Thursday, 1 November 2012

Breaking News '300,000 gallons of diesel spill into water near New Jersey' . . .

Breaking news

Breaking News '300,000 gelen tumpahan diesel ke dalam air berhampiran New Jersey'
By 1WC’sChannel  (16, Dz ‘Hijjah1433), Thursday 01, November  2012

Satu tumpahan minyak yang besar telah berlaku di selat yang memisahkan Staten Island, NYC dan negeri New Jersey. Tumpahan kira-kira 300,000 gelen minyak diesel nampaknya berkaitan dengan selepas Superstorm Sandy. Kejadian itu berlaku di selat pasang surut Kill Arthur sebagai bahan api yang bocor dari kemudahan Motiva tangki minyak, NBC New York laporan memetik Pengawal Pantai. Kira-kira 200 orang yang bekerja untuk membendung tumpahan. Ia masih tidak jelas apa yang menyebabkan ia. Minyak telah mula untuk mencuci di atas pantai berhampiran, menurut pihak berkuasa, dengan usaha-usaha yang sedang dibuat untuk agunan beberapa bahan api.

Breaking News '300,000 gallons of diesel spill into water near New Jersey'

A major oil spill has occurred in the strait separating Staten Island, NYC and the state of New Jersey. The spill of some 300,000 gallons of diesel fuel is apparently related to the Superstorm Sandy aftermath. The incident occurred in the Arthur Kill tidal strait as fuel leaked from the Motiva oil tank facility, NBC New York reports citing the Coast Guard. Some 200 people are working to contain the spill. It remains unclear what caused it. Oil has already started to wash up on a nearby shore, according to authorities, with efforts being made to skim away some of the fuel.

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Men patrol a flooded neighborhood after Hurricane Sandy to look for people in need of help on a personally-owned, military-grade personnel carrier, on October 30, 2012, in Little Ferry, New Jersey (Andrew Burton / Getty Images / AFP)

Lelaki rondaan kejiranan dibanjiri selepas Taufan Sandy untuk melihat bagi orang-orang yang memerlukan bantuan pada milik peribadi, anggota tentera gred pembawa, pada 30 Oktober, 2012, di Little Ferry, New Jersey (Men patrol a flooded neighborhood after Hurricane Sandy to look for people in need of help on a personally-owned, military-grade personnel carrier, on October 30, 2012, in Little Ferry, New Jersey (Andrew Burto /Getty Images/AFP)

Menduduki Sandy: ‘Orang bersatu berikutan kemusnahan superstorm’ . . .

RT News - Apa yang dipanggil 99% peratus telah datang bersama-sama dalam Berikutan Superstorm Sandy, dengan menduduki Wall Street menggunakan kekuatan akar umbi untuk menganjurkan usaha-usaha bantuan dan membantu mereka yang paling teruk dilaksanakan oleh ribut. Sesetengah 750.000 New York masih tanpa kuasa dan sekurang-kurangnya 18 telah dibunuh, sebagai swaths besar New York kekal dalam air. Bermula di ‘Lower East side’ dan bergerak melalui 5 pekan New York, Sukarelawan OWS telah bekerjasama dengan organisasi antarabangsa alam sekitar dan orang berkuasa bencana bantuan kumpulan, untuk membantu membawa bersama-sama mereka yang memerlukan dengan orang-orang yang ingin membantu usaha bantuan.

Dengan media sosial sebagai lampu mereka, OWS menggunakan kuasa terbatas organisasi web untuk membuat impak yang sebenar di atas darat dengan bantuan gereja-gereja tempatan dan agensi-agensi bandar. Menduduki meminta mereka yang ingin untuk mendapatkan terlibat untuk tweet menggunakan hashtag # SandyVolunteer dan bagi orang-orang yang memerlukan bantuan tweet menggunakan hashtag # SandyAid. Mereka juga telah menubuhkan sebuah halaman Facebook untuk membantu menyelaraskan usaha logistik. Sukarelawan sedang merayu undi di jalan-jalan bagi mereka yang memerlukan, memberi bantuan apabila mungkin dan lulus kembali maklumat kepada yang, melalui Kit talian mereka, akan memenuhi keperluan dengan tawaran.

Image from Facebook/OccupySandyReliefNyc
Image from Facebook/OccupySandyReliefNyc

The so-called 99 per cent have come together in the wake of Superstorm Sandy, with Occupy Wall Street using its grassroots strength to organize relief efforts and help those worst effected by the storm. Some 750,000 New Yorkers are still without power and at least 18 have been killed, as large swaths of New York City remain underwater. Starting in the Lower East side and moving through New York's five boroughs, OWS volunteers have teamed up with international environmental organization and people-powered disaster aid group, to help bring together those in need with those wishing to aid the relief effort.

With social media as their beacon, OWS is using the limitless organizational power of the web to make a real impact on the ground with the help of local churches and city agencies. Occupy asked those wishing to get involved to tweet using the hashtag #SandyVolunteer and for those who need help to tweet using the hashtag #SandyAid. They have also set up a Facebook page to help coordinate logistical efforts. Volunteers are currently canvassing the streets for those in need, giving aid when possible and passing back information to who, via their online toolkit, will match needs with offers.

Image from Facebook/OccupySandyReliefNyc
Image from Facebook/OccupySandyReliefNyc

OWS telah dipanggil pada sesiapa dengan "pengalaman dalam atau alat untuk perkhidmatan perubatan dan psikologi, juruelektrik kerja, paip, pembinaan, perkhidmatan kewangan atau undang-undang, puing dan penyingkiran pokok, penjagaan anak, pengangkutan, perkhidmatan kanan atau kemahiran bahasa" untuk mendaftar di salah satu daripada 3 tapak semasa di Lower East Side di Manhattan, Red Hook di Brooklyn, dan Astoria di Queens - semua yang berada di sepanjang pantai dan banjir berpengalaman. menurunkan points juga telah ditubuhkan di seluruh Brooklyn bagi mereka yang mampu untuk menderma lilin, lampu suluh, bateri, air, makanan dan kemudahan-kemudahan lain.

Mereka juga telah menubuhkan sebuah portal gaji bagi mereka yang ingin membuat sumbangan kewangan untuk membantu dalam usaha-usaha pemulihan. Palang Merah Amerika juga mengutip derma, menyelaras derma darah, dan mencari sukarelawan untuk kakitangan yang pusat perlindungan. Pejabat Datuk Bandar telah mencadangkan Perkhidmatan NYC diambil bekerja, satu inisiatif kerajaan yang menyelaraskan usaha sukarela pada asas sepanjang tahun. Mereka telah berjanji untuk memberitahu sukarelawan sekali sukarela peluang menjadi ada. "Kami telah melihat pencurahan besar sokongan daripada orang-orang yang mahu sukarelawan & menyumbang", New York Datuk Bandar Michael Bloomberg menulis melalui Twitter dalam hal kepada Perkhidmatan NYC.

Tetapi dia terpelihara pujian yang paling bagi balas pertama di bandar ini, dia dipuji kerana "usaha berani untuk melindungi New York" mereka semasa ribut. "Saya tidak boleh mengatakan cukup tentang kerja luar biasa balas pertama kami di FDNY dan NYPD, EMS, pekerja hospital, dan banyak lagi." Bloomberg berkata walaupun usaha monumental yang diperlukan untuk mendapatkan bandar yang tidak pernah tidur sekali lagi berjalan pada klip penuh, New York adalah "di atas jalan untuk pemulihan."

People help to salvage items from a cottage along Roy Carpenter′s Beach that was destroyed by Hurricane Sandy in Matunuck, Rhode Island October 30, 2012 (Reuters / Jessica Rinaldi)
Orang membantu untuk menyelamatkan barangan dari sebuah kotej sepanjang Roy Carpenter's Beach yang telah dimusnahkan oleh Taufan Sandy di Matunuck, Rhode Island Oktober 30, 2012  (People help to salvage items from a cottage along Roy Carpenter's Beach that was destroyed by Hurricane Sandy in Matunuck, Rhode Island October 30, 2012 (Reuters/Jessica Rinaldi)

OWS has called on anyone with "experience in or tools for medical and psychological services, electrician work, plumbing, construction, financial or legal services, debris and tree removal, childcare, transportation, senior services or language skills" to sign up at one of three current sites in the Lower East Side in Manhattan, Red Hook in Brooklyn, and Astoria in Queens – all of which are along the waterfront and experienced flooding. Drop off points have also been established throughout Brooklyn for those able to donate candles, flashlights, batteries, water, food and other amenities.

They've also set up a pay portal for those wishing to make financial donations to help in the recovery efforts. The American Red Cross is also collecting donations, coordinating blood donations, and looking for volunteers to staff its shelters. The mayor's office has suggested the NYC Service be employed, a government initiative which coordinates volunteer efforts on a year-round basis. They have promised to notify volunteers once volunteering opportunities become available. "We've seen an enormous outpouring of support from people who want to volunteer & contribute", New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg wrote via Twitter in regards to NYC Service.

But he reserved the most praise for the city's first responders, whom he lauded for their "heroic efforts to protect New Yorkers" during the storm. "I can’t say enough about the extraordinary work of our first responders at the FDNY and NYPD, EMS, hospital workers, and more." Bloomberg said in spite of the monumental effort needed to get the city that never sleeps once again running at full clip, New York is "on the path to recovery."

Men patrol a flooded neighborhood after by Hurricane Sandy to look for people in need of help on a personally-owned, military-grade personnel carrier, on October 30, 2012, in Little Ferry, New Jersey (Andrew Burton / Getty Images / AFP)
Lelaki rondaan kejiranan dibanjiri selepas oleh Taufan Sandy untuk mencari orang-orang yang memerlukan bantuan pada milik peribadi, anggota tentera gred pembawa, pada 30 Oktober, 2012, di Little Ferry, New Jersey  (Men patrol a flooded neighborhood after by Hurricane Sandy to look for people in need of help on a personally-owned, military-grade personnel carrier, on October 30, 2012, in Little Ferry, New Jersey (Andrew Burton/Getty Images/AFP)

Image from Facebook/OccupySandyReliefNyc
Image from Facebook/OccupySandyReliefNyc

Hurricane hammers NY: 10 dead, houses destroyed by fire, freak floods in subway (PHOTOS, VIDEO) . . .

A resident looks over the remains of burned homes in the Breezy Point neighborhood of New York, October 30, 2012. (Reuters/Keith Bedford)
Seorang penduduk kelihatan lalui tinggalan rumah terbakar dalam Breezy Point kejiranan New York, 30 Oktober, 2012.  (A resident looks over the remains of burned homes in the Breezy Point neighborhood of New York, October 30, 2012. (Reuters/Keith Bedford)

Manhattan gelap dilihat selepas banyak bandar hilang elektrik kerana kesan Taufan Sandy pada 30 Oktober, 2012 di New York, Amerika Syarikat. (A darkened Manhattan is viewed after much of the city lost electricity due to the affects of Hurricane Sandy on October 30, 2012 in New York, United States. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images/AFP)

Taufan tukul NY: 10 mati, rumah-rumah yang 
dimusnahkan oleh kebakaran, banjir aneh di kereta 
bawah tanah  (PHOTOS, VIDEO) . . .
By 1WC’sChannel  (16, Dz ‘Hijjah1433), Thursday 01, November  2012

Letupan, kebakaran, dan banjir telah memusnahkan New York, membunuh sekurang-kurangnya sepuluh orang di seluruh negeri. Sebagai Taufan Sandy melanda bandar ia meninggalkan lebih 50 buah rumah dibakar, sekurang-kurangnya tujuh terowong bawah tanah membanjiri dan hampir 2 juta New York tanpa kuasa. Bahagian Brooklyn, Manhattan dan Staten Island adalah air sebagai taufan Sandy merentasi New York. Kebanyakan bandar kini tanpa kuasa, dan transit massa telah ditutup sehingga notis selanjutnya.

Sporadis letupan boleh didengar di seluruh bandar. Kecemasan 911 pengendali menerima 10,000 panggilan setiap setengah jam, Pejabat NYC Mayor dilaporkan. Talian kuasa dijatuhkan telah mencetuskan kebakaran banyak yang terus melanda bandar. Laporan Pertama api utama telah datang dari kawasan Taman Rockaway Queens, New York. Beberapa jam kemudian, api melanda 15 buah rumah di Point Berangin, Queens, dan 190 anggota bomba berada di tapak melawan api. Kebakaran telah dilaporkan memusnahkan 50 buah rumah.

Disebabkan gangguan kuasa dan berpuluh-puluh kegagalan penjana ambulans terpaksa untuk memindahkan lebih daripada 200 pesakit dari dua Manhattan hospital Sloan Kettering dan Mt. Sinai hospital. Awal letupan berlaku di sebuah stesen kuasa Edison Con di Manhattan, New York, meninggalkan hampir 2 juta New York tanpa kuasa.

People take pictures of the flooded Plaza Shops under One New York Plaza in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy in New York October 30, 2012. (Reuters/Carlo Allegri)
Orang mengambil gambar banjir Kedai Plaza dalam One New York Plaza selepas Taufan Sandy di New York Oktober 30, 2012. (People take pictures of the flooded Plaza Shops under One New York Plaza in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy in New York October 30, 2012. (Reuters/Carlo Allegri)

Hurricane hammers NY: 10 dead, houses destroyed 
by fire, freak floods in subway . . .

Explosions, fires, and floods have devastated New York, killing at least ten people statewide. As Hurricane Sandy hit the city it left over 50 houses ablaze, at least seven subway tunnels flooded and nearly 2 million New Yorkers without power. Parts of Brooklyn, Manhattan and Staten Island are underwater as hurricane Sandy passes over New York. Much of the city is now without power, and mass transit has been shut down until further notice.

Sporadic explosions could be heard throughout the city. Emergency 911 operators were receiving 10,000 calls per half hour, NYC Mayor’s Office reported. Downed power lines had sparked numerous fires that continue to engulf the city. First reports of major fire were coming in from the Rockaway Park area of Queens, New York. A few hours later, fire engulfed 15 houses in Breezy Point, Queens, and 190 firefighters were on site battling the blaze. Fire has reportedly destroyed 50 houses.

Due to power outages and generator failure dozens of ambulances had to evacuate more than 200 patients from two Manhattan hospitals to Sloan Kettering and Mt. Sinai hospitals. Earlier an explosion took place at a Con Edison power station in Manhattan, New York, leaving nearly 2 million New Yorkers without power.

The aftermath of flooding following Hurricaine Sandy on October 30, 2012 in the Financial District of New York, United States. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images/AFP)
Selepas banjir berikut Hurricaine Sandy pada 30 Oktober 2012 di Daerah Kewangan New York, Amerika Syarikat. (The aftermath of flooding following Hurricaine Sandy on October 30, 2012 in the Financial District of New York, United States. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images/AFP)

Jalan-jalan di New York dipenuhi dengan air banjir, yang menumpahkan ke dalam terowong bawah tanah NY dan tapak Pusat Dagangan Dunia. Menurut Pihak Berkuasa Pengangkutan Metropolitan New York ini adalah bencana alam terburuk dalam sejarah sistem kereta bawah tanah NYC. Sandy dihantar dalam lonjakan ribut rekod sebanyak 13.7 kaki (4.17m) ke Manhattan, banjir tujuh subway terowong New York. Dan ia boleh mengambil masa sehingga empat hari untuk mendapatkan air keluar dari NY subway terowong banjir, menurut Metro Jurucakap Pihak Berkuasa Transit Kevin Ortiz. Di Manhattan, pekerja utiliti terperangkap selama tiga jam oleh air banjir semakin meningkat di dalam pencawang kuasa dan terpaksa diselamatkan oleh anggota bomba dalam bot kembung.

A flooded street, caused by Hurricane Sandy, is seen on October 29, 2012, in the Financial District of New York, United States. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images/AFP)
Satu jalan banjir, yang disebabkan oleh Taufan Sandy, dilihat pada 29 Oktober, 2012, di Daerah Kewangan New York, Amerika Syarikat.  (A flooded street, caused by Hurricane Sandy, is seen on October 29, 2012, in the Financial District of New York, United States. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images/AFP)

The streets of New York City filled with floodwater, which poured into NY’s subway tunnels and the World Trade Center site. According to New York's Metropolitan Transportation Authority this is worst disaster in the history of the NYC subway system. Sandy sent in a record storm surge of 13.7 feet (4.17m) into lower Manhattan, flooding seven New York subway tunnels. And it could take up to four days to get the water out of the flooded NY subway tunnels, according to Metro Transit Authority spokesman Kevin Ortiz. In lower Manhattan, utility workers were trapped for three hours by rising floodwaters inside a power substation and had to be rescued by firefighters in inflatable boats.

A flooded street in the Dumbo section of Brooklyn is viewed after the city awakens to the affects of Hurricane Sandy on October 30, 2012 in New York, United States. (pencer Platt/Getty Images/AFP)
Satu jalan dibanjiri dalam seksyen Dumbo Brooklyn dilihat selepas bandar membangkitkan kesan Taufan Sandy pada 30 Oktober, 2012 di New York, Amerika Syarikat.  (A flooded street in the Dumbo section of Brooklyn is viewed after the city awakens to the affects of Hurricane Sandy on October 30, 2012 in New York, United States. (pencer Platt/Getty Images/AFP)

A security guard walks through a flooded street in the financial district of Manhattan, New York October 30, 2012. (Reuters/Adrees Latif)
Seorang pengawal keselamatan berjalan melalui jalan yang banjir di daerah kewangan Manhattan, New York Oktober 30, 2012. (A security guard walks through a flooded street in the financial district of Manhattan, New York October 30, 2012. (Reuters/Adrees Latif)

Customers and staff ride out Hurricane Sandy together by candle light at the Greenwich Village restaurant French Roast in New York, October 30, 2012. (Reuters/Brendan McDermid)
Pelanggan dan menaiki kakitangan yang keluar Taufan Sandy bersama-sama dengan cahaya lilin di Greenwich Village restaurant French Roast di New York, 30 Oktober, 2012. (Customers and staff ride out Hurricane Sandy together by candle light at the Greenwich Village restaurant French Roast in New York, October 30, 2012. (Reuters/Brendan McDermid)
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