Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Ghost city: ‘Post-apocalyptic stillness as New York braces for storm’ (PHOTOS) . . .

Sandbags block the entrance of the New York Stock Exchange in downtown Manhattan as Hurricane Sandy made its approach in New York October 29, 2012 (Reuters / Andrew Kelly)
Guni pasir menyekat pintu masuk di New York Stock Exchange di pusat bandar Manhattan sebagai Taufan Sandy membuat pendekatan di New York Oktober 29, 2012 (Sandbags block the entrance of the New York Stock Exchange in downtown Manhattan as Hurricane Sandy made its approach in New York October 29, 2012 (Reuters/Andrew Kelly)

Bandar hantu: 'Post-dahsyat kesunyian sebagai 
pendakap New York untuk ribut' (PHOTOS). . .
By 1WC’sChannel  (15, Dz ‘Hijjah1433), Wednesday 31, October  2012

Ketibaan pasti Taufan Sandy menyaksikan banyak bahagian New York bertukar menjadi bandar hantu. Pihak berkuasa mengarahkan penutupan kebanyakan garisan transit awam dan lebuh raya utama, dan membantu penduduk untuk mengosongkan bandar. Dalam apa yang kelihatan seperti adegan dari filem pasca-dahsyat Hollywood, Times Square stesen metro sepenuhnya ditinggalkan.

The imminent arrival of Hurricane Sandy saw many parts of New York turned into a ghost town. Authorities ordered the closing of most public transit lines and major highways, and are helping residents to evacuate the city. In what looks like a scene from a post-apocalyptic Hollywood movie, the Times Square metro station is completely deserted.

Times Square (Metropolitan Transportation Authority / Aaron Donovan)
Times Square (Metropolitan Transportation Authorit /Aaron Donovan)

Ikonik New York Grand Central Station - sering digunakan dalam filem-filem blockbuster - juga telah mudah tersilap bagi peringkat.

New York’s iconic Grand Central Station – often used in blockbuster movies – could also have been easily mistaken for a stage.

Grand Central Terminal (Metropolitan Transportation Authority / Aaron Donovan)
Grand Central Terminal (Metropolitan Transportation Authority/Aaron Donovan)

Lebih 375,000 orang telah melarikan diri kawasan-kawasan rendah di bandar, dan kira-kira 70 pusat perlindungan kecemasan telah ditubuhkan untuk membantu dipindahkan. Mereka yang tidak boleh dipengaruhi secara langsung oleh Sandy masih silap pada sebelah berhati-hati. Penduduk di sepanjang Pantai Timur bergegas ke kedai untuk merebut bekalan kecemasan, meninggalkan rak ramai yang benar-benar kosong. Dalam masa beberapa jam keadaan kecemasan yang diumumkan secara rasmi, stesen gas banyak dilaporkan kehabisan bahan api.

Tabir yang berlaku di dalam dan sekitar New York dan bandar-bandar lain di sepanjang Pantai Timur mungkin kelihatan seperti sesuatu daripada filem bencana, tetapi satu kenyataan rasmi nasihat oleh Perkhidmatan Cuaca Kebangsaan mengungguli senarai bagi penghebatan. Amaran mengingatkan penduduk untuk mengambil nasihat serius, dan bercakap terus kepada apa-apa yang mungkin berfikir sebaliknya: "Jika anda keberatan untuk berpindah, dan anda tahu seseorang yang menunggang keluar ribut 1962 di pulau-pulau penghalang, meminta mereka jika mereka boleh melakukannya sekali lagi, "kata kenyataan itu membaca, merujuk kepada Ribut Besar Atlantik tahun 1962 yang mengorbankan 40 orang dan mencederakan lebih 1,000 orang lain.

Mesej pergi dengan pengakuan seorang penuh semangat untuk mempertimbangkan kasih-sayang seseorang, dan pekerja menyelamat yang mungkin perlu untuk mendapatkan anda, atau mayat anda. Satu meteorologi juga menerbitkan maklumat hubungan peribadi beliau, berkata dia akan menjadi gembira untuk menjawab banjir telefon kemarahan panggilan jika amaran beliau membuktikan tidak berasas.

Times Square (Metropolitan Transportation Authority / Aaron Donovan)
Times Square (Metropolitan Transportation Authority/Aaron Donovan)

Over 375,000 people have fled the low-lying areas of the city, and around 70 emergency shelters were established to help evacuees. Those who may not be directly affected by Sandy still erred on the side of caution. Residents along the East Coast rushed to stores to snap up emergency supplies, leaving many shelves completely bare. Within hours of a state of emergency being officially announced, many gas stations were reportedly running out of fuel.

The scenes unfolding in and around New York and other cities along the East Coast may look like something from a disaster movie, but an official advisory statement by the National Weather Service topped the list for hyperbole. The warning reminded residents to take the advisory seriously, and spoke directly to any who might think otherwise: “If you are reluctant to evacuate, and you know someone who rode out the 1962 storm on the barrier islands, ask them if they could do it again,” the statement read, referring to the Great Atlantic Storm of 1962 which killed 40 people and injured over 1,000 others.

The message went on with an impassioned plea to consider one’s loved ones, and the rescue workers who might have to retrieve you, or your corpse. One meteorologist even published his personal contact information, saying he’d be glad to answer a flood of angry phone calls if his warnings prove to be unfounded.

Grand Central Terminal (Metropolitan Transportation Authority / Aaron Donovan)
Grand Central Terminal (Metropolitan Transportation Authority/Aaron Donovan)

Times Square (Metropolitan Transportation Authority / Aaron Donovan)
Times Square (Metropolitan Transportation Authority/Aaron Donovan)

Grand Central Terminal (Metropolitan Transportation Authority / Aaron Donovan)
Grand Central Terminal (Metropolitan Transportation Authority/Aaron Donovan)

The last train to leave Grand Central Terminal (Metropolitan Transportation Authority / Aaron Donovan)
The last train to leave Grand Central Terminal (Metropolitan Transportation Authority/Aaron Donovan)

A Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) employee waits for one of the last downtown 4 subway trains in New York October 28, 2012 (Reuters / Carlo Allegri)
Sebuah Lembaga Pengangkutan Metropolitan (MTA) pekerja menunggu untuk salah satu pusat bandar terakhir 4 kereta api bawah tanah di New York Oktober 28, 2012 (A Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) employee waits for one of the last downtown 4 subway trains in New York October 28, 2012 (Reuters/Carlo Allegri)

Caution tape covers the entrance to the Times Square Subway Station in New York October 28, 2012 (Reuters / Brendan McDermid)
Pita Awas meliputi pintu masuk ke Stesen Subway Times Square di New York Oktober 28, 2012 (Caution tape covers the entrance to the Times Square Subway Station in New York October 28, 2012 (Reuters/Brendan McDermid)

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