Kemarahan Athens: 'retorik polis Yunani mengingatkan pemerintahan diktator tenter' . . .
RT News Diterbitkan pada 9 Okt 2012 - Kemarahan Athens: 'retorik polis Yunani mengingatkan pemerintahan diktator tenter' Polis melepaskan gas pemedih mata sebagai penunjuk perasaan marah bertempur dengan pegawai di Athens beribu-ribu berhimpun di ibu kota Yunani bantahan terhadap lawatan Canselor Jerman Angela Merkel. Merkel adalah di Athens untuk penjimatan bercakap dengan Perdana Menteri di negara itu. (RT News Published on 9 Oct 2012 - Athens Anger: 'Greek police rhetoric reminds of military dictatorship' Police fired tear gas as angry protesters clashed with officers in Athens as thousands rallied in the Greek capital in protest against German Chancellor Angela Merkel's visit. Merkel is in Athens for austerity talks with the country's Prime Minister).
CCTV: ‘Pemain bola sepak Belgium memecut Porsche
ke dalam kedai’ . . .
ke dalam kedai’ . . .
Event bencana DUNIA 71˚ 2012-10-07 ― 2012-10-10) RT News Diterbitkan pada 9 Okt 2012 – ‘Pemain bola sepak profesional Belgium Jonanthan Legear menghadapi larangan memandu panjang selepas memecut keretanya ke sebuah kedai kemudahan stesen petrol, mencederakan satu pelanggan. Legear, yang bermain untuk kelab Rusia Terek Grozny, dilaporkan menekan pedal pemecut oleh kemalangan bukannya brek. Beliau berkata beliau "hanya sedikit" melebihi had minuman memandu. (RT News Published on 9 Oct 2012 - Belgian professional footballer Jonanthan Legear faces a lengthy driving ban after crashing his car into a petrol station convenience store, injuring one customer. Legear, who plays for Russian club Terek Grozny, reportedly pressed the accelerator pedal by accident instead of the brake. He said he was "only slightly" over the drink-drive limit).
Rejim Gaddafi suar cahaya yang berbanding dengan Kerajaan semasa . . .
RT News Diterbitkan pada 8 Okt 2012 ‘Rejim Gaddafi beacon cahaya yang berbanding dengan Kerajaan semasa’ Pengepungan Bani Walid, ketidakstabilan politik berterusan di Libya, dan penyeksaan yang dikatakan penyokong setia Gaddafi telah meninggalkan negara ini jauh dari wawasan kuasa barat apabila mereka menyokong pengeboman NATO pada tahun lepas. Geopolitik penganalisis Patrick Henningsen memberitahu RT bahawa tidak ada kestabilan di Libya berbanding sebelum bermulanya pengeboman NATO tahun lepas. Tetapi sekarang sebagai Bani Walid meminta bantuan PBB, Henningsen berkata, penduduk tidak harus mengharapkan banyak dari segi bantuan. (RT News - Published on 8 Oct 2012 ‘Gaddafi regime beacon of light compared to current govt’ The siege of Bani Walid, Libya's ongoing political instability, and the alleged torture of Gaddafi loyalists has left the country a far cry from the vision that western powers had when they supported last year's NATO bombing. Geopolitical analyst Patrick Henningsen told RT that there's no stability in Libya compared to before the onset of last year's NATO bombing. But now as Bani Walid asks for UN help, Henningsen says residents shouldn't expect much in terms of assistance).
Turki tandingi perang gendang sebagai Kurd menggembleng
tenaga di sempadan Syria . . .
tenaga di sempadan Syria . . .
RT News Diterbitkan pada 8 Okt 2012 - Cengkerang pendaratan Mortar di Turki boleh datang dari senjata bahawa Ankara dirinya diperuntukkan kepada pemberontak Syria berjuang Bashar al Assad, menurut sebuah akhbar Turki. Ini bersama-sama dengan cadangan bahawa pemisah Kurdish menggerakkan di dalam Syria, mengancam untuk meninggalkan Turki dalam kedudukan yang janggal diplomatik. RT Timur Tengah koresponden Paula Slier punyai yang terbaru. (RT News Published on 8 Oct 2012 'Turkey beats war drums as Kurds mobilize at Syria border' Mortar shells landing in Turkey may be coming from weapons that Ankara itself provided to Syrian rebels fighting Bashar al Assad, according to a Turkish newspaper. This together with suggestions that Kurdish separatists are mobilising inside Syria, threatens to leave Turkey in an awkward diplomatic position. RT's Middle East correspondent Paula Slier has the latest.
SpaceX Dragon Capsule Dilancarkan ke ISS . . .
AssociatedPress Diterbitkan pada 7 Okt 2012 ‘SpaceX Dragon Capsule Dilancarkan ke ISS’ Sebuah kapal kargo komersial melonjak ke orbit Ahad mengejar Stesen Angkasa Antarabangsa, yang pertama bekalan berdozen berjalan di bawah kontrak mega dengan NASA. Ia adalah pelancaran kedua kapsul Dragon oleh syarikat SpaceX. (AssociatedPress Published on 7 Oct 2012 ‘SpaceX Dragon Capsule Launched to ISS’ A commercial cargo ship rocketed into orbit Sunday in pursuit of the International Space Station, the first of a dozen supply runs under a mega-contract with NASA. It was the second launch of a Dragon capsule by the SpaceX company.

Mengambil gambar awan lelaki Texas mendapat Lawatan dari FBI . . .
RT News Diterbitkan: 08 Oktober 2012 - Jika anda sepadan dengan pengganas yang dikenali dan cuba untuk menggulingkan kerajaan Amerika Syarikat, ia adalah selamat menjangkakan mengetuk pintu anda dari FBI. Tetapi bagaimana jika anda hanya berlaku untuk berfikir bahawa awan ribut kelihatan benar-benar, benar-benar sejuk? Michael Galindo, 26, belajar dengan cara yang sukar bahawa apa-apa dan segala-galanya adalah permainan yang seolah-olah tidak adil bagi penyiasatan FBI. Beliau telah mengambil gambar awan hujan gelap dan ribut atas bandar Texas asalnya Houston bulan lepas dan terpaksa membayar akibatnya apabila seorang ejen persekutuan muncul di pintu depan rumahnya pada hari Jumaat.
Galindo menjawab jujur apabila Agen FBI David Pileggi menunjukkan di rumah Houston beliau minggu lepas dan bertanya kepadanya tentang beberapa gambar yang dia telah mengambil pada 13 September berhampiran bekas Refinery Lyondell. "Beliau berkata saya telah ditemui berhampiran kilang penapisan tetapi saya tidak dapat ingat berbuat demikian. Saya fikir ia terpaksa menjadi orang lain, "Galindo memberitahu Fotografi ia Bukannya Jenayah. "sehingga beliau menyebut kamera saya bahawa saya membuat sambungan." Galindo mengatakan dia tidak pernah melangkah kaki di harta (property) penapisan, tetapi ia sudah cukup untuk menimbulkan syak wasangka tetap. Seseorang berkemudahan mengesan dia foto menangkap dan menelefon pada polis, yang seterusnya berbunyi FBI Bersama Keganasan Pasukan Petugas.
Menurut kepada Galindo, beliau hanya "mencari untuk garis satu yang tapak jelas" supaya dia boleh snap gambar awan ribut terdengar sesuatu yang dia tidak kerap sebagai ahli sukarelawan satu dia Skywarn program National Perkhidmatan Cuaca yang satu sistem ‘pantai-ke-pantai’ yang membolehkan orang awam mengemukakan maklumat terbuka kira-kira mana-mana regangan ribut di langit. Laman web Skywarn mengakui bahawa program itu dijalankan bersama-sama dengan 122 tempatan Pejabat Ramalan Cuaca di seluruh negara, termasuk ramai yang menawarkan kelas latihan percuma kepada meteorologi amatur.
Taking photos of clouds earns Texas man a visit
from the FBI . . .
RT News Published: 08 October, 2012 - Galindo answered honestly when FBI Agent David Pileggi showed up at his Houston household last week and asked him about some photos he took on September 13 near the former Lyondell Refinery. “He said I was spotted near the refinery but I couldn’t even remember doing that. I thought it had to be somebody else,” Galindo tells Photography is Not a Crime. “It wasn’t until he mentioned my camera that I made the connection.” Galindo says he never once stepped foot on the refinery’s property, but it was enough to raise suspicion nonetheless. Someone at the facility spotted him shooting photos and phoned in the police, who in turn rang up the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force.
According to Galindo, he was just “looking for a clear line of site” so he could snap a photo of storm clouds overheard, something he does regularly as a volunteer member of he National Weather Service’s Skywarn program, a coast-to-coast system that lets civilians submit breaking information about any storms stretching across the sky. The Skywarn website acknowledges that the program is run in conjunction with 122 local Weather Forecast Offices throughout the country, including many that offer free training classes to amateur meteorologists.
Polis Athens ‘Pelan bandar seluruh tindakan keras pada protes di hadapan lawatan Merkel’ . . .
RT Berita Diterbitkan: 08 bulan Oktober, 2012 - polis Yunani bersedia untuk menutup bahagian-bahagian besar daripada Athens mengandungi bantahan terhadap Canselor Jerman Angela Merkel, yang melawat bandar pada hari Selasa untuk mengadakan perbincangan dengan Perdana Menteri negara, Antonis Samaras. Pihak Berkuasa mengeluarkan permit hanya 2 protes yang dirancang. Sekurang-kurangnya 7,000 polis dari seluruh negara telah dikerahkan di Athens, termasuk penembak tepat di atas bumbung, meriam air dan beratus-ratus ejen menyamar. Pasukan keselamatan yang mendirikan pagar keluli sekitar bangunan Parlimen ibu negara Beribu-ribu penunjuk perasaan mengisi jalan-jalan, dan polis mula mengambil kedudukan menjelang lawatan Merkel. Saksi-saksi melaporkan bahawa polis preemptively menangkap penunjuk perasaan sebelum ketibaan Merkel di Athens. Sekurang-kurangnya 26 orang ditahan berhampiran Dataran Syntagma, termasuk 12 pelajar dan setiap ahli blok protes 'Rangkaian Perpaduan', yang dilihat dengan sepanduk dan megaphones.

Keselamatan bermula untuk bergerak ke jawatan sekitar Syntagma menjelang lawatan Merkel (Security starting to move into positions around syntagma ahead of Merkel's visit) (Image by Sara Firth)
Athens police plan city-wide crackdown on protests ahead of Merkel visit . . .
RT News Published: 08 October, 2012 - Greek police are preparing to close down large sections of the Athens to contain protests against German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is visiting the city on Tuesday for talks with the country's Prime Minister, Antonis Samaras. Authorities issued permits for only two of the planned protests. At least 7,000 police from across the country were deployed in Athens, including rooftop snipers, water cannons and hundreds of undercover agents. Security forces erected steel fences around the capital’s parliament building. Thousands of protesters filled the streets, and police began to take position ahead of Merkel's visit. Eyewitnesses reported that police preemptively arrested demonstrators before Merkel's arrival in Athens. At least 26 people were detained near Syntagma Square, including 12 students and every member of a ‘Solidarity Network’ protest bloc, seen with banners and megaphones.

Para pesara berarak ke arah pejabat EU di pusat bandar Athens. (Pensioners march towards the EU offices in central Athens. (Reuters/Yannis Behrakis)
Penduduk tempatan mengatakan penembak tepat sudah jelas ditempatkan di puncak bumbung bangunan kerajaan di Athens, dan komando Khas Angkatan juga siap sedia sebagai helikopter mula meronda langit Athenian. "Ia akan menjadi salah satu daripada latihan keselamatan terbesar pada tahun-tahun kebelakangan ini," kata seorang pegawai kanan polis yang memilih untuk kekal tanpa nama. Langkah-langkah yang melampau sedang dimasukkan ke dalam tempat kerana lawatan singkat Merkel datang di tengah-tengah pergolakan yang semakin meningkat di Greece lebih berkuasa ‘cutbacks’. Greek baru, yang berjuang untuk bercakap pemiutang bailout ke ‘unfreezing’ ansuran pinjaman yang penting, muncul ditentukan untuk mencegah rusuhan manakala Merkel di bandar.
Menteri Ketenteraman Awam, Nikos Dendias, dipanggil pada penunjuk perasaan untuk "melindungi keamanan, dan di atas semua prospek negara kita dan imej antarabangsa kami." Greece telah bergantung kepada dana talangan dari rakan-rakan negara anggota EU dan Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa sejak Mei 2010. Untuk mendapatkan pinjaman, ia melaksanakan satu siri potongan pendapatan mendalam dan kenaikan cukai, di samping meningkatkan umur persaraan dan memudahkan pemberhentian sektor swasta. Walau bagaimanapun, Greece mesti kapak lain US $ 17500000000 dalam tempoh 2 tahun akan datang untuk melayakkan diri untuk menyelamatkan pinjaman pembayaran seterusnya - tanpa mana kerajaan akan kehabisan wang tunai bulan depan.
Jerman telah menyediakan kebanyakan dana bailout EU - tetapi telah juga kekal salah pengkritik Greece sukar menuntut lebih pembaharuan dari Yunani untuk menjaga ekonomi mereka melarut. Ketegangan menjelang lawatan sudah menggelegak dalam ibu negara Yunani, dengan beribu-ribu berkumpul di hadapan bangunan Parlimen di Dataran Syntagma, melaungkan terhadap pemotongan bajet segar dan membakar bendera EU. Lebih daripada 8,000 penunjuk perasaan dibolong kekecewaan mereka di Canselor Jerman Angela Merkel, yang mereka lihat sebagai penghasut program pembaharuan melumpuhkan mereka. Banner utama di hadapan parlimen membaca, "Angela, anda tidak dialu-alukan!", Yang ditulis pada bendera Jerman yang besar.
Locals say snipers were already visibly stationed on the roof tops of government buildings in Athens, and commando Special Forces were also on standby as helicopters began patrolling the Athenian skyline. “It will be one of the biggest security drills in recent years,” said a senior police official who chose to remain anonymous. These extreme measures are being put in place because Merkel's brief visit comes amid growing unrest in Greece over new cutbacks.Greek authorities, who are struggling to talk bailout creditors into unfreezing a vital loan installment, appear determined to prevent riots whilst Merkel is in town.
Public Order Minister, Nikos Dendias, called on protesters to "protect the peace, and above all our country's prospects and our international image." Greece has depended on bailouts from fellow EU member states and the International Monetary Fund since May 2010. To get the loans, it implemented a series of deep income cuts and tax hikes, while increasing retirement ages and facilitating private sector layoffs. However, Greece must axe another $17.5 billion over the next two years to qualify for its next rescue loan payment – without which the government will run out of cash next month.

Para pesara menolak seorang anggota polis rusuhan semasa scuffles antara membantah pesara dan polis berhampiran pejabat EU. (A pensioner pushes a riot policeman during scuffles between protesting pensioners and police near the EU offices). (Reuters/Yannis Behrakis)

Para pesara menolak anggota polis rusuhan semasa scuffles berhampiran pejabat EU di Athens. (Pensioners push riot policemen during scuffles near the EU offices in Athens). (Reuters/Yannis Behrakis)

Penunjuk perasaan anti-penjimatan memegang pelekat terhadap Canselor Jerman Angela Merkel semasa demonstrasi di Athens. (An anti-austerity protester holds a placard against the German Chancellor Angela Merkel during a demonstration in Athens). (AFP Photo/Louisa Gouliamaki)
We are living in a time when the Corrupt are displayed as the Wise People & Wise People as the Corrupt. When The Rich get Richer and the Poor stay Poor'. With this Message I will attempt explain one Of the Signs from God & The Mystery Surrounding us.
We don't know exact time Of the HOUR, (Only God Knows). However, we do know some Of the Sign. Read Carefully. Think & Observe the Signs Of All Mighty God before it's too late. The HOUR is Coming, it's just a matter Of time . . .
2012 is finally here . . . !
Do Not Fear this Shift.
For It Is a Symbol.
Of the Closing (the Old book).
Of the Old Energies
And the Emergence
Of Peace
Spread the WORD: I'm Telling YOU . . .
'Your Time' RUNNING OUT!!!
Hope! Everyone 1WORLD focus in the same page!!!
PREPARE!!!: Nibiru near,
Extreme Wether,
Earth Changes,
Mystery Universe,
Wild sun,
errors humanHand.
Coming disaster Ramadan (August) to Syawal (September) to Dz Qaidah (October) to Dz Hijjah (November)!!! . . .
GOD ALMIGHTY SAYS IN THE HOLY QURAN: 'And there is none from the People of the Scripture but that he will surely believe in Jesus before his death. And on the Day of Resurrection he will be against them a witness'. (Surah An 'Nisa 4: 159)
♥ from Bob Marley - 3 little birds . . .
"Don't worry about a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right.
Singin': "Don't worry about a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!"
Rise up this mornin',
Smiled with the risin' sun,
Three little birds
Pitch by my doorstep
Singin' sweet songs
Of melodies pure and true,
Sayin', ("This is my message to you-ou-ou:")
Singin': "Don't worry 'bout a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right."
Singin': "Don't worry (don't worry) 'bout a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!"
Rise up this mornin',
Smiled with the risin' sun,
Three little birds
Pitch by my doorstep
Singin' sweet songs
Of melodies pure and true,
Sayin', "This is my message to you-ou-ou:"
Singin': "Don't worry about a thing, worry about a thing, oh!
Every little thing gonna be all right. Don't worry!"
Singin': "Don't worry about a thing" - I won't worry!
"'Cause every little thing gonna be all right."
Singin': "Don't worry about a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right" - I won't worry!
Singin': "Don't worry about a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right."
Singin': "Don't worry about a thing, oh no!
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!
RASTAFARI in the White House with the OBAMA's. Ziggy Marley & Rita Marley. RULA BROWN . . .
Adegan Cantik di Rumah Putih dengan Obama dikunjungi oleh Ziggy Marley/Rita Marley dan keluarga mereka. Bob Marley mesti rasa bangga. Rula Brown-"Montego Bay". Layari, kadar & House Yehuda Grounation Gerakan Rastafari Nyabinghi. "Inilah dia" oleh Michael Jackson melanda dan "Justin Bieber Satu Masa lagu menghentam.
Beautiful scene in the White House with the Obama's visited by Ziggy Marley/Rita Marley and their family. Bob Marley must be feeling proud. Rula Brown-"Montego Bay". Subscribe, rate & comment @ House of Judah Nyabinghi Rastafarian Grounation. "This Is It" by Michael Jackson is hit and Justin Bieber's "One Time a smash tune.
Top Comments . . .
Jah Ed: Rastafari tidak tergolong dalam White House! ini hanya propaganda Babylon! untuk membuat rastas berfikir Obama adalah baik hanya kerana dia dapat bergambar dengan ziggy fyah bun tetapi Rasta tidak mengikutinya tiada ahli-ahli politik tidak kira apa warna mereka!! (Rastafari dont belong in the white house! this is just babylon propaganda! to make rastas think obama is good just because hes got a photo with ziggy fyah bun but rasta dont follow no politicians no matter what there colour)!!!
cohenhaywood10: Apa yang memalukan marleys bekas isteri dan anak-anaknya . . . menghisap pembunuh sehingga di tempat-tempat yang tinggi . . . mengapa tidak anda menjalankan perjuangan datuk nenek kamu . . . bukannya berjuang atas royalti beliau . . . pengecut . . . untuk Rita, saya mempunyai ‘doughts’ saya tentang apakah peranan beliau dalam kehidupan Bob . . . melihat kerana ia adalah beliau yang menolak bob ke cita-cita elitis Zionisme . . . Jangan salah niat Bob adalah benar dan dia ‘transgrended’ semua itu dengan mesej –mesej beliau keamanan dan kesaksamaan. sepatutnya salah satu daripada anak-anaknya boleh menghormati bapanya. (What a disgrace marleys ex wife and children are...sucking up to the killers in high places...why don't you carry on your fathers fight..instead of fighting over his for Rita,I have my doughts about what her role was in Bobs life..seeing as it was her who pushed bob into the elitist ideals of zionism...Don't get me wrong Bob's intentions were true and he transgrended all of that with his message of peace and equality.Surely one of his sons could honour his father).
inferi321: RITA, ZIGGY! rememember your roots wats this fooling around with obama that man is tryin to kill off the human race, discrace to Rastafari FIRE BURN PON DAT!
Bob Marley - Bio Channel Documentary . . .
Who Killed Bob Marley ? . . .
After Reading A Lot Into This Subject I Thought Ide Make This Video To Gather Peoples Thoughts And Opinions If This Is True How Can Somthing Like This Be Over Looked Was Bob Marley Realy Fineshed Of By The Cia/Illuminati
Check Out These Articles
A summary of Bob Marley's life.
Additional Information: When Marley was found to have cancer on his big toe, he refused amputation because of his religious (Rastafari) beliefs. Then cancer metastasized to other parts of his body. That was when he started some alternative treatment but it was already too late.
Ethiopian Jews also known as Falash Mura

Ethiopia’s Jews caught between waiting for imagined heaven and living in daily hell of racism in Israel.

An Ethiopian Jew is knocked down by a mounted police officer during a demonstration in central Jerusalem in 2006, Israel (AP/Emilio Morenatti)

A protester holds a placard outside the Knesset, the Israeli parliament, in Jerusalem Monday, during a protest against three Jewish religious schools refusal to admit 100 Ethiopian Jewish students. The placard reads in Hebrew, “There is no racism in the Bible”.

Ethiopian Jews

Ethiopian Jews

Ethiopian Jews

Ethiopian Jews

Ethiopian Jews holding a banner written in Hebrew. Of course, none of them can read a letter or a word of Hebrew. Funny, isn't it? I guess it is intended to make the 'Israelites' feel good.

Ethiopian Jews

Ethiopian Jews

An Ethiopian Jew
trying to restrain an unruly Ashkenazi Jew settler.

Ethiopian Jews

Ethiopian Jews

Ethiopian Jews

Ethiopian Jews

Ethiopian Jews

An Ethiopian Jew in
'Israel' is crying because 'Israel' refused to let him bring his family from

Ethiopian Jews

Ethiopian Jews

An Ethiopian Jew in
'Israel' is crying because 'Israel' refused to let her bring his family from

Ethiopian Jews

One Ethiopian Jew and
a European Jew. How are they related?

Ethiopian Jews

Ethiopian Jews

An Ethiopian Jew
scuffling with "Israeli" Police demandig to bring his
"Israel". But "Israel" says no more blacks.

Kadima MK Shlomo

Ethiopian Jews and an
Ashkenazi Jew. How are the related? Do they share the same 'Jewish blood? ’s

Ethiopian Jews

Ethiopian Jews and
Ashkenazi Jews. How hard is it to tell what part of the world each group
origintes from? . Hint: One is black and the other white European!

Ethiopian Jews and
Ashkenazi Jews. How hard is it to tell what part of the world each group
origintes from? . Hint: One is black and the other white European!

Ethiopian Jews

Ethiopian Jews Await
Emigration To Israel ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA - MARCH 14: A Jewish Ethiopian woman
with a cross tattooed on her forehead poses for a portrait March 14, 2003 at
the Beta Israel School in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In some cases, the crosses
were tattooed during a time when a family was practicing Christianity. However,
the crosses do not conclusively indicate a willing Christian faith. The Israeli
Ministry of the Interior takes the position that if a grandparent or a
precedent had converted to Christianity, their progeny are not Jewish unless
they undergo a conversion prior to admittance, but the Ethiopian government
does not allow conversions in Ethiopia.

Ethiopian Jews

Ethiopian Jews

An Ethiopian Jewish
man during a prayer service in Jerusalem marking Sigd, a holy day when
Ethiopian Jews celebrate their community connection and commitment to Israel
(Source: BBC)

Falasha: Ethiopian
Jewish family in Ethiopia. Such squalid living conditions make people to say
they are 'Jews' in pursuit of opportunies in "Israel".

Getty Images Addis
Ababa, ETHIOPIA: An Ethiopian Jewish woman leaves a synagogue after attending a
morning prayer service 16 March 2007 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Thousands of
Ethiopian Jews have left their villages for Addis Abeba, hoping to be able to
emigrate to Israel.

Ethiopian Jews’
renewed hopes of being repatriated to Israel. Do you see what I see? A large
cross across the forehead of the woman who claims to be a Jew? A cross? These
are economic refugees!

Ethiopian Jews

Worshipers in the
crowd moved their hands back and forth as they celebrate Sigd, a festival that
marks a recommitment to the Torah. A crowd about 10,000 gathered in Jerusalem
for the prayers, speeches and celebration. Sigd was a national holiday in
Israel for the first time this year.November 19, 2009

Ethiopian Jews

Squalor and shrinking
hope for Ethiopian Jews. (Reuters) - Thousands of Ethiopians who say their
Jewish roots entitle them to live in Israel are stuck in a squalid camp in
Ethiopia, their dream of a promised land fading as Israel scrutinizes their
family ties

Israeli consul
general Belaynesh Zevadia

An Israeli Ethiopian
Jew is pinned down by Israeli police during a protest near in Jerusalem on
Saturday. The Ethiopian community is demanding that their families in Ethiopia,
known as Falash Mura, be allowed to immigrate to Israel. AP 8/17/2008

Ethiopian Jews

Ethiopian Jews

Ethiopian Jews

Ethiopian Jews

An Ethiopian woman.
She probably does not even know how to spell 'Herzl' or even heard of his name.
To her, the nation that claims this flag seems to have a lot of American money
flowing in its direction; and for the African woman, that is good enough!

Ugandan Jew also
known as Abuyudaya

Ugandan Jew also
known as Abuyudaya

Ugandan Jew also
known as Abuyudaya

Ugandan Jew also
known as Abuyudaya

Ugandan Jew also
known as Abuyudaya

Ugandan Jew also
known as Abuyudaya

Ugandan Jew also
known as Abuyudaya

Ugandan Jew also
known as Abuyudaya

Ugandan Jew also
known as Abuyudaya

Ugandan Jew also
known as Abuyudaya

Ugandan Jew also
known as Abuyudaya

Ugandan Jew also
known as Abuyudaya

Ethiopian Jews

Ethiopian Jews

Ethiopian Jews

Ethiopian Jews

Ethiopian Jews

Allah Subhanahuwa Ta’ala telah dikurniakan kita link (panduan & jadual acara) terus ke tahun 2012 atau untuk menjadi tepat 1433AH tahun Islam dalam Surah 55 Ar Rahman (ayat 1-78) (God has gifted us a direct link (Guides & Schedule of Event) to the year 2012 or to be exact the Islamic year 1433AH in chapter 55 Ar 'Rahman (verse 1-78)
2012 Event Latitudes and Dates (God Permitting)
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2012-01-07 ― 2012-01-10
2012-07-01 ― 2012-07-04
2012-01-22 ― 2012-01-25
2012-07-07 ― 2012-07-10
2012-01-30 ― 2012-02-02
2012-07-14 ― 2012-07-17
2012-02-10 ― 2012-02-13
2012-07-23 ― 2012-07-26
2012-02-18 ― 2012-02-21
2012-08-05 ― 2012-08-08
2012-02-28 ― 2012-03-02
2012-08-18 ― 2012-08-21
2012-03-13 ― 2012-03-16
2012-08-25 ― 2012-08-28
2012-03-27 ― 2012-03-30
2012-09-03 ― 2012-09-06
2012-04-04 ― 2012-04-07
2012-09-10 ― 2012-09-13
2012-04-24 ― 2012-04-27
2012-09-15 ― 2012-09-18
2012-05-06 ― 2012-05-09
2012-09-22 ― 2012-09-25
2012-05-16 ― 2012-05-19
2012-09-30 ― 2012-10-03
2012-05-28 ― 2012-05-31
2012-10-07 ― 2012-10-10
2012-06-07 ― 2012-06-10
2012-10-15 ― 2012-10-18
2012-06-22 ― 2012-06-25
2012-10-25 ― 2012-10-28
−89 / +67 days error margin
2012-11-04 ― 2012-11-07
Firman Allah Ta'ala: 'Maka yang mana satu di antara nikmat-nikmat Tuhan kamu, yang kamu (wahai umat manusia dan jin) hendak dustakan'? (God Almighty says in the Holy Quran: ‘So which of the favors of your Lord would you (Jinn and mankind)? deny? (31 Ayat/verses): 13, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77 = 1433
Quran Surah Ar Rahman verses: 13 + 16 + 18 + 21 + 23 + 25 + 28 + 30 + 32 + 34 + 36 + 38 + 40 + 42 + 45 + 47 + 49 + 51 + 53 + 55 + 57 + 59 + 61 + 63 + 65 + 67 + 69 + 71 + 73 + 75 + 77 = 1433 means (2012)
Titik Mula Acara (Event Start Points) . . .
Bumi sebagai sfera dibahagikan kepada 360 longitudes (bulatan 1/2 menegak) dan 180 latitud (mendatar bulatan penuh) seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah: (The Earth as a sphere is divided into 360 longitudes (vertical half circles) and 180 latitudes (horizontal full circles) as shown below):
Walaupun latitud dinomborkan secara semulajadi dari pusat Bumi di khatulistiwa, longitudes ber-nombor oleh British supaya negara mereka duduk tiruan di pusat peta Bumi dengan 0 ˚ Longitude.
Walau bagaimanapun, dalam Islam, Mekah yang kini terletak di longitud 39,8 ˚ E adalah suci pusat Bumi dan oleh itu longitudes semua mesti diperbetulkan oleh subtracting 39.8 ˚ daripada nilai semasa mereka. Pembetulan ini boleh membantu kita mencari titik pertama di mana acara pertama ˚ latitud 13 akan melanda Bumi yang menganggap nombor bab (Surah 55 Ar 'Rahman) * 55 untuk menjadi nombor longitud.
Point 13 ˚ N 94,8 ˚ E ‘ditunjukkan pada peta di atas Earth2012 dalam putih besar boleh menjadi titik pertama andaian 31 acara bermula di hemisfera utara. Ini juga menunjukkan betapa penyayangnya Allah Subhanahuwa Ta’ala adalah dengan mensasarkan kawasan kurangnya penduduk pertama untuk memberi rakyat masa-masa yang cukup mematuhi amaranNya dan bergerak keluar daripada bahaya cara untuk sekurang-kurangnya pada 4 hari dan kembali jika kawasan mereka masih didiami. Perhatikan bahawa adalah latitud ~ 110km luas supaya tidak semua kawasan di dalam latitud akan memukul dan beberapa mungkin terlepas sengaja oleh Allah Ta’ala terutama tempat ibadat untuk menunjukkan bahawa kita semua menyembah Allah yang sama SATU tanpa mengira laluan yang berbeza agama.
While the latitudes are numbered naturally from the center of the Earth at the equator, the longitudes were numbered by the British so their country sits artificially at the center of the Earth map with Longitude 0˚.
While the latitudes are numbered naturally from the center of the Earth at the equator, the longitudes were numbered by the British so their country sits artificially at the center of the Earth map with Longitude 0˚.
In Islam however, Mecca which currently lies at longitude 39.8˚E is the holy center of the Earth and therefore all longitudes must be corrected by subtracting39.8˚ from their current values. This correction can help us locate the first point at which the first event of latitude 13˚ would hit Earth assuming the chapter number Surah *55 to be a longitude number.
Point 13˚N 94.8˚E shown on the above Earth2012 map in big white could be this first point assuming the 31 events start at the north hemisphere. This also shows how merciful God is by targeting least-populated areas first to give people enough time to heed His warnings and move out of harm's way for at least 4 days and come back if their areas are still habitable. Note that a latitude is ~110km wide so not all areas within a latitude would be hit and some may be missed deliberately by God especially places of worship to show that we all worship the same ONE GOD regardless of our different religious paths.
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