REVIEW 2012: (Published: 02
August, 2011) Penunjuk perasaan di Israel menuduh media asing menanam kepala di
dalam pasir atas bantahan anti-kerajaan terbesar negara ini telah dilihat dalam
beberapa dekad. Berpuluh-puluh ribu orang yang menganjurkan demonstrasi lebih
kemerosotan taraf hidup. Peristiwa-peristiwa, bagaimanapun, kurang dikenali di
luar Israel, kerana cerita mereka tidak menerima liputan yang membantah di
Mesir dan negara-negara Arab yang lain tidak. "Apabila ia datang kepada
Israel, banyak media asing mahu melihat filem tindakan. Ini (demonstrasi) tidak
menjadi ganas, " May Flam, protestor menjelaskan.
Ia adalah demonstrasi terbesar
di Israel pada lebih dari 1 dekad. Dan bagaimanakah ABC, CBS dan NBC
menutupinya? Tidak sama sekali! Manakala editor Perancis 24, BBC dan Sky batuk
hanya beberapa saat tidak seberapa. "Mungkin ia tidak menarik untuk editor
mereka kembali di studio. OK, terdapat bantahan, apa sebenarnya bantahan?
Protes sosial? Revolusi? Ia bukan jenis yang sama cerita, besar dan dramatik
kerana beberapa revolusi yang lebih besar yang berlaku di sekeliling Timur
Tengah, "kata Amir Mizroch, Bahasa Inggeris editor untuk Yisrael Hayom
Amir Mizroch ini tidak terkejut
dengan kekurangan kepentingan media di seluruh DUNIA. Beliau telah bekerja
dalam akhbar Israel untuk laporan 1 dekad bagi kedua-dua media asing dan
tempatan. "Terdapat kotak bahawa media antarabangsa telah meletakkan
Israel dalam dan ia adalah konflik Israel-Palestin. Juga konflik Israel-Lebanon
dan Syria. Dan apa-apa yang tidak langsung dikaitkan dengan yang bukan jenis
segera item berita, yang amat malang, "katanya.
Blogger dan wartawan Danny
Schechter bersetuju, berkata media asing cenderung untuk menggambarkan Israel
sebagai negara beberapa monolitik, yang dalam realiti, ia tidak. "Apabila
anda melihat di Timur Tengah, mereka hanya bercakap mengenai negara-negara
Arab. Hanya mereka mempunyai perpecahan dalaman. Anda tidak pernah mendengar
tentang perpecahan dalaman Israel. Dan hakikat bahawa kebangkitan ini berlaku
di Israel dan pada masa yang sama terdapat 1 berlaku di Syria dan ada 1 berlaku
di Mesir menunjukkan bahawa tekanan yang sama sedang dialami oleh rakyat Israel
juga, "katanya.
Salah satu daripada jalan-jalan
di Tel Aviv telah digelar Sudut Tahrir oleh beberapa penunjuk perasaan dalam
optimis, mungkin, mereka juga boleh menjatuhkan kerajaan dengan cara yang
dilakukan jiran mereka di Dataran Tahrir, Kaherah,. Tetapi sedangkan terdapat
kamera rolling sekitar jam mereka cukup tidak hadir di sini. Yang hanya membuat
marah Rais Hanna dan lain-lain. Selama 9 hari dia telah perkhemahan, marah
bahawa dia tidak boleh hidup memenuhi sebagai pelajar universiti.
"Ia membuatkan saya kecewa
bahawa apabila Mesir memutuskan untuk berdiri dan berkata 'kami sudah cukup'
dan apabila di Lubnan mereka memutuskan untuk berkata 'kami sudah cukup,' media
semua di sana. Saya tidak pernah melihat sesiapa dari CNN atau Fox News atau
daripada mana-mana saluran berita lain yang besar di sini. Ia benar-benar
sedih. Kami juga berhak mendapat peluang untuk didengar, "katanya. Tetapi
mengikut perunding media bebas Jeremy Ruden, para penunjuk perasaan perlu bersabar.
"Ia tidak mencapai
perkadaran antarabangsa lagi. Tidak bahawa kerajaan jatuh, ini seperti cerita
dalam kegawatan. Dan itulah sedikit masalah apabila anda cari dari luar negara,
memikirkan apa untuk melindungi. Ia tidak seperti ekonomi telah runtuh,
"beliau menegaskan. Tetapi lama sebelum ekonomi runtuh, penunjuk perasaan
di Israel mungkin terpaksa kalah. Kerana, sebagai penunjuk perasaan telah
mempelajari di seluruh DUNIA, tanpa akhbar antarabangsa dan tanpa tekanan
kerajaan asing, bantahan boleh pergi hanya setakat ini.
kepentingan media kepada bantahan Israel "kewartawanan jahat"
Tel Aviv berasaskan wartawan
dan penulis blog, Ami Kaufman, yang baru-baru ini telah menulis blog
"Tiba-tiba, Israel tidak adalah cerita lagi?" Menjelaskan visi itu
kepada RT.
"Saya berfikir bahawa
banyak editor berita di luar negara jenis mengambil sesuatu perkara untuk
diberikan apabila ia datang kepada Israel dan hampir pergi pada jenis 1
daripada autopilot - jika ia tidak ada kaitan dengan konflik di
Israel-Palestin, it’s just not a story, "beliau menekankan. "Jika
Netanyahu meletak jawatan, sudah tentu, semua mata akan atas Israel sekali lagi
ini akan memberi kesan kepada konflik Israel-Palestin. Sebarang perubahan
politik di Israel mempunyai kesan yang besar terhadap bagaimana hubungan
Israel-Palestin. Jadi saya menganggap bahawa jika ada kemungkinan perubahan
rejim maka liputan media akan berada lebih dekat ke atas Israel, "katanya
All-in-all, Israel adalah
kerap dalam berita, "tetapi apabila ia datang kepada sesuatu yang boleh
menjejaskan keadaan politik dan ia tidak dilindungi, ini sebenarnya
kewartawanan buruk," percaya Kaufman.
biggest protest in decades overlooked WORLDWIDE
Protestors in Israel accuse
foreign media of burying their heads in the sand over of the biggest
anti-government protests the country has seen in decades. Tens of thousands of
people are staging demonstrations over deteriorating living standards. The
events, however, are little known outside of Israel, because their story is not
receiving the coverage which protests in Egypt and other Arab countries did.
“When it comes to Israel, a lot of the foreign media want to see an action
movie. This (demonstration) hasn’t been violent,” May Flam, a protestor
It is the largest demonstration
in Israel in over a decade. And how did ABC, CBS and NBC cover it? Not at all!
While the editors of France 24, BBC and Sky coughed up just a few meager
seconds. “Perhaps it is not that interesting to their editors back in the
studios. OK, there is a protest, what exactly is a protest? A social protest? A
revolution? It is not the same kind of
story, as big and dramatic as some of the bigger revolutions happening around
the Middle East,” says Amir Mizroch, English editor for Yisrael Hayom daily.
Amir Mizroch is not surprised
by the worldwide lack of media interest. He has worked in the Israeli press for
a decade reporting for media both foreign and local. “There is a box that the
international media has put Israel in, and it is the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict. Also the Israeli-Lebanese and Syrian conflict. And anything that is
not directly linked to that is not the immediate type of news item, which is
unfortunate,” he says.
Blogger and journalist Danny
Schechter agrees, saying foreign media tend to depict Israel as some monolithic
country, which in reality it is not. “When you look at the Middle East, they
talk only about the Arab countries. Only they have internal discord. You never
hear about Israel’s internal discord. And the fact that this uprising is taking
place in Israel while at the same time there is one going on in Syria and there
is one going on in Egypt shows that the same pressures are being experienced by
the Israeli people as well,” he said.
One of the streets in Tel Aviv
has been dubbed Tahrir Corner by some of the protestors in optimism, perhaps,
that they too can bring down a government in the way their neighbors in Tahrir
Square, Cairo, did. But whereas there the cameras were rolling around the clock
they are pretty absent here. That just makes Hanna Rais and others angry. For
nine days she has been camping, furious that she cannot make ends meet as a
university student.
“It makes me upset that when
Egypt decided to stand up and say ‘we’ve had enough’ and when in Lebanon they
decided to say ‘we’ve had enough,’ the media was all over there. I haven’t seen
anyone from CNN or Fox News or from any other big news channel here. It’s
really sad. We also deserve a chance to be heard out,” she says. But according
to independent media consultant Jeremy Ruden, the protestors need to be
“It hasn’t reached
international proportion yet. Its not that the government is fallen, this is
like an inside turmoil story. And that is a bit of a problem when you are
looking from overseas, thinking of what to cover. It’s not like the economy has
collapsed,” he asserts. But long before the economy collapses, protestors in
Israel might have to throw in the towel. Because, as demonstrators have learnt
around the world, without the international press and without the pressure of
foreign governments, a protest can go only so far.
of media interest to Israeli protests “bad journalism”
Tel Aviv based journalist and
blogger, Ami Kaufman, who has recently written a blog “Suddenly, Israel isn't a
story anymore?” explained his vision of that to RT.
“I think that a lot of news
editors abroad kind of take certain things for granted when it comes to Israel
and almost go on a sort of autopilot - if it’s not anything to do with the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it’s just not a story,” he stresses. ”If
Netanyahu resigned, of course, all eyes would be on Israel as again this would
affect the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Any political change in Israel has an
immense effect on how the Israeli-Palestinian relations. So I presume that if
there is a chance of regime change then media coverage would be a bit closer on
Israel,” he assures.
All-in-all, Israel is often
in the news, “but when it comes to something that could affect the political
situation and it is not covered, this is actually bad journalism,” believes
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