Tuesday, 2 October 2012

EVENT: 69˚ 2012-09-30 ― 2012-10-03 'Halo Berlaku di Lembah Klang' . . .

Fenomena Halo Berlaku di Lembah Klang 
EVENT:  69˚ 2012-09-30  2012-10-03
By 1WC’sChannel   (18, Dz ‘Qaidah 1433), Tuesday October 02, September  2012

Event/Acara 2012-10-02 Selasa. Fenomena halo adalah lingkaran cahaya yang terbentuk seperti pelangi yang mengelilingi Matahari

KUALA LUMPUR - Orang ramai di sekitar Lembah Klang dapat menyaksikan fenomena Halo hari ini. Menurut kenyataan Agensi Angkasa Negara (Angkasa), terdapat pelbagai jenis Halo secara umumnya muncul disebabkan kristal ais pada awan cirrus sejuk yang berada pada ketinggian lima hingga 10 kilometer di lapisan atas troposfera.

Angkasa dalam kenyataannya dinasihatkan orang ramai agar berhati-hati apabila melihat atau merakamkan gambar Halo secara telus tanpa penurus matahari kerana ia memberi kesan yang merbahaya kepada mata.

Penduduk di Padang, Indonesia yang mendapati Halo di sekeliling Matahari pada 21 Oktober 2010 digemparkan dengan isu gempa yang akan menyusul. Kerana sebelum kejadian gempa 30 September 2009, Halo juga terlihat di sekeliling Matahari.

Pada dasarnya tidak ada kaitan dengan aktiviti seismik atau gempa tetapi fenomena tersebut terjadi akibat refleksi dan refraksi cahaya matahari/bulan oleh kristal-kristal ais yang terdapat di awan cirrus, awan yang terletak di tingkatan atmosfera yang disebut troposfer, sekitar 5-10 km dari permukaan bumi.

Halo adalah fenomena optikal berupa lingkaran cahaya di sekitar sumber cahaya Matahari atau Bulan. Fenomena Halo adalah lingkaran seperti pelangi yang mengelilingi matahari. Halo adalah fenomena yang lebih sering terjadi di langit.

Pada umumnya Halo melibatkan putaran radius 22° Halo dan sundogs (Parhelia). Dalam gambar diatas, menunjukan matahari di kelilingi oleh 22° Halo dan dilambungi (sisi) oleh sundogs. Parhelic circle adalah biasan cahaya kristal yang melepasi sundogs dan mengelilinginya. Kadangkala ia melapisi keseluruhan ruang langit dalam latitut yang sama dengan matahari. Pembinaan tangen ketinggian dan rendah (Upper Tangent arc and Lower Tangent arc) menyentuh secara terus dengan 22° Halo sama ada di atas atau dibawah matahari. Pembuatan Lengkungan (Circumzenithal arc) akan terjadi di atas kristal tersebut. 

READ MORE/baca lanjut http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2002/24oct_sunrings/

NASA mengeluarkan kenyataan ‘Matahari Akan Terbit 
dari Barat - DUNIA Sudah Tua’ . . .

Nasa Mengeluarkan Kenyataan Matahari Akan Terbit Dari Barat - Kenyataan dari NASA berhubung Matahari keluar dari arah sebelah BARAT. Sains astronomi ada menyebut bahawa kelajuan putaran planet Marikh sedang perlahan sedikit demi sedikit ke arah laluannya ke timur. Para saintis agensi angkasa lepas kebangsaan Amerika Syarikat (NASA) pula mendapati pergerakan planet itu terhenti ke arah laluan tersebut.

NASA kemudian mendapati planet Marikh telah menukar laluannya ke arah yang bertentangan, iaitu ke arah Barat, ini bermakna matahari akan terbit dari arah barat Marikh. Fenomena yang ganjil itu disebut sebagai “retrograde motion”.

Kebanyakan saintis Barat berpendapat bahawa semua planet akan melalui fenomena yang serupa dan ini termasuklah planet Bumi. Apabila ianya berlaku, maka matahari akan terbit dari Barat!

Subhanallah!!! Kekasih Allah Nabi Muhammad Shalla‘Allahu Alayhi wa Sallam) (keamanan dan rahmat Allah ke atasnya) bersabda bahawa salah satu tanda besar yang hari kiamat akan tiba ialah apabila matahari terbit dari Barat.

Pihak NASA telahpun mendapati tanda-tanda matahari akan terbit dari Barat semasa ahli sains astronominya mengkaji pergerakan planet Marikh. Yang mereka tidak dapat pastikan ialah tempoh masa yang bakal diambil sehinggalah semua planet melalui fenomena yang serupa.

Dapatan sains oleh NASA itu semestinya memperkukuhkan lagi iman umat Islam akan tanda-tanda kiamat. Manusia tidak tahu bila ianya akan berlaku walaupun sudah ada banyak tanda-tandanya. Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui.

Tarikh Acara (Event Dates)' . . .

Petunjuk tarikh Event: Berdasarkan semasa kalendar Hijri Islam, acara pertama akan bermula pada 07 Januari 2012 dan berlangsung selama 4 hari manakala yang terakhir juga akan bermula pada 4hb November 2012 dan berlangsung selama 4 hari. Berikut adalah jadual lengkap kesemua 31 acara dengan tarikh dan latitud nya:  (Based on the current Islamic Hijri calendar, the first event will start on 07th January 2012 and lasts for 4 days while the last even will start on 4th November 2012 and lasts for 4 days. Here is the complete table of all 31 events with their dates and latitudes):

Jadual: Pelbagai (31 Ayat) 31 Bencana DUNIA 2012 Melalui  Petunjuk Al 'Quran Surah Ar 'Rahman 1433 tahun yang lalu. Firman Allah Ta'ala: 'Maka yang mana satu di antara nikmat-nikmat Tuhan kamu, yang kamu hendak dustakan (wahai umat manusia dan jin)'?   Ayat: 13, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77.

2012 Event Latitudes and Dates (God Permitting)
2012-01-07 ― 2012-01-10
2012-07-01 ― 2012-07-04
2012-01-22 ― 2012-01-25
2012-07-07 ― 2012-07-10
2012-01-30 ― 2012-02-02
2012-07-14 ― 2012-07-17
2012-02-10 ― 2012-02-13
2012-07-23 ― 2012-07-26
2012-02-18 ― 2012-02-21
2012-08-05 ― 2012-08-08
2012-02-28 ― 2012-03-02
2012-08-18 ― 2012-08-21
2012-03-13 ― 2012-03-16
2012-08-25 ― 2012-08-28
2012-03-27 ― 2012-03-30
2012-09-03 ― 2012-09-06
2012-04-04 ― 2012-04-07
2012-09-10 ― 2012-09-13
2012-04-24 ― 2012-04-27
2012-09-15 ― 2012-09-18
2012-05-06 ― 2012-05-09
2012-09-22 ― 2012-09-25
2012-05-16 ― 2012-05-19
2012-09-30 ― 2012-10-03
2012-05-28 ― 2012-05-31
2012-10-07 ― 2012-10-10
2012-06-07 ― 2012-06-10
2012-10-15 ― 2012-10-18
2012-06-22 ― 2012-06-25
2012-10-25 ― 2012-10-28
 −89 / +67 days error margin
2012-11-04 ― 2012-11-07

Table: (Variety) (31 verse) 31 WORLD Disaster 2012 Through Instructions Al 'Quran Surah Ar Rahman 1433 years ago. God Almighty says in the Holy Quran: ‘So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny? (O mankind and Jinn)?  verse: 13, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77.

Quran Surah Ar Rahman verses: 13 + 16 + 18 + 21 + 23 + 25 + 28 + 30 + 32 + 34 + 36 + 38 + 40 + 42 + 45 + 47 + 49 + 51 + 53 + 55 + 57 + 59 + 61 + 63 + 65 + 67 + 69 + 71 + 73 + 75 + 77 = 1433 means (2012)

Evidence 1433 = 2012

Heavy snowfalls in the Austrian and Swiss Alps have left thousands of tourists stranded in the mountains, with a recent snowstorm bringing road traffic to a standstill. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence: 13˚  2012-01-07  2012-01-10)

READ MORE hit here: Powerful earthquake hits Siberia
An earthquake of magnitude 6.8 shook south-western Siberia on Sunday. It was the region’s second quake in two months. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence25˚ 2012-02-28  2012-03-02)

Beleaguered Japanese energy company TEPCO has been dealt another blow after a scathing report accused it of risking a chain reaction of nuclear meltdowns when it tried to abandon the Fukushima power plant last March.­ (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence25˚  2012-02-28  2012-03-02)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake was reported in Japan on Tuesday. The tremors were strong enough to shake some of the buildings in Tokyo. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence30˚  2012-03-27  2012-03-30)

A recent examination at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant has revealed radiation levels up to 10 times the fatal dose. The news alarmed thousands of people who have been living in constant fear of radiation exposure for over a year. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence: 30˚   2012-03-27  2012-03-30)

A giant solar tornado - five times the Earth’s diameter - swirling at incredible speed of some 186,000 mph has been captured on video by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence: 30˚ 2012-03-27  2012-03-30)

Police say a huge storm has killed at least four people and injured over 400 in Japan as violent winds and rain continued to batter the nation, leaving thousands of homes without electricity. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence: 32˚ 2012-04-04  2012-04-07)

Officials at the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), which acts as the operator of the crippled nuclear facility, say there is reason to believe some of the 12 tons of radioactive water has flowed into the Pacific Ocean. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence: 32˚ 2012-04-04  2012-04-07)

More than 130 people are feared dead after an avalanche hit a Pakistani army base in the Himalayas near the border with India burying 124 soldiers and 11 civilians. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence: 32˚ 2012-04-04  2012-04-07)

Storm winds in norther Spain set 10 passenger planes dancing in the air. A major catastrophe was averted only thanks to pilots’ courage and professionalism. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence34˚  2012-04-24  2012-04-27)

A massive tornado has swept through eastern Japan, killing a teenager and injuring dozens of others. The twister ripped roofs of buildings, smashed windows and toppled heavy billboards.  (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence36˚ 2012-05-06  2012-05-09)

A 5.8-magnitude earthquake has struck northern Italy with authorities reporting 17 dead. It comes a week after a 6.0-magnitude tremor hit the same region, killing 7 people and destroying hundreds of buildings. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence40˚   2012-05-28  2012-05-31)

2012 Event Latitudes and Dates (God Permitting)
2012-01-07 ― 2012-01-10
2012-07-01 ― 2012-07-04
2012-01-22 ― 2012-01-25
2012-07-07 ― 2012-07-10
2012-01-30 ― 2012-02-02
2012-07-14 ― 2012-07-17
2012-02-10 ― 2012-02-13
2012-07-23 ― 2012-07-26
2012-02-18 ― 2012-02-21
2012-08-05 ― 2012-08-08
2012-02-28 ― 2012-03-02
2012-08-18 ― 2012-08-21
2012-03-13 ― 2012-03-16
2012-08-25 ― 2012-08-28
2012-03-27 ― 2012-03-30
2012-09-03 ― 2012-09-06
2012-04-04 ― 2012-04-07
2012-09-10 ― 2012-09-13
2012-04-24 ― 2012-04-27
2012-09-15 ― 2012-09-18
2012-05-06 ― 2012-05-09
2012-09-22 ― 2012-09-25
2012-05-16 ― 2012-05-19
2012-09-30 ― 2012-10-03
2012-05-28 ― 2012-05-31
2012-10-07 ― 2012-10-10
2012-06-07 ― 2012-06-10
2012-10-15 ― 2012-10-18
2012-06-22 ― 2012-06-25
2012-10-25 ― 2012-10-28
 −89 / +67 days error margin
2012-11-04 ― 2012-11-07

Several powerful aftershocks have struck Modena in northern Italy, just hours after a 5.8-magnitude devastating quake killed 17 people in the region. Many buildings already damaged in the previous quake have collapsed. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence40˚  2012-05-28  2012-05-31)

READ MORE hit hereWish it away: US government ignores archipelago of Japanese debris heading its way The United States is awaiting the arrival of a blot of debris 3 times its own size from Japan. But despite new objects washing up daily on the West Coast, Washington is hoping the problem will literally just disappear. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence42˚ 2012-06-07  2012-06-10)

A 5.8 magnitude earthquake shook southwest Turkey on Sunday and at least 6 people were injured after jumping from their balconies or windows in panic, local media reported. However some reports suggest 60 people went to hospital for treatment. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence42˚ 2012-06-07  2012-06-10)

A magnitude-5.5 earthquake has struck a mountainous region in southwestern China, leaving at least four people dead and more than 100 injured. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence45˚ 2012-06-22 ― 2012-06-25)

READ MORE hit hereState of emergency declared across Mid-Atlantic after deadly storms, heat wave (PHOTOS) Violent storms in the DC area have killed at least 13 people, uprooted thousands of trees and left over 1.3 million homes and businesses without power across the Mid-Atlantic during a powerful heat wave. Popular Internet services went down too.  (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence47˚ 2012-07-01  2012-07-04)

At least 171 people have been killed in a devastating flood in Russia’s southern Krasnodar region. It's the worst of its kind in nearly a century, and the death toll continues to rise.  (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence49˚ 2012-07-07  2012-07-10)

The worst flooding in decades in southern Russia's Krasnodar Region, near the Black Sea, has killed more than 170 people and damaged over 5,000 homes. Authorities have pledged to help survivors and compensate them for lost houses and belongings. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence49˚ 2012-07-07  2012-07-10)

READ MORE hit herePost-apocalyptic Krymsk: Russia’s southern city destroyed by flood (PHOTOS, VIDEO) The devastating waters caught most of Krymsk by surprise, with the southern Russian town suffering the brunt of the death and destruction. Cars and buildings were swept away by the deluge as the nearby Adagum River turned into a roaring nightmare. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence49˚ 2012-07-07 ― 2012-07-10)

As authorities struggle with the aftermath of a massive flood which killed over 170 in Russia’s south, conspiracy theories on the deluge’s nature are popping up all over the Internet, provoking heated debates and forcing officials to respond. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence49˚ 2012-07-07  2012-07-10)

The flooding in Russia's south has brought not only devastation, but disrupted vacations for thousands of tourists. The Krasnodar region, is now striving to restore its paralyzed travel network to salvage the holiday season. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence49˚ 2012-07-07  2012-07-10)

Many selflessly risked their lives to bring others to safety during the flood that decimated Russia’s Krasnodar region. Residents showed stunning bravery and heroism in the face of tragedy. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence49˚ 2012-07-07  2012-07-10)

July 9 has been declared a national day of mourning after 2 separate catastrophes Saturday took the lives of more than 180 people. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence49˚ 2012-07-07  2012-07-10)

2012 Event Latitudes and Dates (God Permitting)
2012-01-07 ― 2012-01-10
2012-07-01 ― 2012-07-04
2012-01-22 ― 2012-01-25
2012-07-07 ― 2012-07-10
2012-01-30 ― 2012-02-02
2012-07-14 ― 2012-07-17
2012-02-10 ― 2012-02-13
2012-07-23 ― 2012-07-26
2012-02-18 ― 2012-02-21
2012-08-05 ― 2012-08-08
2012-02-28 ― 2012-03-02
2012-08-18 ― 2012-08-21
2012-03-13 ― 2012-03-16
2012-08-25 ― 2012-08-28
2012-03-27 ― 2012-03-30
2012-09-03 ― 2012-09-06
2012-04-04 ― 2012-04-07
2012-09-10 ― 2012-09-13
2012-04-24 ― 2012-04-27
2012-09-15 ― 2012-09-18
2012-05-06 ― 2012-05-09
2012-09-22 ― 2012-09-25
2012-05-16 ― 2012-05-19
2012-09-30 ― 2012-10-03
2012-05-28 ― 2012-05-31
2012-10-07 ― 2012-10-10
2012-06-07 ― 2012-06-10
2012-10-15 ― 2012-10-18
2012-06-22 ― 2012-06-25
2012-10-25 ― 2012-10-28
 −89 / +67 days error margin
2012-11-04 ― 2012-11-07
No one has been left indifferent to the destructive flood in Russia’s southern Krasnodar region, which claimed lives of over 170 people. Volunteers across the whole country have started an aid drive to help those who lost literally everything.  (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence49˚   2012-07-07  2012-07-10)

As Russia mourns for the victims of the catastrophic floods in Krymsk, residents are already trying to piece their shattered lives back together. And while the world tries to understand the disaster, locals are faced with more pressing questions. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence49˚ 2012-07-07  2012-07-10)

A magnitude 5.6 quake has hit east of the Greek island of Rhodes and south of the Turkish mainland, with tremors felt as far away as the Egyptian capital Cairo. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence49˚ 2012-07-07  2012-07-10)

Local authorities face criticism and finger-pointing as investigators look into the causes of the devastating flood in Russia's Krasnodar Region, while residents try to cope with the consequences of a disaster that took the lives of over 170 people. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence49˚ 2012-07-07  2012-07-10)

Search and rescue is over in southern Russia, where flash floods have killed 162 people. The Emergencies Ministry is focusing on rebuilding the water-damaged cities. Residents are trying to cope with the terrible losses they suffered and move on. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence49˚ 2012-07-07  2012-07-10)

READ MORE hit hereQuarter of a million forced to evacuate as Japan deluge continues (VIDEO, PHOTOS) The death toll from landslides and floods in Japan has risen to at least 24. Around 260,000 people living in the area have been ordered to evacuate, and 140,000 more were advised to leave their homes on the southwestern island of Kyushu. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence: 51˚   2012-07-14  2012-07-17)

READ MORE hit hereSubmarine summer: More Russian regions drenched in tropical downpours (VIDEO, PHOTOS) Russia is being battered by massive tropic-like downpours in various regions, turning city streets into rivers. The latest disasters hit the city of Chelyabinsk, in the Urals, and the Republic of Chechnya, destroying communications and vehicles. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence: 51˚ 2012-07-14  2012-07-17)

Almost all of Greenland’s ice shield melted at the surface this month, says NASA. The event, unseen at such a scale in more than 30 years of satellite observations, has puzzled scientists. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence: 53˚   2012-07-23  2012-07-26)

A mile-deep rift valley that could rival the dramatic chasms of America’s Grand Canyon has been found hiding beneath the ice in West Antarctica. UK scientists behind the discovery believe it is contributing to ice loss. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence: 53˚ 2012-07-23  2012-07-26)

Harmless traces of radioactive cesium have been discovered in fish and seawater in several areas of Japan, as the country continues to debate whether their fish is safe to consume and anti-nuke protests grow in the wake of the Fukushima disaster. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence: 55˚ 2012-08-05  2012-08-08)

The Philippines’ capital has been paralyzed by fast moving floods that poured into the city from surrounding dams, overflowing after 12 days of monsoon downpours. The deluge has already claimed 11 lives as the rescue operation continues apace. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence: 55˚ 2012-08-05  2012-08-08)

Southern California was shook by a pair of earthquakes beginning late Tuesday night, but seismologists say the worst is still yet to come. According to a recent study, the West Coast will experience a catastrophic quake during the next 50 years. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence: 55˚ 2012-08-05  2012-08-08)

2012 Event Latitudes and Dates (God Permitting)
2012-01-07 ― 2012-01-10
2012-07-01 ― 2012-07-04
2012-01-22 ― 2012-01-25
2012-07-07 ― 2012-07-10
2012-01-30 ― 2012-02-02
2012-07-14 ― 2012-07-17
2012-02-10 ― 2012-02-13
2012-07-23 ― 2012-07-26
2012-02-18 ― 2012-02-21
2012-08-05 ― 2012-08-08
2012-02-28 ― 2012-03-02
2012-08-18 ― 2012-08-21
2012-03-13 ― 2012-03-16
2012-08-25 ― 2012-08-28
2012-03-27 ― 2012-03-30
2012-09-03 ― 2012-09-06
2012-04-04 ― 2012-04-07
2012-09-10 ― 2012-09-13
2012-04-24 ― 2012-04-27
2012-09-15 ― 2012-09-18
2012-05-06 ― 2012-05-09
2012-09-22 ― 2012-09-25
2012-05-16 ― 2012-05-19
2012-09-30 ― 2012-10-03
2012-05-28 ― 2012-05-31
2012-10-07 ― 2012-10-10
2012-06-07 ― 2012-06-10
2012-10-15 ― 2012-10-18
2012-06-22 ― 2012-06-25
2012-10-25 ― 2012-10-28
 −89 / +67 days error margin
2012-11-04 ― 2012-11-07

American tourism is struggling to stay afloat as raging wildfires ravage vast amounts of the country's territory. Record-breaking fires have caused some tourist sites to close their doors, with some 6.8 million acres having burnt to the ground. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence: 57˚ 2012-08-18  2012-08-21)

A pair of fish captured near Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear plant have shown to be carrying record levels of radiation. The pair of greenlings are contaminated with 258 times the level government deems safe for consumption. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence: 57˚  2012-08-18  2012-08-21)

READ MORE hit hereTen dead as Isaac lashes Hispaniola, hurricane-strength forecast for US (PHOTOS, VIDEO) With driving winds of up to 112 km per hour and heavy rain, Tropical Storm Isaac has passed over Haiti killing 8, taking 2 more lives in the Dominican Republic. Storm Isaac is expected to strengthen to hurricane force by the time it hits Florida. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence: 59˚  2012-08-25  2012-08-28)

READ MORE hit hereTropical Storm Isaac scares both GOP delegates and protesters in Tampa (PHOTOS) (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence: 59˚  2012-08-25  2012-08-28)

More than 70 earthquakes and hundreds of temblors shook Southern California on Sunday and Monday, reaching a 5.5 magnitude range – the strongest the region has seen in three decades. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence: 59˚  2012-08-25  2012-08-28

A man who wanted to become a firefighter allegedly turned to arson to express his anger after not being hired. He is believed to have started fires on a Greek island already devastated by a massive blaze. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence: 59˚ 2012-08-25  2012-08-28)

Hurricane Isaac has made landfall in the southeast of Louisiana. New Orleans has been preparing for the natural disaster, with hundreds of US troops deployed throughout the city to prevent looting (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence: 59˚ 2012-08-25  2012-08-28)

Typhoon Bolaven has struck South Korea, killing at least 10 and leaving dozens homeless. The powerful storm severely disrupted communications and caused hundreds of flight cancellations. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence: 59˚ 2012-08-25  2012-08-28)

2 people have died after 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck 8 kilometers off the coast of Costa Rica, according to the Red Cross. Meanwhile, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center has cancelled its tsunami alert for a number of Pacific coastline states. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence: 61˚  2012-09-03  2012-09-06)

High levels of seismic activity in Japan threaten plans for the underground storage of spent nuclear fuel and toxic radioactive waste. Calls for a temporary storage facility have sparked fears that the problem is being passed to future generations. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence: 63˚  2012-09-10  2012-09-13)

33 people have been killed and 1 million displaced in severe flooding and landslides across north-eastern Indian regions. Incessant rainfall has plagued the region, leading to rising river levels. (Ar Rahman Event & Evidence: 67˚ 2012-09-22  2012-09-25)

Jadual: Pelbagai (31 Ayat) 31 Bencana DUNIA 2012 Melalui  Petunjuk Al 'Quran Surah Ar 'Rahman 1433 tahun yang lalu. Firman Allah Ta'ala: 'Maka yang mana satu di antara nikmat-nikmat Tuhan kamu, yang kamu hendak dustakan (wahai umat manusia dan jin)'?   Ayat: 13, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77.

2012 Event Latitudes and Dates (God Permitting)
2012-01-07 ― 2012-01-10
2012-07-01 ― 2012-07-04
2012-01-22 ― 2012-01-25
2012-07-07 ― 2012-07-10
2012-01-30 ― 2012-02-02
2012-07-14 ― 2012-07-17
2012-02-10 ― 2012-02-13
2012-07-23 ― 2012-07-26
2012-02-18 ― 2012-02-21
2012-08-05 ― 2012-08-08
2012-02-28 ― 2012-03-02
2012-08-18 ― 2012-08-21
2012-03-13 ― 2012-03-16
2012-08-25 ― 2012-08-28
2012-03-27 ― 2012-03-30
2012-09-03 ― 2012-09-06
2012-04-04 ― 2012-04-07
2012-09-10 ― 2012-09-13
2012-04-24 ― 2012-04-27
2012-09-15 ― 2012-09-18
2012-05-06 ― 2012-05-09
2012-09-22 ― 2012-09-25
2012-05-16 ― 2012-05-19
2012-09-30 ― 2012-10-03
2012-05-28 ― 2012-05-31
2012-10-07 ― 2012-10-10
2012-06-07 ― 2012-06-10
2012-10-15 ― 2012-10-18
2012-06-22 ― 2012-06-25
2012-10-25 ― 2012-10-28
 −89 / +67 days error margin
2012-11-04 ― 2012-11-07

Table: (Variety) (31 verse) 31 WORLD Disaster 2012 Through Instructions Al 'Quran Surah Ar Rahman 1433 years ago. God Almighty says in the Holy Quran: ‘So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny? (O mankind and Jinn)?  verse: 13, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77.

Quran Surah Ar Rahman verses: 13 + 16 + 18 + 21 + 23 + 25 + 28 + 30 + 32 + 34 + 36 + 38 + 40 + 42 + 45 + 47 + 49 + 51 + 53 + 55 + 57 + 59 + 61 + 63 + 65 + 67 + 69 + 71 + 73 + 75 + 77 = 1433 means (2012)

Titik Mula Acara (Event Start Points) '(Event)' . . .

Bumi sebagai sfera dibahagikan kepada 360 longitudes (bulatan 1/2 menegak) dan 180 latitud (mendatar bulatan penuh) seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah:  (The Earth as a sphere is divided into 360 longitudes (vertical half circles) and 180 latitudes (horizontal full circles) as shown below):

Walaupun latitud dinomborkan secara semulajadi dari pusat Bumi di khatulistiwa, longitudes ber-nombor oleh British supaya negara mereka duduk tiruan di pusat peta Bumi dengan 0 ˚ Longitude. 

Walau bagaimanapun, dalam Islam, Mekah yang kini terletak di longitud 39,8 ˚ E adalah suci pusat Bumi dan oleh itu longitudes semua mesti diperbetulkan oleh subtracting 39.8 ˚ daripada nilai semasa mereka. Pembetulan ini boleh membantu kita mencari titik pertama di mana acara pertama ˚ latitud 13 akan melanda Bumi yang menganggap nombor bab (Surah 55 Ar 'Rahman) * 55 untuk menjadi nombor longitud. 

Point 13 ˚ N 94,8 ˚ E ‘ditunjukkan pada peta di atas Earth2012 dalam putih besar boleh menjadi titik pertama andaian 31 acara bermula di hemisfera utara. Ini juga menunjukkan betapa penyayangnya Allah Subhanahuwa Ta’ala adalah dengan mensasarkan kawasan kurangnya penduduk pertama untuk memberi rakyat masa-masa yang cukup mematuhi amaranNya dan bergerak keluar daripada bahaya cara untuk sekurang-kurangnya pada 4 hari dan kembali jika kawasan mereka masih didiami. Perhatikan bahawa adalah latitud ~ 110km luas supaya tidak semua kawasan di dalam latitud akan memukul dan beberapa mungkin terlepas sengaja oleh Allah Ta’ala terutama tempat ibadat untuk menunjukkan bahawa kita semua menyembah Allah yang sama SATU tanpa mengira laluan yang berbeza agama.

While the latitudes are numbered naturally from the center of the Earth at the equator, the longitudes were numbered by the British so their country sits artificially at the center of the Earth map with Longitude 0˚.

In Islam however, Mecca which currently lies at longitude 39.8˚E is the holy center of the Earth and therefore all longitudes must be corrected by subtracting39.8˚ from their current values. This correction can help us locate the first point at which the first event of latitude 13˚ would hit Earth assuming the chapter number Surah *55 to be a longitude number.

Point 13˚N 94.8˚E shown on the above Earth2012 map in big white could be this first point assuming the 31 events start at the north hemisphere. This also shows how merciful God is by targeting least-populated areas first to give people enough time to heed His warnings and move out of harm's way for at least days and come back if their areas are still habitable. Note that a latitude is ~110km wide so not all areas within a latitude would be hit and some may be missed deliberately by God especially places of worship to show that we all worship the same ONE GOD regardless of our different religious paths.

Firman Allah Ta'ala: 'Maka yang mana satu di antara nikmat-nikmat Tuhan kamu, yang kamu hendak dustakan (wahai umat manusia dan jin)'? (God Almighty says in the Holy Quran: ‘So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny? (O mankind and Jinn)? Ayat-ayat/verses: 13, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77.

Bumi sebagai sfera dibahagikan kepada 360 longitudes (bulatan 1/2 menegak) dan 180 latitud (mendatar bulatan penuh) seperti yang ditunjukkan seperti ini: (The Earth as a sphere is divided into 360 longitudes (vertical half circles) and 180 latitudes (horizontal full circles) as shown below): 13˚ 16˚ 18˚ 21˚ 23˚ 25˚ 28˚ 30˚ 32˚ 34˚ 36˚ 38˚ 40˚ 42˚ 45˚ 47˚ 49˚ 51˚ 53˚ 55˚ 57˚ 59˚ 61˚ 63˚ 65˚ 67˚ 69˚ 71˚ 73˚ 75˚ 77˚

Quran Surah Ar 'Rahman verses: 13 + 16 + 18 + 21 + 23 + 25 + 28 + 30 + 32 + 34 + 36 + 38 + 40 + 42 + 45 + 47 + 49 + 51 + 53 + 55 + 57 + 59 + 61 + 63 + 65 + 67 + 69 + 71 + 73 + 75 + 77 = 1433 atau/or (2012)

Earth2012: Menunjukkan tahap bahaya (Bahaya Tinggi, Bahaya Rendah, Selamat) beberapa 8196 tempat di Bumi sebagai titik berwarna dengan nama-nama tempat latitud semasa yang dipilih dalam merah dan senarai kuning di bahagian bawah skrin.  (The following Earth2012 software downloadable from www.heliwave.com/Earth2012.zip shows the danger level (High DangerLow DangerSafeof some 8196 places on Earth as colored dots with the names places of the current selected latitude in the red and yellow lists at the bottom of the screen). 

Screenshot di atas menyenaraikan nama-nama tempat dalam masa 4 hari acara pertama berhampiran latitud 13 (12.5 ˚ kepada 13.5 ˚) dengan tahap Bahaya Tinggi (Adan, Al Ubayyid, Alandur, Ambattur, Ambur, Satu Nuhud, Arakkonam, Arani, Arcot, Avadi, Bamako, Ban Phattha Ya, Batdambang, Bengaluru, Bridgetown, Brikama, Buon Ma Thuot, Changwat Rayong, Channapatna, Chengalpattu, Chennai, Chikmagalur, Chinandega, Chon Buri, Ciudad Choluteca, DOD Ballapur, El Viejo, Esteli, Gashua , Gudiyattam, Hassan, Hosur, Jinotega, Kanchipuram, Katsina, Klaeng, Kolar, Kolda, Kusti, Legaspi Port, Mangalore, Matagalpa, Nguru, Pallavaram, Puttur, Rabak, Ramanagaram, Robertsonpet, Sattahip, Si Racha, Siemreab, Sokoto, Sorsogon , Tabaco, Tiptur, Tumkur, Tuy Hoa, Udipi, Ullal, Ruwabah Umm, Usulutan, Vaniyambadi, Vellore, Yelahanka, Ayacucho, Camacari, Huambo, Kalulushi, Kitwe, Lichinga, Luanshya, Mamoudzou, Montepuez, Ndola, Pemba, Salvador, Santo Antonio de Isa, Valenca, Vilhena) dan dengan tahap Bahaya Rendah (Al Junaynah, Calapan, Chanthaburi, Ballapur Chik, Chintamani, Gonder, Hua Hin, Iriga, Kanakapura, Kasaragod, Kaura-Namoda, Krishnagiri, Mandya, Maradi, Pouthisat, San Andres, San Miquel, Segou, Song Cau, Ziguinchor, Benguela, Chincha Alta, Chingola, Mufulira).  

The screenshot above lists the names of places during the 4 days of the first event near latitude 13 (12.5˚ to 13.5˚) with High Danger level (Adan, Al Ubayyid, Alandur, Ambattur, Ambur, An Nuhud, Arakkonam, Arani, Arcot, Avadi, Bamako, Ban Phattha Ya, Batdambang, Bengaluru, Bridgetown, Brikama, Buon Ma Thuot, Changwat Rayong, Channapatna, Chengalpattu, Chennai, Chikmagalur, Chinandega, Chon Buri, Ciudad Choluteca, Dod Ballapur, El Viejo, Esteli, Gashua, Gudiyattam, Hassan, Hosur, Jinotega, Kanchipuram, Katsina, Klaeng, Kolar, Kolda, Kusti, Legaspi Port, Mangalore, Matagalpa, Nguru, Pallavaram, Puttur, Rabak, Ramanagaram, Robertsonpet, Sattahip, Si Racha, Siemreab, Sokoto, Sorsogon, Tabaco, Tiptur, Tumkur, Tuy Hoa, Udipi, Ullal, Umm Ruwabah, Usulutan, Vaniyambadi, Vellore, Yelahanka, Ayacucho, Camacari, Huambo, Kalulushi, Kitwe, Lichinga, Luanshya, Mamoudzou, Montepuez, Ndola, Pemba, Salvador, Santo Antonio de Jesus, Valenca, Vilhena) and with Low Danger level (Al Junaynah, Calapan, Chanthaburi, Chik Ballapur, Chintamani, Gonder, Hua Hin, Iriga, Kanakapura, Kasaragod, Kaura-Namoda, Krishnagiri, Mandya, Maradi, Pouthisat, San Andres, San Miquel, Segou, Song Cau, Ziguinchor, Benguela, Chincha Alta, Chingola, Mufulira.

Manusia ditemui Latitudes (Man-discovered Latitudes) . . .

Beberapa berpendapat bahawa latitud dan longitudes adalah buatan manusia dan mempunyai akar mereka dalam pembahagian bulatan kepada 360 darjah yang diperkenalkan oleh orang Babilon beribu tahun dahulu. Tetapi Babilon mengambil bahagian mereka daripada memerhatikan putaran penuh langit dalam 360 hari kemudian. Oleh itu, bulatan 360 darjah bukan manusia mendapati buatan manusia. Inilah sebabnya mengapa mereka memperkenalkan sistem nombor 60-asas yang digunakan dalam menjaga masa kita hari ini. 

Some argue that latitudes and longitudes are man-made and have their root in the division of a circle into 360 degrees introduced by the Babylonians millennia ago. But the Babylonians took their divisions from observing the sky’s full rotation in 360 days then. Therefore, a 360 degrees circle is man-discovered not man-made. This is why they introduced the 60-base number system used in our time-keeping today.

Firman Allah Ta'ala: 'Maka yang mana satu di antara nikmat-nikmat Tuhan kamu, yang kamu hendak dustakan (wahai umat manusia dan jin)'? (God Almighty says in the Holy Quran: ‘So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny? (O mankind and Jinn)? Ayat-ayat/verses: 13, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77.

Bumi sebagai sfera dibahagikan kepada 360 longitudes (bulatan 1/2 menegak) dan 180 latitud (mendatar bulatan penuh) seperti yang ditunjukkan seperti ini: (The Earth as a sphere is divided into 360 longitudes (vertical half circles) and 180 latitudes (horizontal full circles) as shown below): 13˚ 16˚ 18˚ 21˚ 23˚ 25˚ 28˚ 30˚ 32˚ 34˚ 36˚ 38˚ 40˚ 42˚ 45˚ 47˚ 49˚ 51˚ 53˚ 55˚ 57˚ 59˚ 61˚ 63˚ 65˚ 67˚ 69˚ 71˚ 73˚ 75˚ 77˚

Something Wrong Somewhere!? . . Not in God's plan!!! (bukan dalam rancangan Allah Ta'ala):

errors: 7.1-magnitude quake hits Chile

2012 Event Latitudes and Dates (God Permitting)
2012-01-07 ― 2012-01-10
2012-07-01 ― 2012-07-04
2012-01-22 ― 2012-01-25
2012-07-07 ― 2012-07-10
2012-01-30 ― 2012-02-02
2012-07-14 ― 2012-07-17
2012-02-10 ― 2012-02-13
2012-07-23 ― 2012-07-26
2012-02-18 ― 2012-02-21
2012-08-05 ― 2012-08-08
2012-02-28 ― 2012-03-02
2012-08-18 ― 2012-08-21
2012-03-13 ― 2012-03-16
2012-08-25 ― 2012-08-28
2012-03-27 ― 2012-03-30
2012-09-03 ― 2012-09-06
2012-04-04 ― 2012-04-07
2012-09-10 ― 2012-09-13
2012-04-24 ― 2012-04-27
2012-09-15 ― 2012-09-18
2012-05-06 ― 2012-05-09
2012-09-22 ― 2012-09-25
2012-05-16 ― 2012-05-19
2012-09-30 ― 2012-10-03
2012-05-28 ― 2012-05-31
2012-10-07 ― 2012-10-10
2012-06-07 ― 2012-06-10
2012-10-15 ― 2012-10-18
2012-06-22 ― 2012-06-25
2012-10-25 ― 2012-10-28
 −89 / +67 days error margin
2012-11-04 ― 2012-11-07

Something Wrong Somewhere!? . . Not in God's plan!!! (bukan dalam rancangan Allah Ta'ala):

errors: Tehran reverses stance on quake aid in wake of aftershocks (PHOTOS)

2012 Event Latitudes and Dates (God Permitting)
2012-01-07 ― 2012-01-10
2012-07-01 ― 2012-07-04
2012-01-22 ― 2012-01-25
2012-07-07 ― 2012-07-10
2012-01-30 ― 2012-02-02
2012-07-14 ― 2012-07-17
2012-02-10 ― 2012-02-13
2012-07-23 ― 2012-07-26
2012-02-18 ― 2012-02-21
2012-08-05 ― 2012-08-08
2012-02-28 ― 2012-03-02
2012-08-18 ― 2012-08-21
2012-03-13 ― 2012-03-16
2012-08-25 ― 2012-08-28
2012-03-27 ― 2012-03-30
2012-09-03 ― 2012-09-06
2012-04-04 ― 2012-04-07
2012-09-10 ― 2012-09-13
2012-04-24 ― 2012-04-27
2012-09-15 ― 2012-09-18
2012-05-06 ― 2012-05-09
2012-09-22 ― 2012-09-25
2012-05-16 ― 2012-05-19
2012-09-30 ― 2012-10-03
2012-05-28 ― 2012-05-31
2012-10-07 ― 2012-10-10
2012-06-07 ― 2012-06-10
2012-10-15 ― 2012-10-18
2012-06-22 ― 2012-06-25
2012-10-25 ― 2012-10-28
 −89 / +67 days error margin
2012-11-04 ― 2012-11-07

Table: (Variety) (31 verse) 31 WORLD Disaster 2012 Through Instructions Al 'Quran Surah Ar Rahman 1433 years ago. God Almighty says in the Holy Quran: ‘So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny? (O mankind and Jinn)?  verse: 13, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77.

Quran Surah Ar Rahman verses: 13 + 16 + 18 + 21 + 23 + 25 + 28 + 30 + 32 + 34 + 36 + 38 + 40 + 42 + 45 + 47 + 49 + 51 + 53 + 55 + 57 + 59 + 61 + 63 + 65 + 67 + 69 + 71 + 73 + 75 + 77 = 1433 means (2012)

Evidence 1433 = 2012

HAARP adalah satu idea yang hebat pencipta Nikola Tesla mempunyai DUNIA untuk menyediakan tenaga bebas (di Seluruh DUNIA) Sudah tentu, dirancang dihentikan secepat penyedia mendengar tentang perkara ini dan menjual segala perancangan. Jika ciptaan Teslas tidak berhenti, kita akan menjadi 100 tahun ke hadapan, tetapi masa dihentikan untuk kita. Dan ya, HAARP adalah orang-orang yang sangat, SANGAT real. Ianya adalah beberapa jenis BS bahawa orang membuatnya. Ia boleh menukar cuaca DUNIA, ia boleh mewujudkan bencana "semula jadi" . . . Ia adalah peranti kiamat.

HAARP was an idea that the great inventor NIKOLA TESLA had for the WORLD to provide free energy (WORLD Wide) Of course, the planned stopped as soon as the providers heard of this and sold all plans. If Teslas inventions were not stopped we would be 100 years into the future, but time stopped for us. And yes, HAARP is very, VERY real folks. It is not some kind of BS that people make up. It can change the weather of the WORLD, it can create "natural" disasters . . . It's a doomsday device.

JAPAN 8.9 EARTHQUAKE DONE BY HAARP??? - MAJOR earthquake tsunami usa next? NEW MADRID  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dF_Qa9JiBcQ&feature=BFa&list=UUP6bwzQpbdLeGZNj_kZYSzw

MAN MADE QUAKES - HAARP = JAPANESE EARTHQUAKE TSUNAMI 11 MARCH 2011  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl8cxrWpTC4&list=UUP6bwzQpbdLeGZNj_kZYSzw&index=4&feature=plcp


BREAKING NEWS 2 gempa bumi melanda utara Iran, membunuh 227 dan ...

I'm Telling YOU . . .  Earth Changes, Extreme Weather,  Mystery Universe, Wild Sun,  WORLD Disaster 2012 from Shaffar (or January) to Ramadan (August) to Syawal (September) to Dz ‘Hijjah (November) PREPARE!!! 

A year ago to the day, Japan was hit by a 9.0 earthquake and a resulting tsunami that led to the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl. Thousands lost their lives but the question is: if it all happened again, would things turn out any differently?

The 9.0 magnitude earthquake and the subsequent tsunami that devastated Japan’s east coast exactly one year ago were not supposed to happen. At least if seismic hazard maps are not cheating. But can modern science really predict such disasters?

One year on after the March 11 disastrous quake and tsunami, Japan is pressing ahead with reconstruction efforts, but still faces enormous challenges in overcoming country’s worst disaster since WORLD War II

I'm Telling YOU . . .  Earth Changes, Extreme Weather,  Mystery Universe, Wild Sun,  WORLD Disaster 2012 from Shaffar (or January) to Ramadan (August) to Syawal (September) to Dz ‘Hijjah (November) PREPARE!!!

errors human Hand will repeat 2012 .  .  .

READ MORE (IN'English) Evidence 2012 http://hamdenct1.blogspot.com/

Baca lanjut (IN'Malay) Evidence 2012 http://evidence1wc.blogspot.com/2012/09/terahsia-1433-peringatan-akhir-tahun.html

Update CommunitySharing: http://earthsyria.blogspot.com/

Disaster in Pantukan Jan 7, 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovO3wyk0jcU

the Signs Of the End Of the WORLD 'January - March' 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55D7Onjujsc&feature=plcp

the Signs Of the End Of the WORLD 'May' 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFBidVspWv4&feature=plcp

538 Dead Pelicans found on the Beaches of Peru (May 01, 2012) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8Hm5t_8q28&feature=player_embedded

Nearly 900 Dead Dolphins washed ashore on the Beaches of Peru (Apr 23, 2012) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYoX3TEq07s&feature=player_embedded

the Signs Of the End Of the WORLD 'June' 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGjECoblrwA&feature=plcp

America : Dallas Texas gets rocked with Baseball size Hail (Jun 13, 2012) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16kEl-btseI&feature=player_embedded

America : Violent Storms slam Eastern U.S. leaving 13 dead, Millions without power (Jun 30, 2012) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rf99Dxwy_LE&feature=player_embedded

Disaster2012 Fukushima 'Radioactive Tuna off the California Coast' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sei4RVs1gio&feature=plcp

Video: Muslims in Greece tear-gassed in Mohammed film & cartoon protest 24 Sep 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs7h2WdtPW0&feature=plcp

Athens Police Caught in Fires, Blasts 26 Sep 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsHp7ax8ERw&feature=plcp

Greece Molotov Rampage: Video of protesters fire petrol bombs at police 26 Sep 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAfhOSNp16g&feature=plcp

Cuts and tears: Greek police disperse angry mob 10 February, 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdRYbMThmN0&feature=plcp

Greece riots: Athens burns, police fire tear gas as violence flares up 12 Feb 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NljVxqRpbw0&feature=plcp

Video: Athens on fire as mass protest turns violent 12 Feb 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9FLQxMYiI4&feature=plcp

Athens Riots 12/02/2012 (against new reform in the economy) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKmx9d1VHT0&feature=related

Riots in Athens- Feb 2012 Uploaded by Pano Kellarakos on 14 Feb 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FAq45g7Or0&feature=fvwrel

Massive Riot in Greece 13 /02 / 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8VnGf0KJ0s&feature=related

Democracy kidnapped!' Clashes in Madrid as thousands surround Spanish Congress http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OXXe9B9THo&feature=plcp

CATEX News January 17, 2012: Concordia potential environmental disaster, Ethiopian airline crash http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yl5XiAyrqn4

Pesawat sukhoi 20 menit sebelum kecelakaan 12 May 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfq7I3CVdFM&feature=related

CCTV: Chile subway train crashes into condominium 9 Feb 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cP9dgf425s&feature=plcp

Volcano eruption video: Mount Etna spews lava fountains 9 Feb 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjkWrvnwhX0&feature=plcp

Jerusalem clashes video: Police use flashbangs against Palestinians  24 Feb 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1drgsf4_818&feature=plcp

Malay clashes video: Police fire tear gas at 25,000 protesters 28 Apr 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOutoxObe1U&feature=plcp

Afghans Protest Against Prophet Film 19 Sep 2012  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WIP8s0XKRw&feature=plcp

Powerful Winds Pound Anchorage 19 Sep 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Soz3zBhqKBo&feature=plcp

Paraguay Storm Causes Death, Damage 19 Sep 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tFbsU8snWI&feature=plcp 

East Coast Storms Leave Thousands in Dark 19 Sep 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eYnqfKLvq4&feature=plcp

Drawing Contempt? 'Mohammed caricatures add fuel to fire of Muslim anger 19 Sep 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XntgBsrHUDU&feature=plcp

Lawyers protest Islam-insulting film, storm US Embassy district in Pakistan 19 Sep 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1eQ5ww4vw8&feature=plcp

Insurgency winning war in Afghanistan, troops die for nothing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IRPM5xda0Y&feature=plcp

Muslim Rage: Over 50 killed in 30-nation Islamic protest wave http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_lr4KUwAKI&feature=plcp

US & UK lead Hormuz power play as Israel's Iran strike rhetoric rises  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-SDGA69hrw&feature=plcp

Violence explodes as Muslims protest anti-Islam film http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuuqiK3Emvc

AND NOW MIDDLE EAST'S FALSE FLAG! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0lKHXspUZo

Protests Spread Throughout Africa & Middle East as Enraged Muslims Set Fire to Tunisia Embassy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro0kxinOCp8

Australia Muslim protest turns violent, police dog bites man http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6zIX29HkSo&feature=plcp

What is happening to the Muslims of Myanmar and why? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPo-loT82SA&feature=plcp

Rival Protests in Libya Over Embassy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcmh5DOTfbQ&feature=plcp

2 Dead, 29 Injured at Embassy Protest in Tunis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnqiB4zcXZc&feature=plcp

US created forces it spends money fighting against' - Taliban ex-captive http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOEUkWqZhfA&feature=plcp

Embassy attacks a policy wake-up call for US elite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abHHE8VNrs4&feature=player_embedded

Iranian oil sales 'on rise' despite all sanctions & rhetoric - report http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nN7NpWdVwig&feature=player_embedded

US must exit Afghanistan now to stop Arab unrest http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKPy2UPXp68&feature=player_embedded

Flames & Fury: Anti-US rage sweeps Muslim world 'like wildfire' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lp3H6H9gWhU&feature=plcp

Arab Fall: Anti-insult rage sweeps Muslim WORLD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbzJ-mCTL84&feature=player_embedded

US embassies in Sudan, Tunisia, Yemen attacked by angry mobs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVdzAg1SnVE&feature=player_embedded

Arab anger swells: Riots in Egypt, Yemen 'out of control' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDlBcY6IFYc&feature=player_embedded

Anti-US riots video: American flags burned across Arab WORLD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2A9LJJuooCQ&feature=player_embedded

Friend to Foe: Anti-Islam film derails American PR in Arab WORLD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCZ5Jz_Cr64&feature=plcp

Escobar: US could drone Libya to death http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxb6eFHqpD0&feature=plcp

Russia warns US on consequences of regime change http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IUUN03IQj8&feature=plcp

Unrest in Arab World, Protesters Storm US Embassy in Yemen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0t-WzJEoObQ

Violence sweeps Cairo as clashes erupt outside US embassy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9ZWLHimzfs&feature=player_embedded

(Syawal 27, 1433) Egypt protests 'Сars torched, police firebombed at US Embassy' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlMd6jo45f8&feature=player_embedded

LIVE: Violence sweeps Cairo as clashes erupt outside US embassy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9ZWLHimzfs&feature=plcp

Yemeni Muslim protesters attack US Embassy  

US Embassy in Yemen stormed as Muslim insult fury spreads

Blowback time for US, death & disaster only outcome

Anti-Islam film a pretext; US diplomat's killing shows Libya intervention's failure http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQi828Wqj30&list=UUpwvZwUam-URkxB7g4USKpg&index=1&feature=plcp

Hillary Clinton condemns Libya embassy attack http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ihIZg9yR7M

Libya : U.S. Consolate killed by Islamic Muslim Brotherhood in Benghazi, Libya http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeZ3ZOQ8IU4

US Consulate in Libya Attacked, American Killed  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbwvimL5y6s&feature=plcp

Islam-insulting film triggers attacks on US consulate in Libya, embassy in Egypt http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZYyBZE1GKs&feature=plcp

Israel desperate, US not in position to do anything about Iran' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azVp16pk1Yo&feature=plcp

Death at Guantanamo: A place for 'human beings with no rights' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6Hy4wSWFYo&feature=plcp

Assange Lawyer: Innocent man persecuted, US war crimes unpunished (EXCLUSIVE) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llwf-LyQfpc&feature=plcp

Pentagon unveils DARPA-made mule-drone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2aG7DvYaa8&feature=plcp

Occupy Hong Kong protesters dragged out of HSBC HQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zmR2cnHd4o&feature=plcp

Greece will capitulate to Troika demands http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qG_tMqKzUg&feature=plcp

Peace 'nearly impossible' as long as West supports Syria rebels http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOviFAvlu0I&feature=plcp

Angelina Jolie Visits Syrian Refugee Camp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWy_M4yDfQc&feature=plcp

Not-so-fancy Footwork: Palestinians throw shoes to protest cost of living 

Has Capitalism Lost Its Compass? - Peter Lavelle APEC panel (ft. Jim Rogers) pt.1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZeeVJqbDt4&feature=plcp

Has Capitalism Lost Its Compass? - Peter Lavelle APEC panel (ft. Jim Rogers) pt.2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?

His Majesty's arrival at the APEC Leaders' Summit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9fC-AtQOPY

Chile clashes video: Paintballs & teargas at march to remember Pinochet victims http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9D0njkzCTJQ&feature=plcp

Both US & Israel preparing options for Iran strike http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyXQJ42bBP4&feature=plcp

Attacks Kill at Least 44 in Iraq http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8Gf9nHFyew&fe

His Majesty's arrival at the APEC Leaders' Summit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9fC-AtQOPY

US talks tough to Iran only to restrain Israel - report http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXxmWWU5zBs&feature=plcp

Harvest of Isolation: ‘Syrian farmers reap crop of West sanctions http://www.youtube.com/watch?

APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlkR-mTl_po

Putin Addresses APEC Business Summit Plenary Session http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFQY5Kp-abw

Russian President Vladimir Putin Flies with the Birds! | Must Watch | FULL VIDEO FOOTAGE | 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTHqIEiUEBA&feature=plcp

Syria rebels focus on Aleppo's historic sites http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdQ8bMIzQCg&feature=plcp

Syrian rebel fighters prepare for battle in Aleppo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTRufAz2tuM

The Earthquakes in North-West Iran http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPati5KaDWc&feature=plcp

Double Dipping: Britain faces second round of recession http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZle70odEjo&feature=plcp

Obama or Romney - 'Either way, US oligarchs win http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOawPzbXW2o&f

Syria ‘Mesej dari paderi Syria untuk Barack Obama - September 6 (20 Syawal) M'sianTIME/tarikh 7, September 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Zdums2qfdg&feature=plcp

Job Asylum: Euro crisis takes work from locals to immigrants http://www.youtube.com/watch?

Jim Rogers talks live from APEC Summit in Russia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnGGXZqzh4w

Pier Carlo Padoan discusses ECB's Bond Purchase Plan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6e10sS5vIk&feature=plcp

Palestinian refugees from Syria flock to Lebanon for Safety http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5rwd33Hu48&feature=plcp

Canada closes Iran embassy, says Tehran 'most significant global http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nd6lE8yZ5OA&feature=plcp

Frontline Fallout: UK's Syria powerplay may backfire as Britons radicalized http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khVVzzSvDsk&feature=plcp

Enemy of Choice: Israelis stoking Iran fear to justify Hebron http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ca7Nc0r-

West climbs debt mountain, vital Russia looks East  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D82Tw_K9PRc

APEC finance ministers meet ahead of summit in Russia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DxWi7c8Q6U

7News: Gillard heads to Russia for APEC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fmaW7kFAKk

Costly makeover for Vladivostok at APEC summit  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KixKA3oRqXI

Video: Moment of deadly China earthquake, landslide caught on camera http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3CIDT2sI_8&feature=plcp

(1 Day ago) Costa Rica earthquake 2012 - earthquake in costa rica http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wL_zjZkx2Hg

Earthquake Struck Philippines - August 31, 2012 Friday 8:48PM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SStz_KeJfqk

France to give heavy artillery to Syria rebels to 'smash Assad regime http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gx7F4A7oStU&list=UUpwvZwUam-URkxB7g4USKpg&index=5&feature=plcp

'US acts as Gulf guardian angel, brushes off Bahrain protests as Iran plot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3a0wjOZpf1U&list=UUpwvZwUam-URkxB7g4USKpg&index=6&feature=plcp

Obama's Change: Killing without trial, spying without warrant’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8dleYv_isI&list=UUpwvZwUam-URkxB7g4USKpg&index=7&feature=plcp

‘Out of Options? Obama a failure, Republicans not an alternative http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJCH_odzwkY&list=UUpwvZwUam-URkxB7g4USKpg&index=1&feature=plcp

‘Austerity Severity: 'Talks give little hope as debts mount' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMKS8aeW2o8&list=UUpwvZwUam-URkxB7g4USKpg&index=2&feature=plcp

'West "adventure" in Syria may backfire in face of the WORLD by WW3' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOzA0z_c0rk&list=UUpwvZwUam-URkxB7g4USKpg&index=3&feature=plcp

Putin 'Mendedahkan kes Assange UK double standard' (Wawancara Eksklusif) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLh3YDD3lms&feature=plcp

No Motive in Canadian Political Rally Shooting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sScADWc-fQs&feature=plcp

US wants Pentagon patrol in Asia via allies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bX52E69XBnI&feature=plcp

SyrianDaysOfRage  - Damascus | Regime Forces Shell Tadamun, Alhajar & Yalda http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8c1wVJlVOcw&list=UUF-v9nwMlN2q00ChECx_isQ&index=1&feature=plcp

SyrianDaysOfRage - ‘Al-Atarib | Aleppo | A Young Boy Cries for his Martyred Brother, Issa Mohammad Obayd  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZGXV2RIziU&feature=autoplay&list=UUF-v9nwMlN2q00ChECx_isQ&playnext=1

Video: Putin takes to the sky to guide migrating birds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kq1DEu5-aWo&feature=plcp

Clinton 'disappointed' by China stance on Syria http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVTb7EA8XbQ

Families remain victims of Syria bombardments http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyNP7xXHs10

Idlib | Plane Shot Down By The Free Syrian Army With The Captain http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIVo72

First video: 7.6 magnitude quake strikes off the coast of Costa Rica http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nrTdsp8PFg&feature=plcp

Syrian Army Jet Bombs Residential Area in Aleppo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXARdwwlUKM&feature=plcp

7.6 Quake Reported in Costa Rica’ A powerful http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU06nlWPYWo&feature=plcp

Catalonia town proclaims autonomy, cites 'tax plunder' http://www.youtube.com/watch?

Quebec Shooting: Old crack between French & English growing wider http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL_qjeMBJq4&feature=plcp

Syria's Assad Holds Talks With Red Cross Chief  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UZGwtZUqgM&feature

Grexit a must but EU leaders blind to reality http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNg8dHqedK0&feature=player_embedded

2012 BBC Formula 1 - 12 Belgian GP - Paddock reacts to first corner carnage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvvSsvHX4s8

2012 BBC Formula 1 - 12 Belgian GP - Race: Qualifying Report http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2a1eMeMyEAs&feature=plcp

Quebexit: Canada on verge of separation? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLJKBhjY69Q&feature=plcp

Syria No-Flee Zone: 100,000 seek refuge as Turkey closes camps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwnK2BY2VEc&feature=plcp

Bulgaria tapak Eurozone: 'Kos yang lebih besar daripada peluang'

Video of rare, cute white Bengal tiger triplets shown at Czech zoo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaD9wTFw8P4

Bailout Alcoholism: Govts sucked Eurozone resources dry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_SRmdLUeV0&feature=plcp 

Clash over Cash: UK safeguard for Mubarak regime money? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCo5jo2L_0U&feature=plcp

Asian Axis: India & China to bring two largest armies closer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtMSXwMn_Tk&feature=plcp

Thousands Flooded, Without Power After Isaac http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-aGQ-m67Q4&feature=plcp

ISYARAT Rasulullah Shallallahu Alayhis wa Sallam!!! . . .

Nu'aim bin Hammad meriwayatkan dengan sanadnya bahwa Rasulullah Shallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam bersabda: Bila telah muncul suara di bulan Ramadhan, maka akan terjadi huru-hara di bulan Syawwal (Ogos/Ramadan hingga September/Shawwal)"

Kami bertanya: "Suara apakah, ya Rasulullah?" Beliau menjawab:

"Suara keras di pertengahan bulan Ramadhan, pada malam Jum'at, akan muncul suara keras yang membangunkan orang tidur, menjadikan orang yang berdiri jatuh terduduk, para gadis keluar dari pingitannya, pada malam Jum'at di tahun terjadinya banyak gempa. Jika kalian telah melaksanakan shalat Subuh pada hari Jum'at, masuklah kalian ke dalam rumah kalian, tutuplah pintu-pintunya, sumbatlah lubang-lubangnya, dan selimutilah diri kalian, sumbatlah telinga kalian.

Jika kalian merasakan adanya suara menggelegar, maka bersujudlah kalian kepada Allah dan ucapkanlah: "Mahasuci Al 'Quddus, Mahasuci Al 'Quddus, Rabb kami Al 'Quddus!", karena barangsiapa melakukan hal itu akan selamat, tetapi barangsiapa yang tidak melakukan hal itu akan binasa".


Menurut riwayat Abu Daud, bahwa perawi hadits ini berkata: Aku telah mendengar Abdullah bin Umar berkata: Kami pernah duduk di sisi Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, beliau menerangkan panjang-lebar tentang berbagai macam huru-hara, hingga akhirnya menyebut Fitnah Ahlas (huru-hara tiada habisnya) Seseorang bertanya,

"Ya Rasul Allah, apa itu Fitnah Ahlas?"

Nabi Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam menjawab, "Ialah perampasan harta dan keluarga, lalu dibawa lari." (Rasul melanjutkan keterangannya), "Kemudian timbullah, sesudah itu Fitnah Sarra' (huru-hara kemewahan), yang tipuan ataupun kerusakannya keluar dari bawah telapak kaki seseorang (yang mengaku) dari ahli baitku.

Dia mengaku dari keluargaku, padahal dia bukan keluargaku. Wali-waliku hanyalah orang-orang yang bertakwa. "Kemudian manusia mengandalkan seseorang, bagaikan buntut bersandar pada tulang rusuk. Dan sesudah itu timbullah Fitnah Duhalma' (huru-hara sangat dahsyat), yang tidak membiarkan seorang pun dari umat ini melainkan dilandanya Sampai-sampai bila dikatakan huru-hara itu telah usai, maka ia kembali lagi, dimana seseorang di pagi hari beriman, lalu petang harinya menjadi kafir.

Akhirnya manusia terbagi ke dalam 2-kota besar: kota iman, dimana tidak ada kemunafikan, dan kota munafik, dimana tidak ada keimanan. Apabila itu telah terjadi, maka tunggulah dajjal pada hari itu juga, atau esok harinya.

"Dan menurut riwayat Abu Daud pula, dari Abdullah bin Amr bin 'Ash, Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam bersabda, "Bagaimana kamu ini (tenang-tenang saja), padahal zaman tidak lama lagi akan mengoyak umat manusia sekacau-kacaunya, sementara mereka benar-benar telah bercampur-aduk dalam menyelenggarakan janji-janji mereka dan berselisih pendapat, sehingga mereka menjadi seperti ini - sambil menjalin jari-jari beliau satu sama lain.

Para sahabat bertanya, 'Bagaimana seharusnya sikap kami, ya Rasulullah?' Beliau menjawab, Ambillah apa-apa yang kamu kenal (baik), dan tinggalkan apa-apa yang tidak kamu kenal. Uruslah (baik-baik) urusan peribadimu, jangan pedulikan penilaian masyarakat umum)."

(Hr Abu Daud. Kitab Al 'Malahim. Bab Al ‘Amnu wa An ‘Nahyu. 2/438)

+ 18) Damascus Suburb: A Massacre by Assad Forces in Jdaidet Artouz 3 August 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3jxdojyFAk

Syria - Rastan Women, Children Distress Call - Assad Destroying City - Humanitarian Crisis 4, August 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8X1saqrIMI

Syria - Assad Warplane Strikes Leave Craters, Carnage, Destruction in Haritan Aleppo13, August 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VQctz8clgQ

+ 18 Syria Dictator Massacres 11 in Deir Ez Zour as Assad Army Destroys Nation 4, August 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeDUFshjSuk

+ 21 Syria Busra Al Sham a massacre This video contains graphic images 26, August 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVkkY7FQzJw

Some Of the Videos 'BuktiNyata Huru-hara DUNIA' WORLD Riots ‘15 Ramadan (August 3, 2012) sehingga (to) Syawal (September)’ . . .

Disaster 2012 ‘August, 3’ . . .

Intense Wildfire near Noble, OK -- August 3, 2012   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_aqVLzdhU8

Ninnekah Oklahoma wild fire, August 3 rd 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRaGNH6AAS0

+18) Damascus Suburb: A Massacre by Assad Forces in Jdaidet Artouz 3 August 2012

Syria Homs Inshaat, DISASTER STRIKES TOWN Assad's thugs celebrate while people die 3 August 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-19wTITaR8E

Weather Satellite Images with Typhoon GENER Path And Direction (August 3, 2012)

Grain Markets: Darin Newsom -- August 3, 2012 - Market Journal

Market Journal - August 3, 2012

Fukushima News: Aug 3, 2012 Tokyo Anti Nuclear Protest Nuclear Safety Regulatory Committee

Severe Thunderstorm (Ribut teruk) August 3, 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iN_yPKMgAds

2MIN News August 3, 2012: Quakes, Weather, Sun, Planets. (Time Of video 3:07)

Syria | Bashar Ja'afari - General Assembly Media Stakeout - August 3, 2012. Informal comments to the media by H.E. Mr. Bashar Ja'afari, Permanent Representative of the Syrian Arab Republic to the United Nations on the situation in the Syrian Arab Republic. (Time Of video 16:34)

English | Syria, Deir Al Zour, August 3 -2012 bodies of dead civilians are scattered in the roads of the city and people are unable to retrieve the bodies because of the Assad regime's snipers, who kill anyone who moves in the streets such criminality, the Syrian people is being murdered, and the U.N members gather in special sessions that result in nothing. (Time Of video 0:45) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFnaQW4-bG4

Syria, Bosr Al-Hareer Child Balqis Zokani was murdered by Assad's fierce shelling. August 3, 2012 (Time Of video 0:49) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GAoqNHh7sw

Syria, Daraa, Victim Najeyah Mahmood Al-Ebraheem (75 years old) murdered due to Assad's shelling. Aug 3, 2012 (Time Of video 0:42) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEua0BSC03M

Driving through liberated Aleppo to Bab al-Hadid, August 3, 2012. Rather long video of driving into Aleppo on Friday at around 6 a.m. Following an FSA convoy. Quiet but devastated streets. Tons of garbage. And a long bread queue that I was told was actually short - they get much longer than this later in the day. (Time Of video 8:13)

Syria, Aljazeera Report about the Free Syrian Army. 8/3/2012 (Time Of video 3:07)

Israel News Update - August 3, 2012 (Time Of video 14:35)

Syria Homs Inshaat, DISASTER STRIKES TOWN Assad's thugs celebrate while people die 8-3-2012. Syria, Homs Inshaat section DISASTER OF THE TOWN- Assad's thugs celebrating in the killing of the people 8-3-2012 In this video you can hear loud music coming from Assad's thugs military barricade celebrating the destruction of ordinary citizen's HOME TOWN. You can see it is now a GHOST TOWN with total destruction of people's homes neighborhoods, schools , places of worship and business and to force the people to FLEE in DESPERATION then for Assad's thugs to celebrate by playing music and looting homes and businesses for any valuables left behind , this way when people maybe some day return , their most simple or precious memories and valuables will be gone ! SHAME to feast after the lambs have already been slaughtered!!! (Time Of video 01:12) 

SYRIA RASTIN This video was leaked from Assad's military thugs dancing on martyr's bodies. August 3, 2012. SYRIA, RASTIN This video was leaked from Assad's military thugs dancing on martyr's bodies. 8-3-2012 As you can see in this video, Assad's thugs are celebrating their kill and dancing on top of a human being's dead body and using curse words and looking to turn the body over to rob the dead person of any money he might have in his pockets. This is despicable and Assad's thugs are in one word- ASSAD'S THUGS WITHOUT CONSCIENTIOUS, and l that is putting it mildly! (Time Of video 01:05) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PizbDHK5PZU

Mosaic News - 08/03/12: UN Adopts Syria Resolution as West Secretly Supports Rebels. UN General Assembly adopts Syria resolution as Western powers secretly support rebels, Bahraini forces injure 25 protestors marching for self-determination, Israel further tightens control over al-Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan, and more. Today's headlines in full:(UN General Assembly adopts Syria resolution. BBC Arabic, UK) (Obama authorizes secret US support of Syrian rebels. Press TV, Iran) (Tensions rise along Afghan-Pakistan border. Press TV, Iran) (Bahraini forces injure 25 protestors marching for self-determination. Al Jazeera, Qatar) (Saudi protestors call for release of political prisoners. Al-Alam, Iran) (Israel further tightens control over al-Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan. Dubai TV, UAE) (Hillary Clinton urges Sudan, South Sudan to reconcile as UN deadline expires. Dubai TV, UAE) (Golan Heights residents divided over conflict in Syria. Palestine TV, Ramallah) (Solar-powered car debuted in Hebron. IBA, Israel) (Fourth annual Jerusalem Woodstock revival concert features top Israeli musicians. IBA, Israel) (Image: Bashar Ja'afari, Permanent Representative of Syria to the UN, addresses the General Assembly during today's meeting on the armed conflict in his country, August 3, 2012: UN Photo/JC McIlwaine) (Mosaic is a Peabody Award-winning daily compilation of television news reports from the Middle East, including Egypt, Lebanon, Israel, Syria, the Palestinian Authority, Iraq and Iran. Watch more Mosaic at 

Syria - Vast Destruction to Al Houle Houses by Assad Army Shelling 3, August, 2012. Syria - Tour of Al Houle Houses Destroyed by Assad Army Shelling 3-August-12 Syria 3 8 Al Hoole Homs. Syria Today 3-8-2012. Posted by abeer on August 3rd, 2012. Local Coordination Committees in Syria. The number of martyrs in Syria thus far today has risen to 120, 72 martyrs in Hama most of them were killed in the Arbaeen Neighborhood massacre,19 martyrs in Damascus and its suburbs 13 martyrs in Idlib, 7 martyrs in Deir Ezzor, 6 martyr in Aleppo, 2 martyrs in Homs and 1 martyr in Daraa. Homs: Rastan: Several were wounded and reports of a number of martyrs by fierce shelling on villages of Gharnateh and Zafarana, with interruption of all the life elements. Homs: Rastan: Several were wounded and reports of a number of martyrs by fierce shelling on villages of Gharnateh and Zafarana, with interruption of all the life elements. Damascus Suburbs: Yalda: Continued shelling of the town with mortars amid helicopter flight over city. Damascus Suburbs: Kanaker: Security forces are deployed in the streets and squares near the mosques of the town in an attempt to prevent the demonstrations that are expected to take off after the Jumaa prayer. They are all wearing bullet-proof jackets and are reinforced by heavy vehicles. Damascus: Qabr Aateka: Intensive security deployment in the neighborhoods, residents fear a raid campaign. Daraa: Basr Harir: Intense shelling of the city with helicopters. Homs: Heavy shelling on Khaldieh and Jourat Shayah neighborhoods with mortar shells and heavy artillery is reported, with columns of smoke rising from homes due to the shelling. Damascus Suburbs: Harasta: A raid and arrest campaign was waged in the vicinity of Sayedna Mohammad Mosque and reports of the fall of a martyr. Damascus: Tadamun: 6 were martyred and more than 40 were injured as a result of the intese bombardment of the neighborhood. Homs: Renewed intense shelling of the neighborhoods of Homs and its suburbs, Gvozdika artillery stationed in the Waeer College in Alghabeh targets the region. Damascus: Naher Aisha: The imposed siege of the neighborhood continues with miltary checkpoints and tanks surrounding the neighborhood and continued intense shelling of Tadamon neighborhood as helicopters fly over the region. Hama: Security forces blocked all entrances to the Arbaeen neighborhood in Hama preventing any funeral or burial of the martyrs. We do not have an accurate estimation of the number of martyrs as yet because of the cut in communication and the difficulty of moving inside the neighborhood. Daraa: Nahate: Tens were injured in the intense rocket shelling of the town. Deir Ezzor: Intense Shelling of Muwathifeen Neighborhood. Aleppo: Renewed artillery shelling of Salaheddine neighborhood. Hama: Reports of explosions in Mahatta neighborhood and intense gunfire near Andalus neighborhood. Hama: Regime forces surround Bab Qibli amid intense gunfire. Idlib: Koren: The artillery shelling was resumed at the city for the 10th consecutive day which led to the destruction of many homes and the exodus of the residents. Deir Ezzor: Bokamal: Artillery shelling at the city's neighborhood resumed. Damascus Suburbs: Hamah: It is reported that explosive bullets are being fired from the Defense Factories Corporation in Khabouri 

Webster Tarpley: Saudi-drafted Syria resolution mocks UN. Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. PressTV August 3, 2012. At UN, More Than One Third of the World Refuses to Endorse the Saudi-Qatari Call for Open Season on Syria; Mass Strikes in Saudi and Bahrain; Still No Sign of Bandar (Time Of video 06:33)

Syria Homs People stuck in the shelled tower Assad's gangs shooting anyone wants to help 8-3-2012. Syria, Homs People stuck in the shelled tower. Assad's thugs are shooting at anyone who is trying to help. 8-3-2012. Homs-Job Jandali neighborhood. Al Fadous tower is on fire. Assad's thugs located at Al Fadous roundabout are shooting at any one who is coming to help in putting out the fire. Where are the Arabs and Muslims??? Look at that, people are going to be burned . . . (Time Of video 00:55) 

Syrian army trying to restore calm in Aleppo. Published on Aug 3, 2012 by PressTVGlobalNews. Our third day in Aleppo, Press tv team made a tour in the city of Aleppo, the traffic was normal, a very few checkpoints in our tour, and markets were opened. Later on we received a tip to move to Hretan area, an area where Syrian army had clashes during the night with hundreds of fighters belong to an armed group call themselves AlMithanna brigade. Upon our arrival to what was an area controlled by armed militias, Syrian army commander explained to us how did they free the area through intensify clashes during the night, assuring that these clashes resulted to killing plenty of armed group members and most of the killed were foreigners. (Time Of video 02:17)

Syria - Wider tensions, Global disunity. 3 Aug 2012 BBC News. The UN condemns Syria and world governments for failing to prevent the violence. Carnage in Syria. Long-term Palestinian refugees are latest victims. Another example of wider Middle East enmities being stirred. Rising tensions across borders. Turkey is moving to the border. Risks of global disunity as more countries go their own way (Amazing - so much for globalization hey)? Thwaiba Knafane is Soldier of the Free Syrian Army. The battle for Aleppo is critically important. Airstrikes on Aleppo. US believes the battle is reaching new intensity. Britain will support Opposition fighters short of giving them weapons. (Time Of video 02:31) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SehUgZBKEAg

Jordan: New Camp for Syrian Refugees. UNHCR - 3 August 2012 - As the Syrian influx continues, UNHCR is building Zaatari, a new refugee camp in Jordan with a potential capacity to host 113,000 refugees. (Time Of video 02:14)

Syria, Talbiseh 48 year old martyr Mohammad Soliman Zokari got killed by Assad's thugs. 3, August 2012.  The fallen hero was helping another man who was sick. Assad's thugs opened fire on them and both of them got martyred. Rest in peace

18+ Syria, Homs Trying to save the life of an injured man, who was shot by Assad's thugs. 3, August 2012. Homs, Khaldieh.

Damascus, Syria: Smoke rises from Assali neighborhood. Smoke rises from building in Assali neighborhood of Damascus, due to shelling by Assad forces. Location: Assali neighborhood, Damascus, Syria Taped on 3 Aug 2012

18+ Syria - Assad Snipers Target Palestinian Camp Residents 3-Aug 2012. 18+ Adults Only - Warning - Not for Shock - Contains Graphic Images - Documentary evidence of crimes against humanity committed by Syria Dictator Bashar Assad as he orders his Army Snipers to target and kill residents of the Palestine Camp in Damascus on August 3, 2012. 18+ Syria - Assad Snipers Target Palestine Camp Residents 3, Aug 2012 (Time Of video 00:22) 

(Syria) Turkey Airbus Aircraft Fly's into Syria Airspace : Why? (August 13, 2012) (Time Of video 04:03) 

Syrian rebels now have heavy weapons. CSF Rieti.  In Syria's northern city of Aleppo, rebel forces have been using a tank against government troops in a further escalation of fighting. A UK-based human rights group says the anti-government Free Syrian Army attacked a military airbase near Aleppo on Thursday with a tank believed to have been taken from government forces. The rebels had been lacking in firepower to counter the tanks and helicopters of government troops. But recently they are reinforcing their weaponry with help from neighboring Gulf states. UN ceasefire observers expressed concern on Wednesday, confirming the rebels have heavy weapons. The government army launched a fierce offensive across the country on Wednesday and Thursday. In the suburbs of the capital Damascus, government troops and pro-regime militiamen known as Shabbiha reportedly assaulted a village, killing more than 40 people. Concern is growing that the fighting in Syria will continue to escalate as the rebels seek more help from outside the country. Aug. 3, 2012 - Updated 01:03 UTC (10:03 JST) (Time Of video 00:45)

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Abstains on August 3rd Syria Resolution Camillo Gonsalves, Permanent Representative of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to the United Nations, delivers a statement in explanation of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines' decision to abstain on draft resolution A/66/L.57 -- The situation in the Syrian Arab Republic 3, August 2012. (Time Of video 09:50)

Aleppo - Saladin Area Shelling Damage from Assad Invading Army 3, August 2012 Syria. Daraa: Eastern Mleha: Shelling using BMP shells on the plains resumed after armored vehicles deployed in the plains. Hama: Intense Gunfire from Borjia in Qosour neighborhood. Hama: A shell was launched from Mezrab bridge. Idlib: Orme Joz: Lawyer Khaled Rwal and Mahmoud Majafot were martyred, several were wounded and many houses were destroyed by the fierce shelling of the town. Homs: Qusair: Fierce artillery shelling with rocket launchers and tanks in the village of Jose since half hour and until the moment. Daraa: Yadouda: Heavy shelling of the town. Hama: Harbanfseh: Severl were wounded including children with serious injuries due to the shelling in the town. Tank Shelling at Qastoun, Hama (Time Of video 00:39)  

NATO's Emergency CLOSED DOOR meeting at turkey after SYRIA 3 Aug 2012. NATO's Emergency CLOSED DOOR meeting at turkey after SYRIA JET ATTACK is a BUILD UP TO WW3. NATO has held an emergency closed door meeting at Turkey's request, after one its fighter jets was shot down by Syria. The alliance has condemned Damascus' actions... but fell short of calling it an attack on the whole bloc. RT's Tesa Arcilla reports. Turkey claims its downed jet was unarmed, and was on a training flight, testing the country's radars. But the head of an independent Syrian media outlet, says Ankara could have been spying on Damascus. Tags: Tsiyonuttimes 2012 Ww3 Zion Zionism economy gold silver fuel bullion revolution NWO new world order world war 3 global elite power trend trends trendy news media Anissa Naouai Tesa Arcilla Brussels Syria drops Turkish plane Erdogan fighter jet f-4 F-16 Damascus Istanbul plane shot down plane downed Turkey jet pilots rescue search rescue operation Syria Mediterranean sea reconnaissance turkey Syria turkey plane Syria shot plane NATO Ali Mohamad defection

August 3, 2012 Massacre (Massacre Jiadidh Artouz IN Syria Documentary Evidence of Crimes Against Humanity committed by Syrian Dictator Bashar Assad)  

Syria Dictator Assad Shells Zablatani and Hamouria Suburbs of Damascus 3, August 2012  .(Time Of video 00:43) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZuOQElvDLQ

Disaster 2012 ‘August, 4’ . . .

Aleppo Sunni Mosque Damaged by Assad MIG Warplanes as Dictator Tries to Enslave City 4, August 2012. Aleppo Sunni Mosque Damaged by Assad MIG Warplanes - Dictator Tries to Enslave City. (Time Of video 01:45) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIIsHKqaCoM

18+ Syria Dictator Massacres 11 in Deir Ez Zour as Assad Army Destroys Nation 4, August 2012

Syria 4, Aug 2012: RAW Video of al Qaeda Rebels Toss Syrians From Office Building (Aug 14, 2012) (Time Of video 03:36) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvhlRi-x8Pg

Russia sends Stern Warning to US on Syria by sending 3 large Warships/Marines to Tartus (Naval Map) 4, August 2012 (Time Of video 12:47) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKJSaZ-XHvk

Syria, Idlib, Areha, Victim Khaldoon A'bedo murdered by Assad's shelling Aug 5, 2012’ 18+ Adults Only - Warning - Contains Graphic Images - Not for Shock - Documentary Evidence of Crimes Against Humanity Committed by Syria Dictator Bashar Assad as he orders his Army and Militia to plant bombs in Sunni towns and cities in order to kill, wound and terrorize local Sunni Civilian populations that have risen up and who are struggling for freedom, democracy, human rights. (Time Of video 00:31) 

Aleppo Slammed by Assad Air Force Missiles 4, August 2012 Regime Tries to Save 50 year Dictatorship 

Syria - Rastan Women, Children Distress Call - Assad Destroying City - Humanitarian Crisis 4, August 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8X1saqrIMI

Syria - Homeless Elderly Woman in Rastan After Dictator Assad Destroyed her House 4, August 2012

Syria, Homs +18 A truly disturbing leaked video taken in Baba Amr Assad thugs in action 4, August 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32Hu5-Alz2o

Disaster 2012 ‘August, 6’ . . .

Syria Aleppo Bab al Hadeed 21+ This video may contain graphic images 10s of people wounded 6, August 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MUfewKMaDI

Syria Aleppo Salaheddin Sayyed al Shuhadaa Hamza Battalion clashes 6, August 2012 

Syria Aleppo Salaheddin Destruction to the infrastructure 6, August 2012

+ 21 Syria Idlib A medical operation of a resident due to shelling on Kafrenbel city 6, August 2012

Syria Damascus Ma'damiyah the moment of finding the massacre martyrs 21+ This video 6, August 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGy_9lSMMF4

+ 21 Syria Aleppo Bab al Hadeed This video may contain graphic images People wounded 6, August 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjsYWWB3Kd8

Syria Talbeseh Violent shelling on the city by missiles 6 , August 2012

Disaster 2012 ‘August, 7’ . . .

‘+18 SNN | Syria | Aleppo | August 7,2012 |The Third Massacre Was Committed by Al-Assad's Militia’ +18 Adults Only - Warning - Contains Graphic Images - Not for Shock - Documentary Evidence of Crimes against Humanity Committed by Syrian Dictator Bashar Al-Assad. The aftermath of Aleppo massacre included many casualties, with some confirmed and verified names. There are also some missing individuals reported by residents. This massacre is similar to the other massacres by Al-Assad's militia.

Syria Aleppo Salah al Deen Saladin Buildings burn as a result of violent shelling August 7,2012

Disaster 2012 ‘August, 8’ . . .

Syria News 8, August 2012. Army Take Control of Salah Eddin, terrorists receive training in Turkey 

Syria | Douma | August 8, 2012 |Influential Burial of The Casualty Killed By Al-Assad's Militia

Syria Freedom Fighters in Al Herak - Lunch in War Zone As Assad Invaders Nearby - August 2012

8,  2012 Al Herak Daraa 

Syria Kafrnebel Free Syrian Army going to free the barrier 8 8 2012

Syrien, Daèl, 8, August 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EK5yQk1ctfQ

Syria Aleppo Freedom Fighters Fight Against Assad Tanks 8-8-2012

Syria - Aleppo, Sky News 8, August 2012 ‘Syrian rebels abandon positions in frontline Aleppo district of Salaheddine’  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rs1AFReWcm4

Disaster 2012 ‘August, 9’ . . .

Syria - Assad Warplanes Slam Rastan with Rockets 9, August  2012 Criminal Dictator Terrorizes City

Syria Aleppo Salaheddine The most violent shelling on the neighborhood to date 9, August  2012

Disaster 2012 ‘August, 10’ . . .

Syria Ariha Clashes between Sokor al Sham brigade and Asaad troops 10, August 2012

Syria - Assad Army Shells Hama Mountain Villages Shashabo Mountain 10, August 2012  

Syria Idlib Kansafra Martyr Ahmed Anees Mo'ayyad 10, August 2012

Disaster 2012 ‘August 13’ . . .

Syria western Aleppo countryside leaked video showing torture of a civllian in Awejil barrier by Shabiha from Aorm Al kubra 13, August 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8INAF3xP5y8

+18 Syria,Homs 5 months old baby Baraa Sways was murdered by Assad's shelling. 13, August 2012

Syria - Assad Warplane Strikes Leave Craters, Carnage, Destruction in Haritan Aleppo13, August 2012

Syria, Irbeen +18 - 6 year old critically injured child by Assad's in a makeshift clinic. 13, August 2012

Disaster 2012 ‘August 14’ . . .

Syria Homs Houla Crimes committed by Assad forces 14, August 2012

Disaster 2012 ‘August 15’ . . .

Syria- Terrorists killed by Syrian Security Forces 15, August 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-IT1HjJTIA

Damascus Syria Multiple Bombings 15, August 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-byZsXplOrM

15 August 2012 Aleppo Azaaz Child is rescued from beneath the rubble after regime air strike

Disaster 2012 ‘August 16’ . . .

18+ Syria - Assad Massacres Aleppo Residents in Sha'ar Neighborhood 16, August 2012

18+ Syria - Idlib MIG Massacre - Assad Warplanes Slaughter Civilians Mahr Tamsreen 16, August 2012

16, August 2012 "Syria Massacre" A large bomb has exploded adjacent to a hotel used by UN monitors in Damascus, wounding at least three people. Syrian state television reported on the blast, stating the bomb was attached to a gas canister. Reports suggest that the UN hotel suffered only "minor damage" and that a second blast took place inside a nearby military compound building - with the Free Syrian Army reportedly claiming responsibility for the attack. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqKzK9U8dB0

+ 21 Syria Aleppo a massacre by Assad forces in the city This video contains graphic images 16, August 2012 

+  21 Syria Aleppo a massacre by Assad forces in the city This video contains graphic images 16, August 2012 

Disaster 2012 ‘August  17’ . . .

+18) Damascus, Qadam: 4 Young Men Slaughtered 17 August 2012

Disaster 2012 ‘August  19’ . . .

Syria al Na'ema Even animals can not escape from the shelling 19 , August 2012

Disaster 2012 ‘August  21’ . . .

Syria Al Mliah Al Sharqia the impact of shelling Khalid Bin Al Waleed   mosque.  21, August 2012

Disaster 2012 ‘August  26’ . . .

Syria Busra Al Sham a massacre 21+ This video contains graphic images 26, August 2012

Disaster 2012 ‘August  27’ . . .

18+ Syria - Many Wounded Civilians in Jericho as Assad Bombs City 27 August 2012 Doctors Overwhelmed 

Disaster 2012 ‘August  28’ . . .

Syria Jarrmana 28, August 2012 - Terrorist attack . . . 12 children dead and 48 injured

+ 18 Syria  FSA Terrorists cleaned by Syrian Security Forces 28, August 2012

Syria Damascus Jobar 18+ A young man who was killed after a shell was dropped on his home 28, August 2012  

+  18 Syria - FSA Terrorists Failed an attack on Syrian Soldiers 28, August 2012

Disaster 2012 ‘August  30’ . . .

Syria Damascus Suburbs Erbeen Destruction to al Rahman Mosque caused by shellingby missiles 30 August 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3YvLVUDadA

Haram berlaku ZALIM . . .

Dari Abu Dzar Radhiyallahu Anhu, dari Nabi Shallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam (keamanan dan rahmat Allah ke atasnya), sebagaimana yang diriwayatkan oleh beliau dari Allah Ta'ala, bahwa Dia berfirman,

"Wahai hambahambaKu, sesungguhnya Aku telah mengharamkan kezhaliman atas diriKu dan Aku juga menjadikannya sebagai sesuatu yang diharamkan di antara kalian, karena itu janganlah kalian saling menzhalimi.

Wahai hamba-hambaKu, kamu sekalian adalah sesat kecuali orang yang Aku beri petunjuk, karena itu mintalah petunjuk padaKu, niscaya Aku akan menunjuki kalian.

Wahai hamba-hambaKu, kamu sekalian lapar kecuali orang yang Aku beri makan, karena itu minta-lah makan kepadaKu niscaya Aku akan memberimu makan.

Wahai hamba-hambaKu, kamu sekalian telanjang kecuali orang yang Aku beri pakaian, karena itu mintalah pakaian padaKu, niscaya Aku akan memberimu pakaian,

Wahai hamba-hambaKu, sesungguhnya kalian melakukan kesalahan pada malam dan siang hari, dan Aku mengampuni semua dosa oleh sebab itu mintalah ampunan kepadaKu, niscaya Aku akan mengam-puni kalian:

Wahai hamba hambaKu, sesungguhnya kamu tidak akan pernah dapat memberikan mudharat padaKu, (seandainya dapat), tentulah kalian telah memudharatiKu. Dan sesungguhnya kalian tidak akan pernah dapat memberi manfaat kepadaKu, (seandainya dapat), tentulah kalian telah memberi manfaat padaKu.

Wahai hamba-hambaKu, seandainya semua yang terdahulu dari kalian dan orang yang terakhir, dari golongan manusia dan jin, seluruhnya bertakwa sebagaimana orang yang paling takwa di antara kalian, niscaya hal itu tidak, akan pernah menambah kekuasaanKu sedikit pun.

Wahai hamba-hambaKu, seandainya yang terdahulu dari kalian dan yang terakhir, dari golongan manusia dan jin seluruhnya durhaka sebagaimana, orang yang paling durhaka di antara kalian, niscaya hal itu tidak akan pernah mengurangi kekuasaanKu sedikitpun.

Wahai hamba-hambaKu, seandainya yang terdahulu dari kalian dan terakhir, dari golongan manusia dan jin seluruhnya berdiri (berkumpul) di suatu lapangan luas, lalu mereka semuanya meminta padaKu dan Aku penuhi setiap apa yang dimintanya, niscaya hal itu tidak akan pernah mengurangi (kekayaan) yang ada di sisi Ku, kecuali hanya seperti air yang menitis dari ujung jarum yang dicelupkan ke lautan.

Wahai hamba-hambaKu, "semua 'amal kalian pasti Aku perhitungkan untuk kalian, kemudian Aku memberikan balasannya kepada kalian. Barangsiapa mendapati kebaikan" maka, hendaklah ia memuji Allah (bersyukur kepadaNya), dan barangsiapa mendapati selain itu, (keburukan), maka janganlah ia mencela (orang lain) kecuali dirinya sendiri:" 

(Hr. Muslim, 6572, Haram melakukan  keZaliman, Hadits qudsi)

Illegally occurs INJUSTICE . . .

It was relayed on the authority of Abu Dhar al-Ghifari, Radiya'Allahu 'Anhu (peace be on him), that the Prophet, Salla‘Allahu Alayhi was Sallam (peace and blessings Of God be on him), said, of waht he related from his Lord, magnified and exhalted be He, Who said:

"O My servants, I have made oppression unlawful for Me and unlawful for you, so do not commit oppression against one another.

O My servants, all of you are liable to err except for those whom I guide on the right path, therefore seek guidance from Me so that I should direct you to the right path.

O My servants, all of you are hungry (needy) except for those whom I feed, therefore seek food from Me so that I may feed you.

O My servants, all of you are naked (need clothes) except for those whom I provide garments, therefore seek clothing from Me so that I should clothe you.

O My servants, you sin by night and by day and I am there to pardon your sins, therefore seek forgiveness from Me so that I should grant you pardon.

O My servants, you can neither do Me any harm nor can you do Me any good.

O My servants, even if the first amongst you and the last amongst you and the whole human race of yours and that of Jinns become as pious as the most pious heart of any one amongst you, it will not add anything to My Power or Kingdom.

O My servants, even if the first amongst you and the last amongst you and the whole human race of yours and that of Jinns become as wicked as the most wicked heart of anyone amongst you, it will not decrease anything from My Power or Kingdom.

O My servants, even if the first amongst you and the last amongst you and the whole human race of yours and that of Jinns gather together on a sector of land and all ask of Me and if I were to give everyone of them what they asked, that will not in any way decrease what I have anymore than a needle decreases what is in the ocean when it is put into it.

O My servants, these deeds of yours which I am recording for you I shall reward you for them, so he who finds good should praise Allah and he who finds other than that should not blame anyone but himself."

(by Muslim Muslim, 6572, Illegally did wrong, Hadees qudsi)

Pelajaran yang terdapat dalam hadits (lessons appearing in hadith)

1.  Menegakkan keadilan di antara manusia serta haramnya berlaku zalim di antara mereka merupakan tujuan dari ajaran Islam yang paling penting. (Justice between man and its illegal unjust among them is the goal of the most important Islamic teachings).

2. Wajib bagi setiap orang untuk memudahkan jalan petunjuk dan memintanya kepada Allah Ta’ala. (Compulsory for everyone to ease the path of guidance and asked him to God).

3. Semua makhluk sangat bergantung kepada Allah dalam mendatangkan kebaikan dan menolak keburukan terhadap dirinya baik dalam perkara DUNIA mahupun AKHIRAT. (All beings are very dependent on God in the good and reject evil against him both in this world and the hereafter).

4. Pentingnya istighfar dari perbuatan dosa dan sesungguhnya Allah Ta’ala akan mengampuninya. (Importance of asking forgiveness of sin and verily Allah Ta'ala will forgive).

5. Lemahnya makhluk dan ketidakmampuan mereka dalam mendatangkan kecelakaan dan keman-faatan. (Weak creatures and their inability to cause accidents and usefulness).

6. Wajib bagi setiap mu’min untuk bersyukur kepada Allah ta’ala atas ni’matNya dan taufiqNya. (Compulsory for every believer to be grateful to God for His blessings and His adjust).

7.  Sesungguhnya Allah Ta’ala menghitung semua perbuatan seorang hamba dan membalasnya. (Indeed Allah Ta'ala (God Almighty) counts all act a slave and respond).

8.  Dalam hadits terdapat petunjuk untuk mengubah diri (muhasabah) serta penyesalan atas dosa-dosa. (In the hadith, there is an indication to change oneself (be conscious) and remorse for the sins).

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