Thursday, 23 August 2012

TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: ‘China sasaran sebenar untuk perisai peluru berpandu Amerika Syarikat’ . . .

‘Inside Job: 'Green-on-blue' attacks paint Afghan 
peace hopes black’ . . .

TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: (RT. 1 jam lalu) 'Inside Job:' Hijau-pada-biru 'serangan cat keamanan Afghanistan berharap Percubaan hitam' Pada mencari kestabilan di Afghanistan telah mengalami kekalahan selepas gelombang serangan ke atas tentera Barat olehtentera Afghanistan. Sekitar sedozen askar NATO telah terbunuh dalam beberapa minggu terakhir sahaja, mengenakan kerosakan yang lebih teruk kepada harapan untuk keamanan pasca-perang. (1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012: (RT. 1 hour ago) ‘Inside Job: 'Green-on-blue' attacks paint Afghan peace hopes black’ Attempts at finding stability in Afghanistan have suffered a setback after a wave of attacks on Western troops by Afghan soldiers. Around a dozen NATO servicemen have been killed in the last couple of weeks alone, inflicting further damage to hopes for post-war peace).

‘China real target for US missile shield in Asia’ . . .

TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: (RT. 2 jam yang lalu) ‘China sasaran sebenar untuk perisai peluru berpandu Amerika Syarikat’ di Asia’ Tidak berpuas hati dengan perisai peluru berpandu di Eropah - Washington telah mengumumkan rancangan untuk sistem senjata yang sama di Asia. Seorang pegawai Pentagon menunjukkan ancaman dilihat daripada Korea Utara sebagai justifikasi utama. Tetapi aktivis politik dan ketua Perikatan Baru Patriotik, Renato Reyes, mengatakan bahawa alasan kertas nipis. (1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012: (RT. 2 hours ago) ‘China real target for US missile shield in Asia’ Not satisfied with its missile shield in Europe - Washington has announced plans for a similar weapons system in Asia. A Pentagon official pointed at a perceived threat from North Korea as the main justification.  But political activist and head of the New Patriotic Alliance, Renato Reyes, says that's a paper thin excuse).

Inside Job: 'Green-on-blue' attacks paint Afghan peace hopes black

China real target for US missile shield in Asia

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