Anti-US riots video: ‘American flags burned
across Arab WORLD’ . . .
By 1WC’sChannel | earthWatch (Syawal 27), Friday 14, September 2012
RT News (1 minit yang lalu) - 'Video Rusuhan Anti-Amerika Syarikat: Bendera Amerika dibakar di seluruh DUNIA Arab' Beribu-ribu telah bangkit di bandar-bandar di seluruh DUNIA Arab dalam kemarahan atas filem buatan Amerika mengejek nabi Islam, Muhammad (Shallallahu
Alaihi wa Sallam). Rusuhan tercetus di Lubnan, Iran, India, Israel, Iraq dan Yaman. (Syawal 27 1433 atau September 14, 2012)
RT News (1 minute ago) - ‘Anti-US riots video: American flags burned across Arab WORLD’ Thousands have rallied in cities across Arab world in outrage over an American-made film mocking Islam's prophet, Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be on him). The riots broke out in Lebanon, Iran, India, Israel, Iraq and Yemen. (Syawal 27 1433 or September 14, 2012)
Friend to Foe: ‘Anti-Islam film derails American
PR in Arab WORLD’ . . .
RT News 'Kawan Musuh: Anti-Islam filem derails American PR di DUNIA Arab' filem terkenal tidak mengancam hanya Amerika Syarikat misi diplomatik di DUNIA Arab - tetapi kepentingan Amerika di rantau ini secara umum. Washington telah menghabiskan banyak masa dan berbilion-bilion dolar untuk berbaik-baik dengan beberapa negara-negara Islam - tetapi semua usaha kini terbukti menjadi sia-sia. (Syawal 27 1433 or September 14, 2012)
RT News ‘Friend to Foe: Anti-Islam film derails American PR in Arab WORLD’ The notorious film is threatening not just U.S. diplomatic missions in the Arab WORLD - but American interests in the region in general. Washington has spent a great deal of time and billions of dollars to befriend some Muslim countries - but all those efforts are now proving to have been in vain. (Syawal 27 1433 or September 14, 2012)
Escobar: ‘US could drone Libya to death’ . . .
RT News - 'Escobar: Amerika Syarikat boleh berdengung Libya kepada kematian' harapan Washington berurusan dengan keadaan yang disebabkan oleh filem satu kontroversi yang yang mencetuskan kemarahan seluruh DUNIA Islam akan lumpuh oleh pilihan raya presiden menjulang, Pepe Escobar, Asia Times wartawan, memberitahu RT. Escobar mengatakan bahawa buat masa ini, pentadbiran Obama - yang sebahagiannya bertanggungjawab bagi demonstrasi di DUNIA Arab - akan mengambil jalan untuk menggunakan Drone untuk mencari pelampau yang bertanggungjawab ke atas kematian 4 Perkhidmatan pekerja asing, termasuk duta Amerika ke Libya. (Syawal 27 1433 or September 14, 2012)
RT News - ‘Escobar: US could drone Libya to death’ Washington's hopes of dealing with the situation caused by a controversial film that's sparked outrage in Muslim world are paralyzed by the looming presidential election, Pepe Escobar, Asia Times correspondent, told RT. Escobar says that for now, the Obama administration - who is partly responsible for the demonstrations in the Arab World - will resort to using drones to find the extremists responsible for the deaths of four Foreign Service employees, including the American ambassador to Libya. (Syawal 27 1433 or September 14, 2012)
Rusia memberi amaran Amerika Syarikat akibatnya
perubahan rejim . . .
Menteri Luar Sergey Lavrov telah tangani mesej kepada Setiausaha Negara Amerika Syarikat Hillary Clinton mengutuk kematian Duta Besar Amerika Syarikat ke Libya Chris Stevens. Beliau juga dipanggil untuk perubahan kebijaksanaan dalam perjuangan menentang keganasan. "Saya terkejut dengan kematian tragis Ambassador Chris Stevens dan rakan-rakannya," mesej bermula. "Tolong menyampai-kan kata-kata kami simpati ikhlas kepada keluarga dan rakan-rakan si mati."
Beliau juga mengambil peluang untuk merayu atas usaha yang lebih baik anti-keganasan diselaraskan antara kedua-dua negara. "Kami amat mengutuk jenayah ini yang sekali lagi mengesahkan keperluan untuk itu usaha bersama negara kita, serta komuniti global dalam memerangi kejahatan keganasan dalam semua manifestasinya," Lavrov menulis dalam mesej, beliau yang muncul pada laman web Kementerian. Protes ganas meletus pada Selasa di bandar Benghazi Libya berikutan pengumuman filem Amerika Syarikat bertajuk "umat Islam tidak bersalah," yang banyak kumpulan Islam yang dikutuk sebagai menghujat.
Kedutaan tidak bersalah menjadi titik protes yang akhirnya sangat bayaran menyaksikan militan Islam mensasarkan kompleks Amerika dengan api roket. Duta Besar Chris Stevens, tekan pegawai Sean Smith dan 2 marin mengiringi duta terbunuh dalam serangan tersebut. Oleh itu, Spring Arab yang telah datang bulatan penuh: baru dibebaskan Libya, yang hanya melalui perang saudara yang kejam yang berbintik-Tompok pro-Gaddafi terhadap pembangkang yang disokong Barat, adalah bertanggung-jawab untuk kematian seorang utusan negara yang menyumbang kepada Libya 'kemerdekaan.'
Dalam temu bual baru-baru ini dengan RT, Presiden Vladimir Putin menyentuh kepada isu kecende-rungan Amerika untuk campur tangan ketenteraan di negara-negara yang mengalami persengketaan dalaman dan akibat mungkin mempunyai strategi sedemikian. Menyebut pergolakan menggenggam DUNIA Arab dan penentuan Barat untuk campur tangan dalam perselisihan dalaman, Putin bertanya: "Adakah anda mengatakan bahawa perintah dan kemakmuran telah dipastikan di negara-negara itu?"
Mengenai situasi di Libya, adalah Putin lebih kurang optimis. "Di Libya, terdapat pertempuran ber-senjata mengamuk antara pelbagai suku kaum, dan saya tidak akan menyebut bagaimana perubahan ini negara rejim berpengalaman," kata pemimpin Rusia. Putin menegaskan, bagaimanapun, bahawa keganasan yang kita kini menyaksikan mempunyai akarnya kembali pada tahun 1979 apabila pemberontak Amerika Syarikat terlatih untuk menentang tentera Soviet di Afghanistan. Mereka pejuang, di bawah pimpinan Osama bin Laden, pergi untuk menjadi al-Qaeda, organisasi pengganas bahawa Rusia memberi amaran terdiri sebahagian pembangkang Libya.
Ekaterina Kuznetsova, dari Pusat Pengajian Pos Perindustrian, memberitahu RT bahawa keganasan di Libya dan di tempat lain adalah satu tanda bahawa Amerika gagal untuk mempertimbangkan sepenuhnya "akibatnya, apa yang akan mengikuti dari campur tangan mereka (di Libya)."
"Pada masa ini, ia adalah jelas bahawa aktiviti pengganas telah secara drastik meningkat selepas rejim Gaddafi telah dibuang oleh kumpulan pengganas," kata Kuznetsova. "Ini yang sering berlaku dengan rejim totalitarian dan vakum yang kekal selepas mereka telah dihapuskan."
Pembunuhan diplomat Amerika Syarikat pada dasarnya menunjukkan 2 perkara: bahawa terdapat masalah yang mendalam dengan keselamatan dan ketenteraman negeri di Libya, dan bahawa kedudukan Amerika Syarikat tidak kuat seperti mereka mungkin telah fikir ia adalah baik, tambah beliau. Menurut Vyacheslav Naumkin, Pengarah Akademi Rusia Institut Sains Pengajian Oriental, Islamis radikal mengukuhkan kedudukan mereka, yang bermaksud Amerika Syarikat gagal untuk mencapai matlamat dengan campur tangan di Spring Arab.
"Perkembangan semasa mengukuhkan kedudukan Islamis radikal di Timur Tengah," Naumkin berkata "Tidak akan ada perang sejagat berbanding Amerika Syarikat, tetapi ia adalah krisis, dan akan ada lebih banyak krisis itu pada masa depan." Naumkin menyalahkan dasar Amerika Syarikat asing di Afghanistan, serta konflik resah Arab-Israel, banyak masalah semasa Washington. "Jelas sekali, Amerika Syarikat gagal untuk mengambil kawalan hubungan dengan DUNIA Islam dan untuk membawa mereka ke tahap yang baru," katanya. "Resah Arab-Israel konflik dan tindakan Amerika Syarikat di Afghanistan menggalakkan pertumbuhan perasaan anti-Amerika."
Russia warns US on consequences of regime change . . .
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has addressed a message to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton condemning the death of the US Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. He also called for a change of tact in the fight against terrorism. "I am shocked by the tragic death of Ambassador Chris Stevens and his colleagues,” the message began. “Please convey our words of sincere sympathy to the families and friends of the deceased."
He also took the opportunity to appeal for better coordinated anti-terrorism efforts between the two countries. "We strongly condemn this crime that once again confirms the need for the joint efforts of our countries, as well as the global community in combating the evil of terrorism in all its manifestations," Lavrov wrote in his message, which appeared on the Foreign Ministry’s website. Violent protests erupted on Tuesday in the Libyan city of Benghazi following the release of a US film entitled “Innocence of Muslims,” which many Muslim groups condemned as blasphemous.
The US Embassy became the rallying point of a highly charged protest that eventually saw militant Islamists targeting the American complex with rocket fire. Ambassador Chris Stevens, press officer Sean Smith and two marines accompanying the ambassador were killed in the attack. Thus, the so-called Arab Spring has come full circle: newly liberated Libya, which just passed through a brutal civil war that pitted pro-Gaddafi forces against a Western-backed opposition, is responsible for the death of an envoy whose country contributed to the Libyan ‘liberation.’
In a recent interview with RT, President Vladimir Putin touched upon the issue of America’s tendency to interfere militarily in countries that are experiencing internal strife and the consequences such a strategy may have. Mentioning the upheaval gripping the Arab world and the West’s determination to intervene in the internal strife, Putin asked: “Would you say that order and prosperity has been ensured in these countries?”
Concerning the situation in Libya, Putin was even less sanguine. “In Libya, there are armed clashes raging between the various tribes, and I won’t even mention how this country experienced regime change,” the Russian leader said. Putin stressed, however, that the violence that we are now witnessing has its roots back in 1979 when the United States trained rebels to fight against Soviet troops in Afghanistan. Those fighters, under the leadership of Osama bin Laden, went on to become al-Qaeda, the terrorist organization that Russia warned made up part of the Libyan opposition.
Ekaterina Kuznetsova, from the Center for Post-Industrial Studies, told RT that the violence in Libya and elsewhere is a sign that the Americans failed to fully consider the “the consequences, of what would follow from their intervention (in Libya)."
“By now it is obvious that terrorist activity has drastically increased after the Gaddafi regime was removed by terrorist groups,” Kuznetsova said. “This is often the case with totalitarian regimes and the vacuum that remains after they’ve been eliminated.”
The killing of the US diplomats basically shows two things: that there are profound problems with security and state order in Libya, and that the US position there is not as strong as they may have thought it was, she added. According to Vyacheslav Naumkin, Director of the Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute of Oriental Studies, radical Islamists are strengthening their positions, which means the United States failed to achieve its goals by intervening in the Arab Spring.
"The current developments strengthen the position of radical Islamists in the Middle East,” Naumkin said. “There will be no universal war against the US, but it is a crisis, and there will be a lot more such crises in the future.” Naumkin blames US foreign policy in Afghanistan, as well as the unsettled Arab-Israeli conflict, for much of Washington’s current problems. “Obviously, the US failed to take control of relations with the Islamic world and to bring them to a new level," he said. “The unsettled Arab-Israeli conflict and US actions in Afghanistan promote the growth of anti-American feelings.”
RT News (Published: 13 September, 2012) M’sianDate @Syawal 27 1433 or Friday 14 September 2012
Friend to Foe: Anti-Islam film derails American PR in Arab WORLD
Escobar: US could drone Libya to death