Tuesday, 27 November 2012

WORLDNews ‘EU milk farmers protest to demand better prices’ . . .

Milky Way: Petani susu marah semburan polis rusuhan di Brussels. Beribu-ribu petani tenusu pada Isnin membantah harga yang rendah bagi produk mereka, tercekik lalu lintas di ibu kota Belgium dengan traktor mereka dan menyembur ibu pejabat Kesatuan Eropah dan polis dengan susu. Satu kumpulan mula kebakaran di jalan, tetapi walaupun beberapa menolak dan menyuakan dengan polis, tiada keganasan utama. Petani dari negara-negara EU beberapa menuntut harga yang lebih tinggi bagi susu, yang kini sering dijual di bawah kos pengeluaran, mengancam survival ladang mereka.

Milky Way: Infuriated farmers spray milk on riot police in Brussels. Thousands of dairy farmers on Monday protested low prices for their product, choking traffic in the Belgian capital with their tractors and spraying European Union headquarters and police with milk. One group started a fire in the street, but despite some pushing and shoving with police, there was no major violence. Farmers from several EU nations are demanding higher prices for milk, which currently is often being sold at below production costs, threatening the survival of their farms.

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