Lihat ombak di Gibara, Holguin province, Cuba (View of waves in Gibara,
Holguin province, Cuba. (AFP Photo/Str)
‘10 mati sebagai Ishak (Isaac) sebatan Hispaniola, ramalan kekuatan taufan untuk Amerika Syarikat’ . . .
By 1WC’sChannel | earthWatch Wednesday 29, August 2012
By 1WC’sChannel | earthWatch Wednesday 29, August 2012
Dengan memandu angin sehingga 112 km sejam dan hujan lebat, Ribut Tropika Ishak telah lalui Haiti membunuh 8 mangsa, mengambil 2 lagi kehidupan di Republik Dominican. Ribut Ishak dijangka untuk mengukuhkan kuasa taufan oleh masa ia mencecah Florida. Dengan ramai yang masih tinggal di dalam khemah selepas gempa bumi ngeri pada tahun 2010, Haiti sekali lagi setelah kini telah didera oleh angin dan hujan.
Laporan kerajaan menyatakan bahawa 8,000 orang telah dipindahkan dari rumah mereka, dan 4,000 berpindah ke tempat perlindungan sementara. Sekurang-kurangnya 8 orang telah dilaporkan mati di Haiti. Salah seorang mangsa adalah seorang gadis berusia 10-tahun yang mati apabila dinding jatuh ke atas beliau, menurut Pejabat Perlindungan Awam di negara ini. Sebanyak 2 kematian dilaporkan dalam jiran Republik Dominican.
Pekan Pondok miskin Cite Soleil, sebuah kawasan kejiranan di kawasan metropolitan Port-au-Prince, telah terjejas teruk oleh ribut. Kira-kira 3.7 juta orang tinggal di kawasan sekitar ibu negara, hampir separuh daripada penduduk negara ini.
Sebagai Grise Sungai utara Port-au-Prince melimpah dari lonjakan ribut dan hujan, air membanjiri Cite Soleil, memaksa penduduk sama ada untuk melarikan diri dengan apa sahaja yang mereka boleh menjalankan atau tinggal dan menghadapi yang terburuk di kawasan bandar yang hampir tidak mempunyai sistem kumbahan. Mereka yang lari dari melakukan apa sahaja yang mereka boleh di atas kepala mereka di dalam air sedalam pinggang.
"Dari malam tadi, kita berada dalam kesengsaraan," Cite Soleil pemastautin Jean-Gymar Jacob memberitahu Associated Press. "Semua anak-anak kita sedang tidur di dalam lumpur, dalam hujan." Khemah di penempatan gempa bumi telah cepat ditiup selain seperti ranting oleh angin, meninggalkan penduduk untuk menyelamatkan apa sahaja yang mereka boleh di tengah-tengah ribut. Rachel Brumbaugh, operasi pengurus kumpulan Amerika Syarikat bukan berasaskan keuntungan WORLD Vision, berkata kira-kira 300 rumah di Cite Soleil kehilangan bumbung mereka atau telah dibanjiri sehingga satu meter mendalam.
Ribut rancak segar kerana ia bergerak melalui perairan hangat Selat Florida pada pagi Ahad. Peramal telah memberi amaran ia berpotensi bertukar menjadi Kategori 2 taufan oleh Isnin kerana ia bergerak lalui (kunci) Florida Keys dan membuat jalan ke utara Gulf Coast. Negeri-negeri Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama dan Florida telah mengisytiharkan darurat. Trek yang diunjurkan dan masa Ishak mengingatkan Taufan Katrina yang melanda New Orleans dan Pantai Teluk pada tahun 2005, membunuh 1,800 orang.

3 wanita muda melihat gelombang dalam Gibara, Holguin province, Cuba (Three young women look at waves in Gibara, Holguin province, Cuba) (AFP Photo/Str)
‘10 dead as Isaac lashes Hispaniola, hurricane-strength
forecast for US’ . . .
With driving winds of up to 112 km per hour and heavy rain, Tropical Storm Isaac has passed over Haiti killing 8, taking two more lives in the Dominican Republic. Storm Isaac is expected to strengthen to hurricane force by the time it hits Florida. With many still living in tents after horrific earthquakes in 2010, Haitians are once again picking up the pieces having now been battered by winds and rain.
Government reports state that 8,000 people were evacuated from their homes, and 4,000 moved to temporary shelters. At least eight people have been reported dead in Haiti. One of the victims was a 10-year-old girl who died when a wall fell on her, according to the country’s Civil Protection Office. Another two deaths were reported in neighboring Dominican Republic.
The impoverished shanty town of Cite Soleil, a neighborhood in the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area, was hit hard by the storm. Approximately 3.7 million people live in the area around the capital, almost half the country’s population.
As the Grise River north of Port-au-Prince overflowed from storm surge and rain, water flooded Cite Soleil, forcing residents either to flee with whatever they could carry or stay and face the worst in an urban area that virtually lacks a sewage system. Those who fled carried whatever they could above their heads in waist-deep water.
"From last night, we're in misery," Cite Soleil resident Jean-Gymar Joseph told the Associated Press. "All our children are sleeping in the mud, in the rain." Tents in earthquake settlements were quickly blown apart like twigs by the winds, leaving residents to save whatever they could amid the storm. Rachel Brumbaugh, operation manager for the US nonprofit group World Vision, said about 300 homes in Cite Soleil lost their roofs or were flooded up to one-meter deep.
The storm picked up fresh momentum as it moved through the warm waters of the Florida Straits on Sunday morning. Forecasters have warned it could potentially turn into a Category 2 hurricane by Monday as it moves over the Florida Keys and makes its way to the northern Gulf Coast. The states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida have declared a state of emergency. The projected track and timing of Isaac is reminiscent of Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans and the Gulf Coast in 2005, killing 1,800 people.
‘10 terbunuh sebagai taufan Bolaven Slam Korea Selatan’ . . .
Typhoon Bolaven telah melanda Korea Selatan, membunuh sekurang-kurangnya 10 dan meninggalkan puluhan berumah. Ribut yang kuat teruk mengganggu komunikasi dan menyebabkan beratus-ratus pembatalan penerbangan. Taufan melanda 2 vesel penangkapan ikan di laut, membunuh 5 anak kapal. Pasukan penyelamat berjaya menyelamatkan 12 kru, dan 6 lagi nelayan berjaya berenang untuk keselamatan. 10 kru kekal hilang.
Sekurang-kurangnya 5 orang lain kehilangan nyawa mereka dalam insiden berasingan di seluruh negara. Seorang lelaki telah terbunuh oleh kotak bekas yang memukulnya di kepalanya, seorang wanita jatuh kepada kematian beliau dari bumbung, dan orang ke-3 yang telah dilanda bencana bata, tempatan dan pegawai-pegawai bomba memberitahu. Seorang lelaki berusia 80 tahun mati selepas sebuah bangunan sementara jatuh ke atasnya, pegawai kepada AP. Lelaki lain telah terbunuh oleh pokok yang jatuh.
Bencana terjejas kuasa, menyebabkan pembatalan lebih 200 penerbangan dan memaksa tentera untuk menghentikan ‘war games’ bersama yang sedang dijalankan oleh Amerika Syarikat dan tentera Korea Selatan. Pihak berkuasa Korea Selatan mengeluarkan amaran ribut untuk modal Seoul, di mana lebih 330,000 rumah telah kehilangan kuasa dan 70 telah kehilangan tempat tinggal oleh bencana.
Bolaven melanda di bahagian selatan dan barat Korea Selatan dan kini menghampiri Korea Utara, yang telah baru-baru ini dimusnahkan oleh banjir yang luas dan kemudian kemarau. Media kerajaan Korea Utara melaporkan bahawa negara ini telah dipukul oleh hujan lebat dan angin kencang.

Awan gelap berkumpul di atas Shanghai 27 ogos, 2012, sebagai Taufan Bolaven pas berhampiran pantai Cina (Dark clouds gather above Shanghai August 27, 2012, as Typhoon Bolaven passes near the Chinese coast (Reuters/Carlos Barria).

Seorang nelayan Cina diselamatkan dari bot nelayan Cina di selepas Taufan Bolavenat di Seogwipo (A Chinese fisherman is rescued from a Chinese fishing boat in the aftermath of Typhoon Bolavenat at Seogwipo) (AFP Photo/Dong-A Ilbo).

Dalam foto edaran ini dikeluarkan oleh Seogwipo Pengawal Pantai pada 28 Ogos, 2012, pengawal pantai Korea Selatan (kiri) cuba untuk menyelamatkan krew bot nelayan terkandas Cina (In this handout photo released by Seogwipo Coast Guard on August 28, 2012, South Korean coast guards (L) try to rescue crew members of a stranded Chinese fishing boat) (AFP Photo/Seogwipo Coast Guard).

AFP Photo/Dong-A Ilbo

AFP Photo/Seogwipo Coast Guard

AFP Photo/Dong-A Ilbo
‘10 killed as typhoon Bolaven slams South Korea’ . . .
Typhoon Bolaven has struck South Korea, killing at least ten and leaving dozens homeless. The powerful storm severely disrupted communications and caused hundreds of flight cancellations. The typhoon struck two fishing vessels at sea, killing five crewmembers. Rescue teams managed to save twelve of the crew, and six more fishermen managed to swim to safety. Ten crewmembers remain missing.
At least five others lost their lives in separate incidents across the country. One man was killed by a container box that hit him on the head, one woman fell to her death from a rooftop, and the third person was hit by a brick, local disaster and fire officials told the Independent. An 80-year-old man died after a makeshift building fell on him, officials told the AP. Another man was killed by a falling tree.
The disaster disrupted power, caused the cancellations of over 200 flights and forced the military to halt joint war games being carried out by US and South Korean troops. South Korean authorities issued a storm warning for the capital of Seoul, where over 330,000 homes have lost power and 70 were left homeless by the disaster.
Bolaven pounded the southern and western parts of South Korea and is now approaching North Korea, which was recently ravaged by extensive flooding and then a drought. North Korean state media reported that the country is already being buffeted by heavy rains and strong winds.
AssociatedPress - 'Typhoon Slam Korea, Kapal Cina' Bolaven Typhoon melanda Korea Selatan Selasa, asas 2 bot nelayan Cina dan membunuh sekurang-kurangnya 5 nelayan. Kuasa tersingkir kepada ratusan ribu, manakala di Taiwan Typhoon Tembin kembali selepas ditiup keluar ke laut. (AssociatedPress - ‘Typhoon Slams Korea, Grounds Chinese Ships’ Typhoon Bolaven pounded South Korea Tuesday, grounding two Chinese fishing boats and killing at least 5 fishermen. Power was knocked out to hundreds of thousands, while in Taiwan Typhoon Tembin returned after being blown out to sea). (Aug. 28/M’sian Aug 29).
AssociatedPress - 'Fla Panhandle Penyokong untuk Panhandle Ishak Florida perembatan untuk apa yang diharapkan untuk menjadi jering dari Taufan Ishak. Hujan dari ribut boleh jumlahkan 20 inci di kawasan terpencil. (AssociatedPress - ‘Fla. Panhandle Braces for Isaac’ The Florida Panhandle is bracing for what is expected to be a soaking from Hurricane Isaac. Rain from the storm could total up to 20 inches in isolated areas). (Aug. 28/M’sian Aug. 29).
TINJAUAN/REVIEW: ‘7 Years After Katrina . . .
TINJAUAN: '7 Tahun Selepas Katrina_photo 1 (REVIEW: ‘7 Years After Katrina_Foto 1)
TINJAUAN: '7 Tahun Selepas Katrina_photo 2 (REVIEW: ‘7 Years After Katrina_Foto 2)
TINJAUAN: '7 Tahun Selepas Katrina_photo 3 (REVIEW: ‘7 Years After Katrina_Foto 3)
TINJAUAN: '7 Tahun Selepas Katrina_photo 4 (REVIEW: ‘7 Years After Katrina_Foto 4)
TINJAUAN: '7 Tahun Selepas Katrina_photo 5 (REVIEW: ‘7 Years After Katrina_Foto 5)
TINJAUAN: '7 Tahun Selepas Katrina_photo 6 (REVIEW: ‘7 Years After Katrina_Foto 6)
TINJAUAN: '7 Tahun Selepas Katrina_photo 7 (REVIEW: ‘7 Years After Katrina_Foto 7)
TINJAUAN: '7 Tahun Selepas Katrina_photo 8 (REVIEW: ‘7 Years After Katrina_Foto 8)
TINJAUAN: '7 Tahun Selepas Katrina_photo 8 (REVIEW: ‘7 Years After Katrina_Foto 8)
TINJAUAN: '7 Tahun Selepas Katrina_photo 9 (REVIEW: ‘7 Years After Katrina_Foto 9)
Fla. Panhandle Braces for Isaac
Typhoon Slams Korea, Grounds Chinese Ships
Typhoon Bolaven Batters South Korea
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