff: 'Made in Palestine' market choked by Israel

Iraq seals al Qaim border crossing with Syria) (AlArabiya. 2 hours ago)

Deadly flare-up in Lebanon stokes Syria spillover fears

Israel drops Iran-attack hints to US
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