Wednesday, 15 August 2012

French riot night: Cops injured, cars torched, school burnt . . .

Malam rusuhan Perancis: Polis cedera, kereta dibakar, sekolah terbakar . . .

TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: (RT. Published: 14 bulan Ogos, 2012) Beratus-ratus belia Perancis dibakar bangunan dan kereta dan bertempur dengan polis, mencederakan 16 pegawai semasa rusuhan semalaman di bandar utara Perancis Amiens. Polis Perancis melaporkan bahawa pertempuran yang melibatkan kira-kira 100 rioters dan 150 orang pegawai, bermula sekitar 9:00 Isnin dan berakhir sekitar 04:00 Selasa.

Sekurang-kurangnya 3 orang yang berada di tempat kejadian telah cedera selepas rioters menarik pemandu dari kereta mereka sambil rampasan kenderaan, AP melaporkan. "Konfrontasi sangat, sangat ganas," Amiens Datuk Bandar, Gilles Dumailly kepada BFM rangkaian televisyen Perancis.

Salah satu peristiwa yang mencetuskan rusuhan tersebut adalah tangkapan yang dibuat pada hujung minggu untuk memandu secara berbahaya, Perancis media melaporkan. Penangkapan itu telah dilihat oleh penduduk tempatan sebagai tidak sensitif dan tidak perlu ganas, sebagai penduduk menghadiri bangun untuk 20 tahun yang mati dalam kemalangan motosikal.

Sebuah pusat peranginan dan 2 bangunan sekolah telah dibakar, bersama-sama dengan rakan kereta sedozen, pegawai-pegawai tempatan. Rioters menggunakan tong sampah sebagai flaming tambak, dan membuang objek berat pada pegawai polis, yang bertindak balas dengan penggunaan gas pemedih mata, peluru getah dan sebuah helikopter.

Amiens telah mengalami rusuhan pada masa lalu. Bandar ini terkenal bagi pengangguran yang tinggi, ketegangan kaum dan pasukan polis yang agresif. Daerah di Amiens adalah antara 15 kawasan diisytiharkan yang paling bermasalah di Perancis awal bulan ini, yang mendorong kerajaan untuk keselamatan ikrar dan wang tambahan bagi rantau ini. Dumailly berharap ketegangan akan bertambah baik dengan rancangan untuk menetapkan projek-projek perumahan dan menawarkan lebih banyak perkhidmatan, beliau berkata pada masa itu.

Pada tahun 2005, Perancis menyaksikan pergolakan bandar yang paling teruk dalam 40 tahun, yang membawa kepada pengisytiharan keadaan kecemasan oleh tengah-kanan kerajaan negara itu (center-right government). Kejiranan keseluruhan Amiens dibakar untuk hampir sebulan.

2007 kematian dua orang anak yang dilanggar oleh kereta polis mencetuskan satu lagi gelombang keganasan di bandar. Pergolakan dibakar sekali lagi pada tahun 2010 apabila polis menembak dan membunuh seorang pemuda yang telah merompak kasino.

image from twitter by user @MdameMichu
Imej dari/image from twitter by user @MdameMichu

French firemen walk past a car destroyed at a leisure centre after overnight clashes where gangs of youths set cars, bins and a school ablaze in Amiens August 14, 2012 (Reuters / Pascal Rossignol)
Perancis Bomba berjalan melepasi kereta musnah di pusat lapang selepas pertempuran semalaman di mana kumpulan-kumpulan belia menetapkan kereta, tong dan sebuah sekolah dibakar di Amiens Ogos 14, 2012 (French firemen walk past a car destroyed at a leisure centre after overnight clashes where gangs of youths set cars, bins and a school ablaze in Amiens August 14, 2012) (Reuters/Pascal Rossignol)

French firemen inspect damage inside a leisure centre after overnight clashes where gangs of youths set cars, bins and a school ablaze in Amiens August 14, 2012 (Reuters / Pascal Rossignol)
Perancis Bomba memeriksa kerosakan di dalam pusat santai selepas pertempuran semalaman di mana kumpulan-kumpulan belia menetapkan kereta, tong dan sebuah sekolah dibakar di Amiens 14 OGOS 2012 (French firemen inspect damage inside a leisure centre after overnight clashes where gangs of youths set cars, bins and a school ablaze in Amiens August 14, 2012 (Reuters/Pascal Rossignol)

damaged primary school in Amiens on August 14, 2012 (AFP Photo / Philippe Huguen)
Sekolah rendah musnah di Amiens pada 14 OGOS 2012 (Damaged primary school in Amiens on August 14, 2012) (AFP Photo/Philippe Huguen)

People look at damaged primary school in Amiens, northern France on August 14, 20102 (AFP Photo / Philippe Huguen)
Orang-orang melihat di sekolah yang utama musnah di Amiens, utara Perancis pada 14 Ogos, 20102 (People look at damaged primary school in Amiens, northern France on August 14, 20102) (AFP Photo/Philippe Huguen)

French riot night: Cops injured, cars torched, school burnt . . .

1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012: (RT. Published: 14 August, 2012) Hundreds of French youths torched buildings and cars and clashed with police, injuring 16 officers during an overnight riot in the northern French city of Amiens. French police reported that the clashes involved some 100 rioters and 150 officers, beginning around 9pm Monday and ending around 4am Tuesday.

At least three bystanders were hurt after rioters pulled drivers from their cars while hijacking the vehicles, the AP reported. “The confrontations were very, very violent,” Amiens Mayor Gilles Dumailly told French television network BFM.

One of the events that sparked the riot was an arrest made over the weekend for dangerous driving, French media reported. The arrest was seen by many locals as insensitive and unnecessarily violent, as residents were attending a wake for a 20-year-old who died in a motorcycle accident.

A leisure center and two school buildings were razed, along with a dozen cars, local officials said. Rioters used trash cans as flaming barricades, and threw heavy objects at police officers, who responded by deploying tear gas, rubber bullets and a helicopter.

Amiens has experienced riots in the past. The city is infamous for high unemployment, racial tension and an aggressive police force. The district in Amiens was among 15 areas declared the most troubled in France earlier this month, prompting the government to pledge additional security and money for the region. Dumailly hoped tensions would improve with a plan to fix up the housing projects and offer more services, he said at the time.

In 2005, France saw its worst urban unrest in 40 years, which led to the declaration of a state of emergency by the country’s then-center-right government. Entire neighborhoods of Amiens burned for nearly a month.

The 2007 deaths of two youths hit by a police car sparked another wave of violence in the city. Unrest flared again in 2010 when police shot and killed a youth who had robbed a casino.

AssociatedPress: Months of tension between police and young people in a troubled district of northern France exploded on Tuesday, with dozens of youths facing off against riot officers in a night of violence. (Aug. 14)

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