Kebimbangan Syria menghantar Israel berlari
dengan topeng-topeng Gas . . .
TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012 (AFP) (Diterbitkan pada 21 Ogos 2012. 1 minit yang lalu) Semakin Israel tertarik kepada pusat pengedaran di seluruh negara untuk mengambil topeng-topeng gas, sebagai kebimbangan tumbuh atas senjata kimia Syria. (1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012 (AFP) (Published on 21 Aug 2012) 1 minutes ago) A growing number of Israelis are flocking to distribution centers nationwide to pick up gas masks, as fears grow over Syria's chemical weapons).
Japan-China island row opens diplomatic wounds . . .
TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: (AFP. 1 Jam lalu) Ketegangan antara Jepun dan China sepanjang rantaian pulau-pulau yang dipertikaikan mencapai paras tertinggi baru pada hari Ahad berikutan pemerdapatan bendera Jepun dan protes besar di China. Duration: 02:29. (1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012: (AFP. 1 hour ago) Tension between Japan and China over a disputed chain of islands reached new highs on Sunday following the raising of a Japanese flag and large protests in China. Duration: 02:29).
Koresponden Al Arabiya menceritakan perjalanan ke kawasan rintangan Syria . . .
TINJAUAN 1WC’sChannel 2012: (قناة العربية Al Arabiya Channel) Wartawan kanan Al Arabiya, Alia Ibrahim, baru pulang dari wilayah yang dikawal oleh Free Syrian Army (FSA). Dalam temu bual Jumaat, dia bercakap kepada Al Arabiya dalam bahasa Inggeris tentang perjalanan beliau untuk memenuhi Aram bertekad untuk berjuang manakala rejim Assad terus mengebom bandar-bandar mereka.
"Kami terpaksa menyeludup diri di dalam Syria. Kami terpaksa menyeberangi berjalan sempadan Turki, ia seperti berjalan kaki sejauh 4 kilometer," katanya.
"Bahagian yang sukar tentang untuk mendapatkan adalah kebanyakannya bahawa kampung ini dikawal oleh Free Syrian Army (FSA), jalan raya yang menghubungkan kampung mereka kepada setiap bandar-bandar dan tidak antara satu sama lain. Yang bermaksud kita terpaksa mengambil jalan yang sangat kecil di antara kampung-kampung ini untuk mengelakkan sebarang pusat pemeriksaan oleh tentera Assad. Itu adalah salah satu sebahagian daripada kesukaran."
"Bahagian lain adalah bahawa selalu ada kapal terbang dan sentiasa bomkan tempat-tempat ini. Malah daratan adalah di bawah kawalan FSA, udara tidak," katanya. Rakyat di kawasan itu berasa bersendirian terhadap bom rejim Assad, katanya. Pekan Binish dibom selepas krew kiri beliau dan pada hari ke-3 mereka mereka mengdiami perkampungan Atareb, yang telah musnah tetapi terus bertahan pengeboman.
Dia menghadapi pelbagai puak Free Syrian Army (FSA), yang mempunyai ideologi yang berbeza dan pelbagai peringkat latihan, tetapi tidak melihat apa-apa jenis struktur arahan. "Apabila ada pertempuran sebenar, semua kumpulan menjadi satu entiti. Terdapat sebuah minoriti kumpulan kecil adalah pada semua di bawah kawalan Free Syrian Army (FSA). Tetapi apa yang berlaku adalah orang-orang ini datang bersama-sama adalah berjuang dan mereka menjadi satu kumpulan, walaupun jika setiap hari mereka masing-masing berkumpul di tempat yang berbeza dan mempunyai ibu pejabat yang berbeza dan mempunyai tahap yang berbeza walaupun religiousity dan tahap yang berbeza pemikiran ideologi, "katanya.
Ditanya sama ada beliau menghadapi sebarang pejuang asing, katanya ahli Free Syrian Army (FSA) telah memberitahu beliau segelintir dari negara-negara lain Arab dan Chechnya, tetapi tidak bertemu dengan mereka. "Apabila saya meminta orang ramai tentang perkara ini, mereka berkata mereka pergi dari negara ke negara lain di mana terdapat 'jihad,'" katanya.
Tetapi di tengah-tengah kemusnahan, katanya, terdapat "konsensus umum" bahawa tidak ada orang lain di planet ini mengambil berat tentang pembunuhan rambang dan keganasan di Syria.
"Inilah sebabnya mengapa anda menyimpan mendengar:'. Adalah Hanya Tuhan dengan kami Tiada siapa yang peduli tentang apa yang berlaku di sini. Tiada siapa yang peduli jika kita semua mati," kata beliau. "Mereka percaya ini boleh mengambil masa yang sangat lama. Mereka tidak akan berhenti pada bila-bila masa, tetapi mereka dengan diri mereka sendiri."
Al Arabiya correspondent recounts journey to Syrian resistance areas . . .
1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012: (قناة العربية Al Arabiya Channel) Al Arabiya's senior correspondent, Alia Ibrahim, recently returned from territory controlled by the Free Syrian Army (FSA). In an interview Friday, she spoke to Al Arabiya English about her journey to meet Syrians determined to fight while the Assad regime continued bombing their towns.
"We had to smuggle ourselves inside Syria. We had to cross the Turkish border walking, it's like a four kilometers walk," she said.
"The difficult part about getting in was mostly that even though these villages are controlled by the FSA, the roads linking those villages to each and the cities to each other are not. Which means we had to take very small roads between these villages to avoid any checkpoints by the military of Assad. That was one part of the difficulty."
"The other part was that there was always airplanes and always bombings of these places. Even if the ground is under control of the FSA, the air is not," she added. People in the area felt alone against the bombs of the Assad regime, she said. The town of Binish was bombed after her crew left, and on their third day they encountered the village of Atareb, that had been completely destroyed but continued to endure bombings.
She encountered many different FSA factions, who had various different ideologies and levels of training, but did not see any sort of command structure.
"When there is actual fighting, all the groups become one entity. There is a small minority of groups that are not at all under control of the FSA. But what happens is these people come together when there's fighting and they become one group, even if on a daily basis they each gather in a different place and have different headquarters and have different levels even of religiousity and different levels of ideological thinking," she said.
Asked whether she encountered any foreign fighters, she said FSA members had told her of a handful from other Arab countries and Chechnya, but did not meet them. "When I asked people about this, they said they went from country to another where there was 'jihad,'" she said.
But amid the destruction, she said, there was a "general consensus" that no one else on the planet cared about the indiscriminate killing and violence in Syria. "This is why you keep hearing: 'Only God is with us. Nobody cares about what happens here. Nobody cares if we all die,'" she said. "They believe this could take a very long time. They're not going to stop at any time, but they're on their own."
Syria fears send Israelis running for gas masks
Al Arabiya correspondent recounts journey to Syrian resistance areas
Japan-China island row opens diplomatic wounds