Sunday, 15 July 2012

Scent of Arab Spring in Israel (Haruman Spring Arab di Israel)


REVIEW 2012: Israelis march in the centre of Tel Aviv on July 25, 2011, to protest against rising housing prices and social inequalities in the Jewish state (Israel perarakan di pusat Tel Aviv pada 25 Julai 2011, untuk membantah kenaikan harga rumah dan ketidaksamaan sosial di negeri Yahudi)

Berpuluh-puluh ribu yang mengambil bahagian dalam protes besar-besaran di seluruh negara di Israel untuk menuntut kerajaan menyediakan perumahan yang lebih murah dan mengurangkan kos sara hidup. Bantahan yang paling besar lagi, yang berpusat di Tel-Aviv, dirancang untuk malam Sabtu. Pada 25 Julai, 30,000 orang berarak melalui Tel-Aviv menuntut penurunan harga perumahan. Sebahagian daripada mereka telah membawa sepanduk yang membaca "Mubarak. Assad. Netanyahu. "Polis menahan 42 aktivis - kes yang pernah berlaku sebelum ini untuk Israel.

Pada hari Rabu, Perdana Menteri Benjamin Netanyahu terpaksa menangguhkan lawatan ke Poland akibat krisis perumahan di Israel. Pada hari Khamis di 12 bandar-bandar Israel "perarakan pengangkutan bayi" telah diadakan: ibu bapa kanak-kanak kecil telah menuntut penciptaan tadika yang ditaja oleh kerajaan negeri dan kawalan ke atas dasar harga barangan kanak-kanak.

Di Tel-Aviv, pada Rothschild Boulevard, rakyat telah tinggal di khemah-khemah untuk minggu kini membantah terhadap perumahan mahal. Kem khemah telah ditubuhkan di bandar-bandar Israel oleh pelajar. Rali baru dijangka hujung minggu ini di Jerusalem dan lain-lain bandar-bandar Israel. Israel berubah dalam cara yang paling memberi inspirasi dan menaikkan semangat dalam gelombang tidak pernah berlaku sebelum ini demonstrasi di seluruh negara dan ia hanya permulaan proses muncul di Israel, Hagai El-Ad percaya, pengarah eksekutif Persatuan bagi Hak Sivil di Israel.

"Orang ramai menuntut keadilan sosial di atas pelbagai isu yang luas, termasuk perumahan, tetapi juga kesihatan, pekerjaan dan kualiti masyarakat umum," katanya. Apa yang telah mula di Israel adalah sambutan yang amat sombong untuk protes Spring Arab yang diilhamkan penunjuk perasaan Israel dengan rasa "kuasa rakyat", bahawa "negara milik kepada rakyat, dan rakyat menolak ketidakseimbangan ekonomi dalam penswastaan ​​yang tidak masuk akal bahawa kita dilihat sejak 15 tahun lalu di negara ini (Israel). "

Kebanyakan kritikan telah disasarkan kepada Perdana Menteri Benjamin Netanyahu, tetapi ia tidak hanya 2 tahun terakhir kabinet yang telah meletakkan Israel ke dalam keadaan ekonomi semasa - walaupun kerajaan semasa mungkin telah ditolak dengan melampau. Palestin-Israel wartawan Aziz Abu Sarah bersetuju terdapat 1 hubungan yang kuat antara bantahan yang hadir di Israel dan rantaian revolusi di seluruh negara-negara Arab.

"Orang di Israel, sama seperti tempat-tempat lain, melihat bahawa orang ramai. . . boleh membuat perbezaan, boleh membuat perubahan, "katanya kepada RT. "Mereka telah menggunakan rentak yang sama, dikir yang sama hampir bahawa orang Mesir yang gunakan. Jadi, anda boleh melihat banyak keselarian "wartawan menunjukkan bahawa cara protes bermula hampir sama dengan apa yang berlaku di Mesir, Tunisia dan tempat-tempat lain.:

"(Ia) bermula melalui Facebook, melalui media sosial - itulah bagaimana orang ramai yang dianjurkan sepenuhnya pada mulanya oleh golongan muda di Israel, pelajar, orang-orang yang merasakan bahawa mereka tidak mempunyai masa depan, orang-orang yang merasakan bahawa mereka tidak mampu tinggal di sini. Jadi, terdapat banyak keselarian dan perkara-perkara yang orang muda di Israel sedang belajar daripada bantahan yang berlaku di Mesir."

Tens of thousands are taking part in nationwide mass protests in Israel to demand the government provide cheaper housing and lower the cost of living. The biggest protest yet, centered in Tel-Aviv, is planned for Saturday night. On July 25, 30,000 people marched through Tel-Aviv demanding a decrease in housing prices. Some of them were carrying banners reading “Mubarak. Assad. Netanyahu.”  Police arrested 42 activists – an unprecedented case for Israel.

On Wednesday Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had to postpone visit to Poland due to the housing crisis in Israel. On Thursday in 12 towns of Israel a “baby carriage parade” was held: parents of small children have been demanding creation of state-sponsored kindergartens and control over child goods pricing policies.

In Tel-Aviv, on the Rothschild Boulevard, people have been living in tents for weeks now protesting against expensive housing. Tent camps have been set up in various Israeli cities by students. New rallies are expected this weekend in Jerusalem and other Israeli cities. Israel is changing in the most inspiring and uplifting way in unprecedented wave of demonstration throughout the country and it is only the beginning of the process emerging in Israel, believes Hagai El-Ad, executive director of the Association for Civil Rights in Israel.

“People are demanding social justice on a broad variety of issues, including housing, but also health, employment and qualities of society in general,” he said. What has begun in Israel is a very arrogant response to the Arab Spring protests which inspired Israeli protesters with a sense of “people power”, that “the country belongs to the people, and the people are rejecting economic disparities in the senseless privatization that we have seen over the last 15 years in this (Israel) country.”

Much of the criticism has been targeted at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but it was not just the last two years of his cabinet that has put the Israel into the current economic situation - though the current government might have pushed it to the extreme. Palestinian-Israeli journalist Aziz Abu Sarah agrees there is a strong connection between the present protests in Israel and the chain of revolutions across the Arab states.

“People in Israel, just like everywhere else, saw that people . . . can make a difference, can make a change,” he told RT. “They were using the same rhythm, the same chants almost that in Egypt people used. So, you can see a lot of parallels.” The journalist points out that the way the protests started is almost identical to what occurred in Egypt, Tunisia and other places:

“(It) started through Facebook, through social media – that’s how people organized completely in the beginning by young people in Israel, students, people who feel that they have no future, people who feel that they can’t afford living here. So, there are a lot of parallels and things that people, the young in Israel are learning from the protests that happened in Egypt.”

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