Thursday, 9 August 2012

Radioactive cesium found in Japan’s fish, seawater . . .

 Japanese women sort through freshly caught fish at the Hirakata fish market in Kitaibaraki, Ibaraki prefecture, south of the stricken Fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant number 1 on April 6, 2011 (AFP Photo / Toru Yamanaka)
TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: wanita Jepun jenis melalui ikan mereka tangkap di pasaran ikan Hirakata di Kitaibaraki, Ibaraki wilayah selatan yang dilanda Fukushima Daiichi kuasa nuklear loji nombor 1 (1WC'sChannel REVIEW 2012: Japanese women sort through freshly caught fish at the Hirakata fish market in Kitaibaraki, Ibaraki prefecture, south of the stricken Fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant number 1)

Sesium radioaktif yang ditemui dalam ikan, air laut Jepun . . .

Kesan berbahaya sesium radioaktif telah ditemui dalam ikan dan air laut di beberapa kawasan di Jepun, sebagai negara terus untuk membahaskan sama ada ikan mereka adalah selamat untuk digunakan dan protes anti-nuke berkembang ekoran bencana Fukushima.

Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, sukan, Sains dan Teknologi (MEXT) Jepun menyatakan bahawa radioaktif sesium, mungkin daripada itu cacat tumbuhan I Fukushima nuklear, telah dijumpai dalam air laut dan ikan dalam kawasan beberapa negara, berita agensi Rusia Itar-Tass dilaporkan dari Tokyo. Radiasi akuatik telah dikesan di tengah Jepun (Shizuoka Wilayah), bahagian barat pusat Honshu (Niigata) dan timur laut negara (Iwate).

Kepekatan zarah radioaktif adalah sangat kecil dan tidak menjejaskan atau memberi risiko kesihatan kepada manusia, MEXT berkata. Kementerian percaya bahawa sesium mungkin telah melakukan perjalanan ke kawasan dalam hujan. Sesium radioaktif isotop radioaktif buatan manusia yang dihasilkan melalui pembelahan nuklear unsur sesium. Ia mempunyai separuh hayat 30 tahun, menjadikannya amat-amat toksik.

Awal tahun ini, tahap rendah radioaktif sesium telah ditemui dalam ikan tidak jauh dari pantai timur Jepun, yang dipercayai berasal dari kilang Fukushima. Kementerian terus memantau dan mengesahkan kesan radiasi dalam air laut dan ikan berikutan bencana nuklear 2011 di kompleks Fukushima-Daiichi.

Sejauh manakah selamatnya ikan dan makanan laut Jepun? Banyak negara terhad import makanan mereka dari Jepun berikutan malapetaka ini. India telah menggantung import makanan dari Jepun selama 3 bulan pada bulan April 2011, kerana bimbang pencemaran radioaktif. EU mengenakan kawalan radiasi yang lebih ketat ke atas import makanan dan makanan haiwan dari Jepun.

Sejauh penuh penyebaran pencemaran radioaktif di Jepun masih tidak jelas. Penemuan ikan dan Jepun radioaktif air laut boleh merosakkan lagi industri makanan laut lesu Jepun. Laporan makanan laut yang tercemar adalah membimbangkan bagi negara ini, kerana air laut yang tercemar dan bergerak ikan di laluan yang tidak terkawal dan tidak bisa dikesan.

Tahap-tahap rendah radiasi nuklear dari bencana Fukushima dikesan dalam tuna bluefin di luar pantai California pada bulan Mei tahun ini, menunjukkan ikan yang membawa bahan-bahan di seluruh Lautan Pasifik lebih cepat daripada angin atau air. Penyelidik Amerika Syarikat yang dijalankan satu kajian yang menunjukkan tuna bertanggungjawab untuk mengangkut radionuklid dari bencana Fukushima 2011 merentasi seluruh Lautan Pasifik Utara.

Banyak soalan sama ada ikan dari Lautan Pasifik dan perairan pantai Jepun adalah selamat untuk dimakan berikutan bencana Fukushima. Pegawai Jepun dan ramai saintis mereka berkata, tetapi data mengenai tahap radiasi dalam stok ikan Jepun memberitahu cerita yang berbeza. Tahap radiasi yang tinggi pada banyak spesis bahawa Jepun telah eksport ke Kanada pada tahun-tahun kebelakangan ini, seperti ikan kod, tunggal, semacam ikan pecak, kokanee daratan, kakap, trout dan belut. Dan tahap radiasi dalam spesis tertentu adalah lebih tinggi tahun ini berbanding pada tahun 2011, laporan Vancouver.

Itu tahap tertinggi sesium dalam ikan telah dikesan Mac, setahun selepas kemalangan, apabila 1 salmon masu daratan yang terperangkap dalam sungai Jepun telah dijumpai 18700 Becquerel kilogram per sesium, atau 187 kali had undang-undang Jepun untuk radiasi dalam makanan laut. (Becquerel unit radioaktif yang sama di mana satu mereput nukleus sesaat).

Tim Takaro, merupakan Profesor Madya di Universiti Simon Fraser, kini mengelakkan makan ikan dari Jepun: "Saya akan mencari sumber lain untuk ikan jika saya fikir ia adalah dari kawasan itu," katanya kepada "Terdapat terlalu banyak soalan dan jawapan yang tidak cukup untuk mengatakan semuanya adalah baik." Takaro adalah ahli kumpulan Pakar anti-nuklear Kanada Untuk Hidup Global.

Tragedi Fukushima telah berkecai suci Jepun dalam pergantungan negara dekad-lama tenaga nuklear, demonstrasi anti-nuklear withseveral besar yang berlaku di negara ini sejak beberapa bulan kebelakangan ini.

Radioactive cesium found in Japan’s fish, seawater . . .

Harmless traces of radioactive cesium have been discovered in fish and seawater in several areas of Japan, as the country continues to debate whether their fish is safe to consume and anti-nuke protests grow in the wake of the Fukushima disaster.

Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) stated that radioactive cesium, presumably from the crippled Fukushima I nuclear plant, was found in seawater and fish in several regions of the country, Russian news agency Itar-Tass reported from Tokyo. The aquatic radiation was detected in central Japan (Shizuoka Prefecture), the western part of central Honshu (Niigata) and the country’s northeast (Iwate).

The concentrations of radioactive particles are very small, and pose no health risks to humans, MEXT said. The ministry believes that cesium may have traveled to the area in rainfall. Radioactive cesium is a human-made radioactive isotope produced through the nuclear fission of the element cesium. It has a half-life of 30 years, making it extremely toxic.

Earlier this year, low levels of radioactive cesium were found in fish just off Japan’s east coast, which was believed to have originated from the Fukushima plant. The Ministry continues to closely monitor and verify traces of radiation in seawater and fish following the 2011 nuclear disaster at the Fukushima-Daiichi complex.

How safe is Japan’s fish and seafood? Many countries restricted their food imports from Japan in the wake of the catastrophe. India suspended food imports from Japan for three months in April 2011, fearing radioactive contamination. The EU imposed tighter radiation controls on its imports of food and animal feed from Japan.

The full extent of the spread of radioactive contamination in Japan remains unclear. The discovery of radioactive Japanese fish and seawater could further damage Japan's flagging seafood industry. Reports of contaminated seafood are worrisome for the country, since contaminated seawater and fish move in uncontrollable and untraceable paths.

Low levels of nuclear radiation from the Fukushima disaster were detected in bluefin tuna off the California coast in May of this year, suggesting that fish are carrying the contaminants across the Pacific Ocean faster than wind or water. US researchers carried out a study showing the tuna were responsible for transporting radionuclides from the 2011 Fukushima disaster across the entire North Pacific Ocean.

Many question whether fish from the Pacific Ocean and Japan’s coastal waters are safe to eat in the wake of the Fukushima disaster. Japanese officials and many scientists say they are, but the data on radiation levels in Japan’s fish stock tells a different story. Radiation levels are high in many species that Japan has exported to Canada in recent years, such as cod, sole, halibut, landlocked kokanee, carp, trout and eel. And radiation levels in certain species are higher this year than in 2011, Vancouver’s reports.

The highest levels of cesium in fish were detected in March, a year after the accident, when a landlocked masu salmon caught in a Japanese river was found to have 18,700 Becquerel of cesium per kilogram, or 187 times Japan’s legal limit for radiation in seafood. (A Becquerel is a unit of radioactivity equal in which one nucleus decays per second).

Tim Takaro, an associate professor at Simon Fraser University, now avoids eating fish from Japan: “I would find another source for fish if I thought it was from that area,” he told “There are way too many questions and not enough answers to say everything is fine.” Takaro is a member of the Canadian anti-nuclear group Physicians for Global Survival.

The Fukushima tragedy has shattered Japanese faith in the country’s decades-long reliance on nuclear energy, with several large anti-nuclear demonstrations taking place in the country in recent months.

Pacific Currents Likely to Take Fukushima Radiation to U.S. West Coast in Five Years:

Radioactive tuna crosses Pacific to US:

Many fish caught off Fukushima contain dangerous levels of radioactive material:

Radioactive Food Alert - Extreme Heat Dooms Millions of Fish:

Special Report: hit her

Radioactive tuna - Cesium found from Fukishima in California

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Is nuclear catastrophe imminent at San Onofre, CA? 

Fukushima: food safety & Tsunami predictions, Japan: 1+ Years later 4112

Fukushima: Radioactive Cesium found in Tuna off San Pedro California Coast:

Fukushima Selling local FISH, Free Tea, & Reactor 4 Bulging:  

Philippines floods: 11 killed, 1 million displaced . . .

A man holds his shoes as he swims in floodwaters along a road in Marikina, Metro Manila August 7, 2012 (Reuters / Erik De Castro)
A man holds his shoes as he swims in floodwaters along a road in Marikina, Metro Manila August 7, 2012 (Seorang lelaki memegang kasutnya kerana dia berenang dalam air banjir di sepanjang jalan di Marikina, Metro Manila 7 Ogos 2012) (Reuters/Erik De Castro)

Ibu negara Filipina telah lumpuh akibat banjir yang bergerak pantas yang mengalir masuk ke bandar dari empangan sekitar, limpahan selepas 12 hari hujan monsun. Banjir yang telah mengorbankan 11 nyawa sebagai operasi menyelamat terus. Banjir kilat lemas Manila dalam satu hari sebagai rantau ini menerima setengah pemendakan purata Ogos hanya dalam masa 24 jam.

Orang-orang yang telah terperangkap oleh banjir di rumah-rumah mereka terpaksa mendapatkan diri mereka ke bumbung - ada yang masih menunggu untuk diselamatkan. Kerajaan telah menghantar 130 pasukan kecemasan, yang kini sibuk memindahkan orang. Paras air surut, tetapi masih terdapat mereka yang menunggu bantuan dalam ketiadaan air tawar dan makanan.

Semua dalam semua, kira-kira 1.2 juta orang di bandar sebanyak 12 juta telah terjejas. Hampir 800,000 daripada mereka melarikan diri dari tempat tinggal masing-masing. Antara mereka yang tinggal kebanyakannya warga tua dan lain-lain yang tidak dapat meninggalkan rumah-rumah mereka dengan cepat.

Ramalan cuaca untuk Manila meramalkan peningkatan pada hari Khamis, hari pertama yang cerah dalam 2 minggu dijangka. Banjir ini telah menjadi buruk di Manila sejak 2009 apabila banjir yang dibawa oleh angin taufan melanda Manila dan pinggir bandar, membunuh beratus-ratus.

1WC'sChannel REVIEW 2012: (Published: 08 August 2012) Rescuers pull a rubber boat as they evacuate residents from their flooded homes in Marikina, Metro Manila August 7, 2012 (TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: (Published: 8 OGOS 2012) Penyelamat tarik bot getah kerana mereka memindahkan penduduk dari rumah mereka yang dilanda banjir di Marikina, Metro Manila OGOS 7, 2012) (Reuters/Erik De Castro)

Philippines floods: 11 killed, 1 million displaced . . .

The Philippines’ capital has been paralyzed by fast moving floods that poured into the city from surrounding dams, overflowing after 12 days of monsoon downpours. The deluge has already claimed 11 lives as the rescue operation continues apace.
The flash flood drowned Manila in one day as the region received half an average August’s precipitation in just 24 hours.

Those who were caught by the floods in their houses had to get to the rooftops - some are still waiting to be rescued. The government has dispatched 130 emergency teams, which are now busy evacuating people. The water level is receding, but there are still people waiting for help in absence of fresh water and food.

All in all, about 1.2 million people in the city of 12 million have been affected. Nearly 800,000 of them fled their dwellings. Among those who stayed are mostly the elderly and others who could not leave their houses quickly.

The weather forecast for Manila predicts improvements on Thursday, as the first sunny day in fortnight is expected. The flooding has become the worst in Manila since 2009 when a deluge brought by a typhoon devastated Manila and its suburbs, killing hundreds.

Motorists and passengers are trapped in the North Luzon Expressway (NLEX) as heavy rains continue in Valenzuela City, Metro Manila August 7, 2012 (Reuters / Stringer)
Motorists and passengers are trapped in the North Luzon Expressway (NLEX) as heavy rains continue in Valenzuela City, Metro Manila August 7, 2012 (Pemandu dan penumpang terperangkap di Lebuhraya di Luzon Utara (NLEX) kerana hujan lebat terus dalam Valenzuela City, Metro Manila 7 ogos 2012) (Reuters/Stringer)

Residents ride on a rubber boat after being evacuated from their flooded homes in Marikina, Metro Manila August 7, 2012 (Reuters / Erik De Castro)
Residents ride on a rubber boat after being evacuated from their flooded homes in Marikina, Metro Manila August 7, 2012 (Penduduk menaiki bot getah selepas dipindahkan dari rumah mereka banjir di Marikina, Metro Manila Ogos 7, 2012) (Reuters/Erik De Castro)

Rescuers search for victims buried by a landslide amid heavy rainfall in Quezon City, Metro Manila August 7, 2012 (Reuters / Cheryl Ravelo)
Rescuers search for victims buried by a landslide amid heavy rainfall in Quezon City, Metro Manila August 7, 2012 (Penyelamat mencari mangsa yang tertimbus oleh tanah runtuh di tengah-tengah hujan lebat di Quezon City, Metro Manila 7 OGOS 2012) (Reuters/Cheryl Ravelo)

A man transports vegetables on his motorcycle along a flooded street in Las Pinas, Metro Manila August 7, 2012 (Reuters / Cheryl Ravelo)
A man transports vegetables on his motorcycle along a flooded street in Las Pinas, Metro Manila August 7, 2012 (Seorang lelaki mengangkut sayur-sayuran di atas motosikal sepanjang jalan yang banjir di Las Pinas, Metro Manila 7 OGOS 2012) (Reuters/Cheryl Ravelo)

Residents wait for their family members being rescued at the end of a flooded street in the village of Tumana, Marikina town, in suburban Manila on August 7, 2012 (AFP Photo / Ted Aljibe)
Residents wait for their family members being rescued at the end of a flooded street in the village of Tumana, Marikina town, in suburban Manila on August 7, 2012 (Penduduk menunggu untuk ahli keluarga mereka yang diselamatkan di hujung jalan banjir di kampung Tumana, bandar Marikina, pinggir bandar Manila pada 7 Ogos 2012) (AFP Photo/Ted Aljibe)

Rescuers dig through the rubble of a landslide to try to rescue people buried after a landslide hit Quezon City in suburban Manila on August 7, 2012 (AFP Photo / Jay Directo)
Rescuers dig through the rubble of a landslide to try to rescue people buried after a landslide hit Quezon City in suburban Manila on August 7, 2012 (Penyelamat menggali melalui runtuhan tanah runtuh untuk mencuba untuk menyelamatkan orang yang tertimbus selepas satu kejadian tanah runtuh melanda Quezon city di pinggir bandar Manila pada 7 Ogos, 2012) (AFP Photo/Jay Directo)

Residents are evacuated from their flooded homes in the village of Tumana, Marikina town, in suburban Manila on August 7, 2012 (AFP Photo / Ted Aljibe)
Residents are evacuated from their flooded homes in the village of Tumana, Marikina town, in suburban Manila on August 7, 2012 (Penduduk dipindahkan dari rumah mereka yang dilanda banjir di kampung Tumana, bandar Marikina, pinggir bandar Manila pada 7 Ogos 2012) (AFP Photo/Ted Aljibe)

Residents manouever past electricity lines through floodwaters to climb on top of the roofs of their houses after a river overflowed in Manila on August 7, 2012 (AFP Photo / Noel Celis)
Residents manouever past electricity lines through floodwaters to climb on top of the roofs of their houses after a river overflowed in Manila on August 7, 2012 (Penduduk manouever talian elektrik yang lepas melalui air banjir untuk memanjat di atas bumbung rumah mereka selepas sungai yang melimpah di Manila pada 7 Ogos, 2012) (AFP Photo/Noel Celis)

Residents wade through floodwaters in Tinajeros, Malabon city, Metro Manila August 7, 2012 (Reuters / Stringer)
Residents wade through floodwaters in Tinajeros, Malabon city, Metro Manila August 7, 2012 (Penduduk mengharungi melalui air banjir di Tinajeros, Malabon bandar, Metro Manila Ogos 7, 2012) (Reuters/Stringer)

Ribut Pantai Timur Amerika Syarikat: Hayati pesawat, 
bumbung robek, kuasa putus . . .

A storm cloud begins to dump rain as it passes over the Brooklyn borough of New York, July 26, 2012 (Reuters / Lucas Jackson)

1WC'sChannel REVIEW 2012: A storm cloud begins to dump rain as it passes over the Brooklyn borough of New York, July 26, 2012 (Reuters/Lucas Jackson) (TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: awan badai mula melambakkan hujan kerana ia merentasi kota kecil yang Brooklyn New York, Julai 26, 2012 (Reuters/Lucas Jackson)

Hampir 300,000 rumah dan perniagaan kehilangan kuasa dan beratus-ratus penerbangan dibatalkan kerana ribut petir yang teruk dengan hujan, hujan batu dan angin kencang yang melanda Ohio, Pennsylvania dan New York.

Puting beliung yang pertama telah dilaporkan di selatan-tengah Negeri New York sekitar 04:00 waktu tempatan (20:00 GMT), di mana ia mengoyakkan bumbung dari bangunan dan orang-orang yang terperangkap di dalam kenderaan mereka. Ribut kemudian berpindah ke New York dan Philadelphia, diikuti oleh selatan New England.

Sebanyak 7 petang, penurunan kuasa telah meninggalkan lebih daripada 300,000 pelanggan di tiga negeri tanpa bekalan elektrik dan sekurang-kurangnya 842 penerbangan telah dibatalkan di Amerika Syarikat mengikut Bloomberg. Angin kencang Downing pokok dan talian kuasa, menyebabkan kebakaran. Banjir telah dilaporkan sebagai ribut bergolek timur. Di Williamstown, West Virginia, 3,15 sentimeter hujan turun dalam masa 25 minit.

Tiada Sebarang kecederaan yang serius telah dilaporkan pada takat ini. Ribut-ribut terbentuk di sepanjang hadapan udara sejuk yang menjangkau dari New York ke utara Texas.

A storm cloud begins to dump rain as it passes over the Brooklyn borough of New York, July 26, 2012 (Reuters / Lucas Jackson)
A storm cloud begins to dump rain as it passes over the Brooklyn borough of New York, July 26, 2012 (Awan badai mula melambakkan hujan kerana ia merentasi kota kecil Brooklyn New York, Julai 26, 2012) (Reuters/Lucas Jackson)

Clouds gather over apartment buildings ahead of a thunderstorm on the east side of Manhattan July 26, 2012 in New York. (AFP Photo/Stan Honda)
Clouds gather over apartment buildings ahead of a thunderstorm on the east side of Manhattan July 26, 2012 in New York. (Awan berkumpul di bangunan pangsapuri di hadapan ribut petir di sebelah timur Manhattan Julai 26, 2012 di New York) (AFP Photo/Stan Honda)

AFP Photo/Stan Honda
AFP Photo/Stan Honda

A storm cloud begins to dump rain as it passes over the Brooklyn borough of New York, July 26, 2012. (Reuters / /Lucas Jackson)
A storm cloud begins to dump rain as it passes over the Brooklyn borough of New York, July 26, 2012. (Awan badai mula melambakkan hujan kerana ia merentasi kota kecil Brooklyn New York, Julai 26, 2012) (Reuters/Lucas Jackson)

Jessica Stansfield poses for a photo below an enormous uprooted tree after the town was hit by a tornado in Elmira, New York, July 26, 2012 (Reuters / Adam Fenster)
Jessica Stansfield poses for a photo below an enormous uprooted tree after the town was hit by a tornado in Elmira, New York, July 26, 2012 (Jessica Stansfield menimbulkan gambar di bawah pokok besar tumbang selepas bandar itu dilanda oleh puting beliung di Elmira, New York, July 26, 2012) (Reuters/Adam Fenster)

Reuters / Adam Fenster
Reuters/Adam Fenster

Downed power lines and trees are pictured on a street after the town was hit by a tornado in Elmira, New York, July 26, 2012 (Reuters / Adam Fenster)
Downed power lines and trees are pictured on a street after the town was hit by a tornado in Elmira, New York, July 26, 2012 (Talian kuasa dijatuhkan dan pokok digambarkan di jalan selepas bandar itu dilanda oleh puting beliung di Elmira, New York, July 26, 2012) (Reuters/Adam Fenster)

Part of a roof lies on a sidewalk after the town was hit by a tornado in Elmira, New York July 26, 2012 (Reuters / Adam Fenster)
Part of a roof lies on a sidewalk after the town was hit by a tornado in Elmira, New York July 26, 2012 (Sebahagian daripada bumbung yang terletak di kaki lima selepas bandar itu dilanda oleh puting beliung di Elmira, New York Julai 26, 2012) (Reuters/Adam Fenster)

A car drives past fallen trees on a street in Elmira, New York July 26, 2012 (Reuters / Adam Fenster)
A car drives past fallen trees on a street in Elmira, New York July 26, 2012 (Sebuah kereta sedang dipandu sebuah  pokok lalu jatuh di jalan di Elmira, New York Julai 26, 2012) (Reuters/Adam Fenster)

Reuters/Adam Fenster
Reuters/Adam Fenster

Downed power lines and trees are pictured on a street in Elmira, New York July 26, 2012 (Reuters / Adam Fenster)
Downed power lines and trees are pictured on a street in Elmira, New York July 26, 2012 (Talian kuasa dijatuhkan dan pokok digambarkan di jalan di Elmira, New York Julai 26, 2012) (Reuters/Adam Fenster)

US East Coast storms: Grounded planes, ripped roofs, power cuts . . .

Almost 300,000 homes and businesses lost power and hundreds of flights were canceled as severe thunderstorms with rain, hail and strong winds swept through Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York.

The first tornado was reported in south-central New York State around 4 pm local time (8 pm GMT), where it ripped roofs from buildings and trapped people in their vehicles. The storm then moved to New York City and Philadelphia, followed by southern New England.

By 7 pm, power cuts had left more than 300,000 customers in the three states without electricity and at least 842 flights had been canceled in the US according to Bloomberg. Strong winds were downing trees and power lines, causing fires. Floods were reported as the storms rolled east. In Williamstown, West Virginia, 3.15 centimeters of rain fell in just 25 minutes.

No serious injuries have been reported at this point. The storms formed along the front of cold air that stretched from New York to northern Texas.

TS Ernesto Likely to Become Hurricane Again . . .

TS Ernesto Likely to Become Hurricane Again . . .

1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012: (AssociatedPress 2 hours ago) Ernesto has now weakened to a tropical storm as it spins over Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. Ernesto's winds are near 70 mph, but it's likely to become a hurricane again when it moves into the Bay of Campeche. (TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: (AssociatedPress 2 jam lalu) Ernesto kini telah lemah kepada ribut tropika kerana ia berputar lebih Semenanjung Yucatan Mexico. Angin Ernesto adalah berhampiran 70 mph, tetapi ia mungkin menjadi ribut taufan sekali lagi apabila ia bergerak ke Teluk Campeche) (Aug. 8/M’sian Aug 9)

Syria: What's Behind the Conflict . . .

Syria: Apakah di Belakang Konflik . . .

1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012: (AssociatedPress 5 hours ago) Syria has become the bloodiest uprising of the Arab Spring and has now descended into a full-blown civil war. Find out what's behind the conflict and what's at stake for the international community. (TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: (AssociatedPress 5 jam lalu) Syria telah menjadi kebangkitan paling berdarah Spring Arab dan kini telah turun ke dalam perang sivil yang besar-besaran. Mengetahui apa yang ada di belakang konflik itu dan apa yang dipertaruhkan untuk masyarakat antarabangsa) (Aug. 8/M’sian Aug 9)
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