Orang berjalan melalui jalan yang dibanjiri sebagai Taufan Sandy bergerak lebih dekat ke kawasan pada 29 Oktober, 2012 dalam seksyen cangkuk Merah kota kecil Brooklyn New York (People walk through a flooded street as Hurricane Sandy moves closer to the area on October 29, 2012 in the Red Hook section of the Brooklyn borough of New York City (AFP Photo/Spencer Platt)
New York banjir mencecah peringkat Irene sebagai ribut mengerikan membuat daratan yg kelihatan . . .
By 1WC’sChannel (15, Dz ‘Hijjah1433), Wednesday 31, October 2012
Bahagian Brooklyn, Manhattan dan Pulau Staten adalah air sebagai taufan Sandy merentasi New York. Kebanyakan bandar kini tanpa kuasa, dan transit massa telah ditutup sehingga notis selanjutnya. Laluan air di kawasan New York metropolitan yang semakin meningkat, Datuk Bandar Michael Bloomberg memberitahu satu sidang akhbar yang dianjurkan kerana Taufan Sandy. Amaran banjir pesisiran pantai adalah tempat dari 3 pm hingga 6 pagi waktu tempatan.
Disatukan Edison, pembekal tenaga utama Big Apple, mula menutup kuasa turun di beberapa bahagian Manhattan hanya sebelum 8 pm waktu tempatan kerana ancaman banjir. Bahagian rendah Manhattan Timur dan daerah Kampung Timur sudah menghadapi banjir serius, dengan gambar di Twitter dan Facebook yang menunjukkan kereta air. Kedua-dua kawasan kejiranan, yang duduk di tebing barat Sungai Timur, boleh mengharapkan air lonjakan 9-10 kaki di kemuncak air pasang tinggi pada malam Isnin, Bloomberg memberitahu amaran.
Sementara itu, lonjakan telah melanda tahap yang dilihat semasa Ribut Tropika Irene, yang melanda New York pada Ogos lepas. Gambar banjir di daerah cangkuk Merah Brooklyn, FDR Drive di sebelah timur Manhattan, dan Battery Park, di bahagian bawah Pulau Manhattan, membuat pusingan talian. Lebuh raya, transit awam dan jambatan ditutup awal. Sekolah-sekolah awam di bandar ini akan kekal ditutup hingga Selasa, Bursa Saham New York. Beberapa universiti dan serta muzium di bandar ini telah memilih untuk menutup pintu mereka sehingga notis selanjutnya.
Laporan mengatakan taufan telah diperkukuhkan dan membangunkan mata, dengan angin yang berterusan dilaporkan mencapai 90 mph. Bandar Robert F. Kennedy Jambatan yang menghubungkan Queens ke Manhattan dan Bronx, telah ditutup petang Isnin kerana angin melebihi 100 mph, Pihak Berkuasa Pengangkutan Metropolitan dilaporkan. Seperti angin terus meningkat, pekerja kecemasan bergegas untuk menyelamatkan kren pembinaan ditempatkan bersama-sama sebuah bangunan 65-cerita di Manhattan. Lengan kren tergantung berbahaya, dan sebagai pegawai hasil mengarahkan pengosongan beberapa bangunan berhampiran tapak.
Pekerja kemudahan memeriksa garis gas di Island City Oktober 29, 2012 di New York (Utility workers inspect gas lines on City Island October 29, 2012 in New York (AFP Photo/Don Emmert)
Parts of Brooklyn, Manhattan and Staten Island are underwater as hurricane Sandy passes over New York. Much of the city is now without power, and mass transit has been shut down until further notice. Waterways in the New York metropolitan area are rising, Mayor Michael Bloomberg told a press conference organized due to Hurricane Sandy. The coastal flood warning is in place from 3 pm to 6 am local time.
Consolidated Edison, the Big Apple's primary energy supplier, began shutting power down in some parts of Manhattan just before 8 pm local time due to the flood threat. Manhattan's Lower East Side and East Village districts are already facing serious flooding, with pictures on Twitter and Facebook showing cars underwater. The two neighborhoods, which sit on the western bank of the East River, can expect a 9-10 foot water surge at the climax of high tide on Monday night, Bloomberg warned.
Meanwhile, the surge has already hit the levels seen during Tropical Storm Irene, which hit New York last August. Pictures of flooding in the Red Hook district of Brooklyn, FDR Drive on the east side of Manhattan, and Battery Park, at the very bottom of Manhattan Island, are making the rounds online. Highways, public transit and bridges were closed early on. The city's public schools will remains closed Tuesday, as will the New York Stock Exchange. Some of the city's universities and museums have opted to shut their doors until further notice as well.
Reports say the hurricane has strengthened and developed an eye, with sustained winds reportedly reaching 90 mph. The city's Robert F. Kennedy Bridge, which links Queens to Manhattan and the Bronx, was shut down Monday evening due to winds exceeding 100 mph, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority reported. As winds continued to pick up, emergency workers rushed to save a construction crane stationed alongside a 65-story building in midtown Manhattan. The crane's arm was dangling dangerously, and as a result officials ordered the evacuations of several buildings near the site.
Orang berjalan sandbags lalu di jalan yang dibanjiri sebagai Taufan Sandy bergerak lebih dekat ke kawasan pada 29 Oktober, 2012 dalam seksyen cangkuk Merah kota kecil Brooklyn New York. (People walk past sandbags on a flooded street as Hurricane Sandy moves closer to the area on October 29, 2012 in the Red Hook section of the Brooklyn borough of New York City. (AFP Phot /Spencer Platt)
Lebih daripada 375,000 orang telah diarahkan untuk berpindah dari kawasan rendah di bandar ini. Datuk Bandar Bloomberg menggesa mereka yang tinggal dalam zon banjir A untuk meninggalkan segera. Pulau Staten di bandar ini dan Timur Sungai Ferry perkhidmatan telah digantung. Walau bagaimanapun, Bloomberg berkata, bas-bas yang mengambil orang keluar dari zon A perlindungan kepada masih berjalan. BAHAGIAN, perkhidmatan kereta api yang menghubungkan New Jersey dan New York, juga telah digantung sehingga notis selanjutnya.
Terowong utama dalam dan di luar bandar – Brooklyn-bateri dan Holland - juga ditutup kerana ancaman banjir. Kerajaan bandar masih dibuka, Bloomberg menegaskan, mengambil panggilan mengenai pokok dijatuhkan, banjir lebuh raya dan lain-lain kes-kes seperti. Terdahulu, Presiden Barack Obama mengisytiharkan darurat di negeri New York. Beliau menggesa rakyat untuk mengambil ribut "serius" dan ikut arahan-arahan keselamatan pihak berkuasa tempatan.
Seorang budak lelaki muda tunggangan basikal melalui jalan yang dibanjiri pada 28 Oktober, 2012 di Lookout Point, New York (A young boy rides his bike through a flooded street on October 28, 2012 in Point Lookout, New York (AFP Photo/Mike Stobe)
More than 375,000 people were ordered to evacuate from the city's low-lying areas. Mayor Bloomberg urged those remaining in flood zone A to leave immediately. The city's Staten Island and East River Ferry services have been suspended. However, Bloomberg said, buses taking people out of zone A to shelters are still running. PATH, the train service connecting New Jersey and New York, has also been suspended until further notice.
The major tunnels in and out of the city – the Brooklyn-Battery and Holland – are also closed due to threats of flooding. The city government remains open, Bloomberg stressed, taking calls about downed trees, highway flooding and other such cases. Earlier, President Barack Obama declared a state of emergency in the state of New York. He urged citizens to take the storm “seriously” and follow local authorities' safety instructions.
Seorang wanita menonton kemalangan ombak ke jeti di Island City Oktober 29, 2012 di New York (A woman watches waves crash onto a pier on City Island October 29, 2012 in New York (AFP Photo/Don Emmert)
Bateri Park lapangan terbuka bawah berada air. (Battery Park esplanade under standing water. (Image from twitter user@Newyorkist)
Banjir FDR drive di Jalan 79. (Flooded FDR drive at 79th Street. (Image from twitter user@ericsumberg)
Brooklyn Bridge Park di sepanjang Sungai Timur New Tork City sudah banjir. Ribut masih beberapa jam. (Brooklyn Bridge Park along the East River New Tork City is already flooding. The storm is still a few hours. (Image from twitter user@mattdanzico)
READ MORE/baca lanjut http://rt.com/usa/news/new-york-flooding-sandy-503/
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