We are living in a time when the Corrupt are displayed as the Wise People and Wise People as the Corrupt. When The Rich get Richer and the Poor stay Poor. With this Messages I will attempt explain one Of the Signs from God and the Mystery Surrounding us. Read Carefully. Think and Observe the Signs Of All Mighty God before it's too late. The HOUR is Coming, it's just a matter Of time . . .
Catalonia town proclaims autonomy, cites 'TAX plunder' . . .
TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: RT. News (26 minit yang lalu) - Catalonia mengisytiharkan autonomi, bandar 'merompak cukai' memetik perbandaran San Pedro de Torelló di Catalonia telah dilaporkan mengisytiharkan autonomi daripada kerajaan pusat Sepanyol. Ia mahu bank sendiri, mahkamah dan kawalan sepenuhnya ke atas cukai yang. Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai cerita ini RT bercakap kepada wartawan dan penulis Miguel-Anxo Murado. (18 Syawal/Sept 5.)
1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012: RT. News. (26 minutes ago) - Catalonia town proclaims autonomy, cites 'tax plunder' The municipality of San Pedro de Torelló in Catalonia has reportedly proclaimed its autonomy from Spain's central government. It wants its own bank, courts and complete control over its taxes. For more on this story RT talks to journalist and writer Miguel-Anxo Murado. (18 Syawal/Sept. 5.)
Al 'Bukhari narrated from Abu Hurairah Radhiya'Allahu Anhu (peace be on him). Prophet (Muhammad) SAID (peace and blessings Of God be on him). (Reported 1433 year ago).
'By GOD THAT GRIPS MY SOUL. SOON JESUS Son Of Maryam Will Come Down to YOU As A Fair JUDGE.
(1) HE Will Break Crosses,
(2) Kill Swine, and
(3) ABOLISH the TAX (CANCEL The TAX) And (then) ABUNDANT WEALTH, So No One is Willing to RECEIVE Zakat and Bow Down to one is better than his Whole WORLD! (Narrated by Muslim in the Book Of Faith hadith 220)
REMINDER: ‘We are living in a time when the Corrupt are displayed as the Wise People & Wise People as the Corrupt. When The Rich get Richer and the Poor stay Poor'. With this Message I will attempt explain one Of the Signs from God & The Mystery Surrounding us.
We don't know exact time Of the HOUR, (Only God Knows). However, we do know some Of the Sign. Read Carefully. Think & Observe the Signs Of All Mighty God before it's too late. The HOUR is Coming, it's just a matter Of time’ . . .
GOD ALMIGHTY SAYS IN THE HOLY QURAN: 'And there is none from the People of the Scripture but that he will surely believe in Jesus before his death. And on the Day of Resurrection he will be against them a witness'. (Surah An 'Nisa 4: 159)
Quebec Shooting:Old crack between French & English growing wider . . .
TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: RT. Berita. (1 Jam lalu) - Menembak Quebec: 'Retak Lama antara Perancis & Inggeris berkembang lebih luas' Seorang lelaki 40-tahun telah dibunuh di Quebec, selepas tembakan dilepaskan semasa ucapan penerimaan Perdana baru. Satu orang lain juga kritikal cedera. Premier Pauline Marois, pemimpin parti pemisah di wilayah itu, dikejarkan pentas telah hampir tiba, tanpa luka. Suspek dalam tahanan polis. (18 Syawal/Sept 5.)
1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012: RT. News. (1 hour ago) - Quebec Shooting: 'Old crack between French & English growing wider' A 40-year-old man has been killed in Quebec, after shots were fired during the new Premier's acceptance speech. One other person was also critically injured. Premier Pauline Marois, the leader of the province's separatist party, was rushed offstage, unharmed. A suspect is in police custody. (18 Syawwal/Sept. 5.)
Syria'Assad Lulusan Perbincangan Dengan Ketua Palang Merah' . . .
TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: AssociatedPress - 'Syria Assad Lulusan Perbincangan Dengan Ketua Palang Merah' Presiden Syria Bashar Assad memberitahu ketua Jawatankuasa Antarabangsa Palang Merah di Damsyik pada hari Selasa bahawa kumpulan itu adalah dialu-alukan untuk beroperasi di negara ini selagi ia kekal "neutral dan bebas," media kerajaan melaporkan. (M'sianTIME/tarikh: 5 SEPTEMBER)
1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012: AssociatedPress - ‘Syria's Assad Holds Talks With Red Cross Chief’ Syrian President Bashar Assad told the head of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Damascus on Tuesday that the group is welcome to operate in the country as long as it remains "neutral and independent," state media reported. (M’sianTIME/date: Sept 5) Syria's Assad Holds Talks With Red Cross Chiefhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UZGwtZUqgM&feature
Grexit a must 'But EU leaders blind to reality' . . . By 1WC’sChannel | earthWatchToday 18 Syawwal/Wednesday 05, September 2012
TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: RT News. September 5 - 'Grexit mesti tetapi pemimpin EU buta kepada realiti' Penilaian agensi Moody telah berubah pandangan Eurozone daripada stabil kepada negatif, amaran ia berhadapan sedang diturunkan. Itulah walaupun mesyuarat tidak berhenti-henti antara pemimpin EU, yang setakat ini telah gagal untuk menyampaikan apa-apa penyelesaian. Dan e-mel yang bocor menunjukkan bahawa Troika peminjam antarabangsa mahu Greece - salah satu negara yang paling dilanda hutang, untuk bekerja 6 hari seminggu dan lebih masa untuk memenuhi obligasi kewangan mereka. Morten Messerschmidt, MEP Denmark dan ahli kumpulan Kebebasan dan Demokrasi di Parlimen Eropah, percaya Yunani harus keluar dari zon Euro untuk menyelamatkan diri.
1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012: RT News. September 5 - 'Grexit a must but EU leaders blind to reality' Moody's ratings agency has changed the Eurozone's outlook from stable to negative, warning it faces being downgraded. That's despite relentless meetings between EU leaders, which have so far failed to deliver any solutions. And a leaked email suggests that the Troika of international lenders want Greece - one of the most debt-stricken countries, to work six days a week and longer hours to fulfill their financial obligations. Morten Messerschmidt, Danish MEP and member of the Freedom and Democracy group in the European Parliament, believes Greeks should exit the Eurozone to save themselves.
Sebuah video mengejutkan apa yang boleh berlaku semasa kejatuhan ekonomi 2012. (An shocking video of what could happen during a economic collapse in 2012).
(1 of 7) - Armageddon, Apocalypse, Disaster, Collapse Preparedness
RACING‘Grosjean pengharaman 1-perlumbaan selepas kemalangan GP Belgium’ . . . By 1WC’sChannel | earthWatchToday 18 Syawwal/Wednesday 05, September 2012
SPA, Belgium (AP) - pemandu Perancis Romain Grosjean telah diharamkan bagi satu perlumbaan selepas menyebabkan kemalangan yang menakjubkan di Grand Prix Belgium pada hari Ahad yang menghantar Formula Satu kejohanan pemimpin Fernando Alonso, Lewis Hamilton dan Sergio Perez luar trek di sudut pertama.
Grosjean pergi untuk jurang kecil dan dipotong McLaren Hamilton. Itu menghantar kedua-dua kereta berputar dan membawa terbang Grosjean Lotus seluruh Alonso Ferrari, yang kemudian mengambil Perez ini Sauber. "Saya secara jujur fikir saya berada di hadapan beliau (Hamilton) dan ada ruang yang cukup untuk kedua-dua kereta," kata Grosjean. "Saya tidak sengaja cuba untuk mencuba dan memerah kepadanya atau apa-apa seperti itu. Keadaan sudut pertama jelas tidak adalah apa yang sesiapa mahu berlaku."
Grosjean juga terhempas dan semua 4 pemandu cedera. FIA, badan yang mentadbir sukan bermotor, berkata insiden "mempunyai potensi untuk menyebabkan kecederaan kepada orang lain." Pasukan Lotus Grosjean itu menerima keputusan itu dan FIA berkata "pasukan tidak mahupun pemandu membuat apa-apa penghujahan dalam pengurangan" penalti.
Grosjean tersasar GP Itali di Monza pada September 9. "Apabila hidup anda adalah semua tentang perlumbaan, tidak dibenarkan untuk menghadiri acara mungkin salah satu pengalaman yang paling teruk anda boleh pergi melaluinya," kata Grosjean. "Saya hanya boleh mengatakan bahawa hari ini adalah sebahagian daripada proses yang akan membuat saya pemandu yang lebih berhati-hati."
RACING‘Grosjean in 1-race ban after Belgian GP crash’ . . .
SPA, Belgium (AP) - French driver Romain Grosjean has been banned for one race after causing a spectacular crash at the Belgian Grand Prix on Sunday that sent Formula One championship leader Fernando Alonso, Lewis Hamilton and Sergio Perez off the track at the first corner.
Grosjean went for a small gap and clipped Hamilton's McLaren. That sent both cars spinning and led to Grosjean's Lotus flying over Alonso's Ferrari, which then took out Perez's Sauber. "I honestly thought I was ahead of him (Hamilton) and there was enough room for both cars," Grosjean said. "I didn't try deliberately to try and squeeze him or anything like that. The first corner situation obviously isn't what anyone would want to happen."
Grosjean also crashed and all four drivers escaped unhurt. The FIA, motor sport's governing body, says the incident "had the potential to cause injury to others." Grosjean's Lotus team accepted the verdict and the FIA says "neither the team nor the driver made any submission in mitigation" of the penalty.
Grosjean misses the Italian GP at Monza on Sept. 9. "When your life is all about racing, not being allowed to attend an event is probably one of the worst experiences you can go through," Grosjean said. "I can only say that today is part of a process that will make me a better driver."
RACING‘Pengharaman Grosjean 1-perlumbaan selepas kemalangan GP Belgium' . . .
TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: '2012 BBC Formula 1 - 12 Belgium GP - Paddock bertindak balas kepada nama Top pemlangaran beramai-ramai sudut pertama 'dari DUNIA Formula 1 bertindak balas terhadap kemalangan sudut pertama pada permulaan Grand Prix Belgium yang menyaksikan Romain Grosjean menyerahkan pengharaman satu-perlumbaan. Sukan BBC ini Eddie Jordan percaya Grosjean adalah "terang-terangan di bersalah" atas insiden itu, dengan 3 kali DUNIA juara Niki Lauda panggilan pada Lotus pemandu Grosjean untuk menerima satu larangan dalam 2-perlumbaan selepas itu berlanggar pemandu Perancis-Switzerland dengan Lewis Hamilton McLaren berlari untuk tajam La Source Spa. Adalah 7 perlanggaran Grosjean pusingan pertama kejadian dalam tempoh 12 pelumbaan setakat musim ini.
1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012: ‘2012 BBC Formula 1 - 12 Belgian GP - Paddock reacts to first corner carnage’ Top names from the world of Formula 1 react to the first corner accident at the start of the Belgian Grand Prix that saw Romain Grosjean handed a one-race ban. BBC Sport's Eddie Jordan believes Grosjean was "blatantly at fault" for the incident, with three-time world champion Niki Lauda calls on Lotus driver Grosjean to receive a two-race ban in the aftermath of the French-Swiss driver colliding with Lewis Hamilton's McLaren on the run down to Spa's La Source hairpin. The collision is Grosjean's seventh first-lap incident in the twelve races so far this season.
Abdulbaset Sieda, Reem al-Hashimi, Guido Westerwelle – Photo: AP
WORLD News ‘Panggilan pemimpin pemberontak Syria untuk 'Rancangan Marshall' . . .
By 1WC’sChannel | earthWatchToday 18 Syawwal/Wednesday 05, September 2012
BERLIN (AP) - Pemimpin pembangkang Syria dipanggil Selasa untuk program bantuan besar-besaran untuk membantu membina semula negara itu selepas rejim Presiden Bashar Assad jatuh, memberi amaran bahawa kekurangan pembangunan ekonomi boleh membuka pintu kepada ekstremisme.
Seorang pegawai atas Jerman mewakili negara penderma Sementara itu, berkata puak pembangkang Syria mesti mengatasi bahagian semasa mereka. Abdelbaset Sieda, ketua Majlis Kebangsaan Syria, memberitahu mesyuarat wakil diplomat pembangkang dan Syria bahawa Syria akan memerlukan program yang serupa dengan Rancangan Marshall, selepas Perang DUNIA II usaha pembinaan semula Eropah, jika rejim Assad runtuh.
Beliau berkata rejim Assad telah melanda kewangan awam dan institusi sehingga tahap bahawa Syria tidak akan dapat bergantung segera - atau semata-mata kepada hasil minyak dan cukai dalam usaha mana-mana pembinaan semula. "Selepas kemusnahan . . . kita yakin Syria memerlukan pelan Marshall gaya untuk memastikan ia berdiri lagi atas alasan pepejal kewangan dan ekonomi," Sieda berkata di Berlin. "Tanpa pembangunan komprehensif sebenar, kita akan membuka peluang untuk pertumbuhan semua jenis ekstremisme."
Perhimpunan pada pembinaan semula ekonomi, yang mempengerusikan Jerman bersama dengan Emiriah Arab Bersatu, bertujuan untuk menangani bagaimana untuk mengelakkan perkhidmatan asas dan infrastruktur dari runtuh dan bagaimana untuk memulihkan ekonomi di Syria pasca-Assad.
Tanpa mengenal pasti mana-mana negara dengan nama, Sieda juga memberi amaran bahawa mana-mana negara yang kini membantu rejim Assad tidak boleh mengharapkan untuk mendapatkan wang kembali di bawah kerajaan baru. "Orang-orang Syria tidak terikat dengan apa-apa kontrak yang ditandatangani oleh rejim selepas permulaan revolusi ini, atau mana-mana penjualan perbendaharaan bon atau pembelian senjata atau kontrak dengan mana-mana negara," katanya.
Rusia, khususnya, telah dikritik untuk menyekat sekatan PBB terhadap Syria dan berterusan untuk membekalkan dengan bahan tentera di seluruh konflik. Pegawai rejim Assad juga telah meminta Rusia untuk pinjaman untuk menambah rizab mata wang keras Syria, yang telah berkurangan oleh embargo antarabangsa kepada eksport Syria.
Tidak seperti jiran Iraq, di mana pembinaan semula selepas pencerobohan 2003 diketuai Amerika Syarikat telah terjejas oleh pemberontakan berterusan, Syria tidak mempunyai rizab minyak yang besar yang boleh menendang-memulakan ekonomi dan membantu membiayai pembinaan semula infrastruktur yang rosak.
Tuan rumah mesyuarat itu, Menteri Luar Jerman Guido Westerwelle, berkata pemulihan ekonomi dan peralihan politik yang berjaya mesti pergi tangan dalam tangan, dan menyeru masyarakat antarabangsa untuk bersedia untuk memberikan sokongan ekonomi.
"Terdapat boleh tidak syak lagi, hari-hari rejim bernombor: ia telah hilang kesahihan semua untuk mewakili rakyat Syria, ia runtuh dari dalam," berkata Westerwelle. "Di peringkat antarabangsa, ia semakin terpencil, majoriti negara menolak pencabulan besar hak asasi manusia, tidak ada masa depan untuk Bashar Assad dalam Syria baru."
Tetapi beliau menekankan kepentingan mengatasi satu lagi masalah: bahagian dalam pembangkang Syria. "Orang-orang di Syria mesti melihat bahawa terdapat alternatif yang boleh dipercayai kepada rejim Bashar Assad," katanya, menggesa pembangkang "secepat mungkin untuk mewujudkan syarat bagi . . . kerajaan peralihan."
Ditanya jika dia akan pergi sejauh sebagai panggilan Presiden Perancis Francois Hollande pembangkang Syria untuk membentuk sebuah kerajaan sementara sekarang, Westerwelle menunjukkan kerja lebih perlu sebelum itu masih boleh berlaku.
"Saya akan mengadakan perbincangan esok dengan rakan sekerja Perancis saya . . . tetapi ia adalah jelas bahawa pada masa ini, ia adalah perlu untuk menyatukan pembangkang," katanya. Bassma Kodmani, yang meletak jawatan minggu lepas dari Majlis Kebangsaan Syria mengatakan terdapat perbalahan yang terlalu banyak di kalangan kumpulan-kumpulan pembangkang, berkata di samping kepada pembinaan semula ekonomi, masyarakat antarabangsa perlu mula memikirkan bagaimana untuk mengisi vakum keselamatan yang akan ditinggalkan.
"Mulai hari ini, kita perlu merancang penciptaan semula sistem keselamatan di Syria - kita mungkin perlu pasukan pengaman PBB yang diberi mandat oleh Majlis Keselamatan," kata Kodmani, yang hadir sebagai wakil Forum Perniagaan Syria.
Beliau berkata walaupun Rusia dan China telah terus veto cadangan Majlis Keselamatan PBB untuk tindakan terhadap Syria, beliau berharap mereka mungkin dipujuk untuk menerima langkah pasca-Assad. Keganasan di Syria telah semakin meningkat dalam beberapa minggu kebelakangan ini. Balai Cerap Syria bagi Hak Asasi Manusia telah menaikkan angka kematian keseluruhan kepada antara 23.000 hingga 26,000 orang sejak pemberontakan bermula Mac 2011.
Aktivis berkata kira-kira 5,000 orang terbunuh pada bulan Ogos, angka tertinggi dalam pemberontakan berusia 17 bulan dan lebih daripada 3 kali purata bulanan. Agensi kanak-kanak PBB berkata 1,600 orang terbunuh minggu lepas sahaja.
Pada hari Selasa, agensi pelarian PBB berkata 100,000 pelarian melarikan diri Syria pada bulan Ogos, jumlah bulanan tertinggi sejak pemberontakan bermula. Peningkatan dalam orang-orang yang memohon suaka di negara-negara jiran membawa jumlah pelarian Syria didaftarkan atau menunggu pendaftaran kepada lebih 234.360, jurucakap Melissa Fleming berkata di Geneva.
Abdulbaset Sieda, Reem al-Hashimi, Guido Westerwelle - Photo: AP
WORLD News ‘Syrian rebel leader calls for 'Marshall Plan' . . .
Abdulbaset Sieda, Reem al-Hashimi, Guido Westerwelle - Photo: AP
BERLIN (AP) - A Syrian opposition leader called Tuesday for a massive aid program to help rebuild his country after President Bashar Assad's regime falls, warning that a lack of economic development could open the door to extremism.
A top German official representing donor nations, meanwhile, said Syria's opposition factions must overcome their current divisions. Abdelbaset Sieda, the head of the Syrian National Council, told a meeting of Syrian opposition representatives and diplomats that Syria would need a program similar to the Marshall Plan, the post-World War II European reconstruction effort, if the Assad regime collapses.
He said Assad's regime has devastated public finances and institutions to such an extent that Syria won't be able to rely immediately - or solely - on oil revenues and taxes in any rebuilding effort. "In the aftermath of the destruction . . . we are convinced Syria needs a Marshall-style plan to ensure it stands again on solid financial and economic ground," Sieda said in Berlin. "Without real comprehensive development, we will open up the opportunity for the growth of all kinds of extremism."
The gathering on economic rebuilding, which Germany chairs jointly with the United Arab Emirates, aimed to address how to prevent basic services and infrastructure from collapsing and how to revive the economy in a post-Assad Syria.
Without identifying any countries by name, Sieda also warned that any nation now helping the Assad regime could not expect to get its money back under a new government. "The Syrian people are not bound by any contract signed by the regime after the beginning of this revolution, or any sale of treasury bonds or purchase of weapons or contracts with any country," he said.
Russia, in particular, has been criticized for blocking U.N. sanctions against Syria and continuing to supply it with military material throughout the conflict. Assad regime officials have also asked Russia for loans to replenish Syria's hard currency reserves, which have been depleted by international embargoes on Syrian exports.
Unlike neighboring Iraq, where reconstruction after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion was hampered by an ongoing insurgency, Syria lacks vast oil reserves that could kick-start the economy and help finance the reconstruction of damaged infrastructure.
The meeting's host, German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, said economic recovery and a successful political transition must go hand in hand, and called on the international community to be ready to provide economic support.
"There can be no doubt, the days of the regime are numbered: it has lost all legitimacy to represent the Syrian people, it is crumbling from inside," Westerwelle said. "On the international level it is increasingly isolated; the overwhelming majority of countries reject the massive violation of human rights; there is no future for Bashar Assad in a new Syria."
But he stressed the importance of overcoming another problem: the divisions within Syria's opposition. "The people in Syria must see that there is a credible alternative to the regime of Bashar Assad," he said, urging the opposition "to create as fast as possible the conditions for . . . a transition government."
Asked if he would go as far as French President Francois Hollande's call for the Syrian opposition to form a provisional government now, Westerwelle indicated more work was still necessary before that could happen.
"I will have a discussion tomorrow with my French colleague . . . but it's obvious that at the moment it's necessary to unify the opposition," he said. Bassma Kodmani, who resigned last week from the Syrian National Council saying there was too much infighting among opposition groups, said in addition to economic reconstruction, the international community needs to start thinking of how to fill the security vacuum that would be left.
"Starting today, we need to plan the re-creation of the security system in Syria - we might need peacekeeping forces that are mandated by the Security Council," said Kodmani, who attended as a representative of the Syrian Business Forum.
She said even though Russia and China have continued to veto U.N. Security Council proposals for action against Syria, she hoped they might be persuaded to accept post-Assad measures. Violence in Syria has been escalating in recent weeks. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has raised its total death toll to between 23,000 and 26,000 people since the uprising began in March 2011.
Activists say some 5,000 people were killed in August, the highest toll in the 17-month-old uprising and more than three times the monthly average. The U.N. children's agency says 1,600 people were killed last week alone.
On Tuesday, the U.N. refugee agency said 100,000 refugees fled Syria in August, the highest monthly total since the uprising began. The rise in people seeking asylum in neighboring countries brings the total of Syrian refugees registered or awaiting registration to over 234,360, spokeswoman Melissa Fleming said in Geneva.
Quebexit: Kanada di ambang perpisahan' . . .
TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: RT News.M'sianTIME, tarikh 5 September?’ - Quebexit: Kanada di ambang perpisahan' Parti pemisah Quebec menjangkakan kemunculan semula di tengah-tengah bantahan pelajar dan ketidaktentuan ekonomi. (1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012: RT News. M’sianTIME, date 5, September - ‘Quebexit: Canada on verge of separation?’ Quebec's separatist party is expecting a comeback amidst student protest and economic uncertainty).
Quebexit:kebimbangan pemisahan Kanada . . .
Parti pemisah Quebec menjangkakan kemunculan semula di tengah-tengah bantahan pelajar dan ketidaktentuan ekonomi. Sebagai pengundi menuju ke pemilihan untuk memilih kerajaan mereka, wilayah berbahasa Perancis kelihatan pada kursus untuk referendum lain untuk berpecah dari Kanada. Pilihan raya wilayah Selasa adalah perjuangan 3 hala antara Liberal penyandang, yang baru ditubuhkan pakatan Avenir Quebec, dan Parti pemisah Quebec (PQ).
PQ telah membuktikan yang paling popular pada pemilihan - berarak di hadapan yang lain di sekitar 33% peratus. Liberal Perdana, Jean Charest, ketua kerajaan Quebec selama hampir satu dekad, dipanggil untuk pilihan raya awal pada 1 Ogos disebabkan menjulang bantahan pelajar. Walau bagaimanapun, sepanjang kempen pilihan raya beliau telah ketinggalan Parti pemisah Quebec pemimpin Pauline Marois dalam pemilihan. Populariti PQ bermakna isu pemisahan Quebec dari Kanada telah muncul semula. Quebec telah sudah mempunyai 2 gagal referendum yang datang dekat untuk membelah Quebec dari Kanada pada masa lalu: salah satu pada tahun 1980 dengan 40% peratus sokongan dan satu lagi pada tahun 1995 dengan hampir 50% peratus mengundi untuk pemisahan.
Pemisah utama dalam pemilihan mendakwa keutamaan jangka pendek mereka akan memilih ekonomi luar lutut, bukannya menolak untuk mengundi pemisahan serta-merta. "Ia adalah sangat penting bagi saya untuk menguruskan kewangan kita bertanggungjawab. Itu adalah tanpa ragu-ragu mengapa penglibatan kami adalah-kurangnya mahal daripada semua pihak," Marois memberitahu media Kanada, manakala menggariskan satu program yang menetapkan keluar perbelanjaan baru $ 1 billion selama 5 tahun. Pada masa yang sama, dia menyatakan bahawa dia akan mengadakan undi kemerdekaan "pagi esok" jika syarat-syarat yang betul. Di samping itu, pemimpin parti menjelaskan bahawa referendum kemerdekaan Quebec hanya akan diadakan jika terdapat keyakinan yang lengkap dalam kemenangan. Buat masa sekarang, tinjauan pendapat menunjukkan bahawa hanya kurang daripada 40% peratus daripada penduduk wilayah akan menyokong berpecah.
Bantahan dan kekurangan sokongan untuk Liberal . . .
Buzz baru dalam tempoh Quebec datang selepas bulan pelajar dan protes kesatuan mengamuk musim bunga ini dan musim panas terhadap kenaikan tuisyen di wilayah dan Rang Undang-undang kontroversi baru 78, (controversial new Bill 78,) yang menyekat perhimpunan besar-besaran di wilayah. Berpuluh-puluh ribu pelajar telah membuat awam kemarahan mereka dengan menunjukkan dan bertempur dengan polis, (by demonstrating and clashing with police,) membuat tajuk utama di seluruh DUNIA. Protes bermula pada bulan Februari, mengakibatkan kira-kira 2,500 tangkapan. Selasa Tingkat dilihat oleh banyak pihak sebagai gema rasa tidak puas hati awam ini. Pakar percaya bahawa lebih banyak ketidaktentuan ekonomi terus, kuat panggilan kedaulatan Quebec akan menjadi.
Selepas 9 tahun Liberal Quebec mentadbir, orang telah berkembang berhati-hati dan enggan untuk memilih semula mereka mengingati pergolakan pelajar yang berkembang menjadi protes sosial yang lebih besar, kata Concordia sains politik Profesor Bruce Hicks. "Quebecers cenderung untuk tayar kerajaan dan membuang mereka keluar," kata beliau. "Ia semacam menjadi tradisi dalam politik Quebec." "Ia tidak akan menjadi satu referendum atau apa-apa," kata Antonia Maioni, seorang saintis politik di McGill University. "Idea ini adalah untuk mempunyai kemenangan yang lebih kecil dan bergerak ke arah akhirnya, mungkin, referendum. Sekurang-kurangnya (Pauline Marois) kemudian boleh kembali kepada pihak beliau dan mengatakan saya berpindah ke referendum ke-3."
Agenda Referendum:
Agenda referendum PQ terdiri daripada 2 fasa. Pertama, Marois merancang untuk meminta Ottawa untuk kawalan yang lebih besar dalam bidang-bidang seperti dasar luar dan pembangunan ekonomi. Sebarang jenis penolakan dari Ottawa akan dipenuhi dengan pertarungan perundangan dan mana-mana kerugian PQ akan ditambah kepada senarai sebab-sebab mengapa Quebec harus memisahkan. Fasa ke-2 menetapkan referendum dalam gerakan. PQ telah dipindahkan tanggungjawab untuk memanggil referendum kepada orang awam. Pada masa ini, secepat 850,000 orang menandatangani petisyen – 15% peratus daripada penduduk Quebec - orang ramai boleh menuntut referendum. Selain itu, Marois merancang untuk menubuhkan sebuah jawatan kabinet baru yang akan menguruskan permintaan itu, CBC merlaporkan. wartawan Kanada Michael Forian mengatakan Quebec penanaman estranged dari seluruh Kanada, manakala separuh daripada Kanada tidak lagi penjagaan sama ada Quebec memilih untuk memisahkan atau tidak. "Penduduk muda merasakan bahawa Parti Quebec adalah satu langkah ke arah mesej yang lebih progresif di wilayah," Forian memberitahu RT.
Quebexit:Canada's separation anxiety . . .
Quebec’s separatist party is expecting a comeback amidst student protest and economic uncertainty. As voters head to the polls to choose their government, the French-speaking province looks on course for another referendum to split from Canada. Tuesday’s provincial election is a three-way fight between the incumbent Liberals, newly-formed coalition Avenir Quebec, and the separatist Party Quebecois (PQ).
PQ has been proving most popular at the polls – marching ahead of the others at around 33 per cent. Liberal premier, Jean Charest, head of Quebec’s government for nearly a decade, called for an early election on August 1 due to looming student protests. However, throughout the election campaign he has trailed the separatist Party Quebecois leader Pauline Marois in the polls. PQ’s popularity means the issue of Quebec’s separation from Canada has surfaced again. Quebec has already had two unsuccessful referenda that came close to splitting Quebec from Canada in the past: one in 1980 with 40 per cent support and another in 1995 with almost 50 per cent voting for separation.
The separatists leading in the polls claim their short-term priority would be picking the economy up off its knees, instead of pushing for a separation vote straight away. "It's very important for me to manage our finances responsibly. That is without doubt why our engagements are the least costly of all parties," Marois told Canadian media, while outlining a program that sets out new spending of $1 billion over five years. At the same time she stated that she would hold an independence vote "tomorrow morning" if the conditions were right. Further, the party leader clarified that a referendum on Quebec's independence would only be held if there was complete confidence in a win. For now, opinion polls suggest that only less than 40 per cent of the province's population would support a split.
Protests and lack of support for Liberals . . .
The new buzz over Quebec comes after months of student and union protests raging this spring and summer against tuition hikes in the province and the controversial new Bill 78, which restricts mass gatherings in the province. Tens of thousands of students have made their outrage public by demonstrating and clashing with police, making headlines across the world. Protests began in February, resulting in about 2,500 arrests. Tuesday's vote is seen by many as an echo of this public discontent. Experts believe that the more the economic uncertainty continues, the louder the calls for Quebec's sovereignty will be.
After nine years of Liberals governing Quebec, people have grown wary and reluctant to re-elect them considering the student unrest that evolved into a larger social protest, says Concordia political science Professor Bruce Hicks. "Quebecers tend to tire of the government and throw them out," he says. "It's sort of been the tradition in Quebec politics." "It's not going to be a referendum or nothing," said Antonia Maioni, a political scientist at McGill University. "The idea is to have smaller wins and move towards an eventual, perhaps, referendum. At least (Pauline Marois) can then go back to her party and say I'm moving to a third referendum."
Referendum agenda:
PQ’s referendum agenda consists of two phases. First, Marois plans to ask Ottawa for greater control in areas such as foreign policy and economic development. Any kind of refusal from Ottawa would be met with a legislative fight and any of PQ’s losses would be added to the list of reasons why Quebec should separate. The second phase is setting referendum in motion. PQ has already transferred the responsibility for calling a referendum to the general public. Currently, as soon as 850,000 people sign a petition - 15 per cent of Quebec’s population – the public could demand a referendum. Moreover, Marois plans to establish a new cabinet post that would manage such requests, CBC reported. Canadian reporter Michael Forian says Quebec is growing estranged from the rest of Canada, while half of Canadians no longer care whether Quebec chooses to separate or not. “(The) younger population feels that the Party Quebecois is a step towards a more progressive message in the province,” Forian told RT.
Syria tiada-pelarian Zon:‘100,000 berlindung sebagai
Turki menutup kem' . . .
TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: RT News. M'siaTIME/tarikh 5, September - 'Syria tiada-pelarian Zon: 100,000 berlindung sebagai Turki menutup kem' Di Syria, pertumpahan darah berterusan memprovokasi krisis kemanusiaan besar-besaran. PBB mengatakan sekitar 100-ribu melarikan diri konflik bulan lepas - bilangan terbesar setakat ini. Kebanyakan pelarian kini di Turki, tetapi pihak berkuasa telah menutup sempadan kepada mereka dengan tiada pasport, sebagai kem melambung oleh lebih daripada 80 ribu orang.
1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012: RT News. M’sianTIME/date 5, September - ‘Syria No-Flee Zone: 100,000 seek refuge as Turkey closes camps’ In Syria, the ongoing bloodshed is provoking a large-scale humanitarian crisis. The UN says around 100-thousand escaped the conflict last month - the largest number so far. Most of the escapees are now in Turkey, but the authorities have closed the border to those with no passports, as the camps swelled by more than 80 thousand people.