Satu demonstrasi Pakistan melemparkan shell gas pemedih mata ke arah polis rusuhan semasa protes terhadap filem anti-Islam di Islamabad pada 21 September, 2012 (A Pakistani demonstrator throws a tear gas shell towards riot police during a protest against an anti-Islam film in Islamabad on September 21, 2012) (AFP Photo/Aamir Qureshi)
15 terbunuh, kira-kira 200 cedera sebagai pertembungan Pakistan lalui filem anti-Islam . . .
By 1WC’sChannel (9 Dz ‘Qaidah 1433), Saturday 22, September 2012
15 orang telah terbunuh dan lagi 200 cedera pada hari Jumaat selepas puluhan ribu penunjuk perasaan melanda jalan-jalan untuk membantah terhadap filem anti-Islam. Polis melepaskan tembakan gas pemedih mata dan peluru hidup untuk menyuraikan rioters. 12 kematian berlaku di Karachi. Jumlah yang digabungkan yang cedera di Karachi, Peshawar, dan Islamabad adalah 195 orang, menurut AFP. Kerajaan mengisytiharkan Jumaat cuti umum, yang dinamakan "Hari Sayangi." Percutian dicipta khusus supaya orang aman boleh perhimpunan terhadap video. Walau bagaimanapun, protes dengan cepat bertukar menjadi ganas di beberapa bandar di seluruh negara.
Penunjuk perasaan telah mengambil di jalan-jalan di Islamabad, Karachi, Peshawar, Rawalpindi, dan Lahore. Di Peshawar, pemandu untuk stesen televisyen Pakistan terbunuh apabila peluru polis memukul kenderaan di tempat kejadian. Penunjuk perasaan juga telah ditembak dan dibunuh semasa demonstrasi berasingan di bandar, menurut AP. Beratus-ratus penunjuk perasaan menetapkan 2 panggung wayang dan kebuk bandar perdagangan dengan api, dan kedai-kedai rosak dan kenderaan. Polis menggunakan cota untuk menghalau penunjuk perasaan. Kemudian pada hari itu, berpuluh-puluh ribu penunjuk perasaan berkumpul di salah satu kawasan kejiranan di bandar ini memanggil untuk pembuat filem untuk di ambil tindakan.
12 orang telah mati di bandar Karachi. Penunjuk perasaan bersenjata melepaskan tembakan pada polis, membunuh seorang pegawai dan mencederakan yang lain. Ahli-ahli kumpulan yang sama membakar 2 panggung wayang dan bank, menurut AP. Di ibu negara, Islamabad, yang menyaksikan pertempuran antara penunjuk perasaan dan pihak berkuasa pada hari Khamis, penunjuk perasaan membakar pos polis cek dan melanggar "Zon Merah," di mana kedutaan Amerika Syarikat terletak. RT Wartawan Paula Slier melaporkan terdapat kebuntuan antara polis dan penunjuk perasaan cuba untuk sampai ke kedutaan Amerika Syarikat di Islamabad, dan bahawa tentera telah dipanggil masuk kerumunan melontar batu pada pegawai, yang dalam giliran gas pemedih mata mereka kerana mereka cuba untuk menyerbu kedutaan .
"Apa yang kita saksikan adalah percikan api yang melihat puluhan ribu orang mengambil untuk jalan-jalan di bandar-bandar untuk memegang Amerika Syarikat bertanggungjawab ke atas apa yang mereka katakan adalah serangan terburuk yang pernah mengenai Islam," Slier berkata. Polis turut melepaskan tembakan gas pemedih mata pada demonstran di Islamabad dan Lahore dalam usaha untuk memastikan mereka daripada mara ke arah misi Amerika Syarikat di bandar-bandar. Dalam usaha untuk membendung bantahan dan memberi respons kepada kebimbangan keselamatan, kerajaan telah menutup banyak kedai, pasar, dan stesen minyak di seluruh negara.
Pihak kerajaan telah menyekat YouTube awal minggu ini, untuk menghalang rakyat daripada melihat treler filem 14-minit "tidak bersalah orang Islam." Filem ini telah dijana pergolakan dalam DUNIA Islam sejak 10 hari yang lalu, dan membawa kepada kematian sekurang- lebih 40 orang. Kebanyakan kemarahan telah diarahkan pada kerajaan Amerika Syarikat, walaupun filem itu bebas diarahkan dan dihasilkan.
Jabatan Negara Amerika Syarikat menyiarkan mesej di saluran televisyen Pakistan yang menunjukkan Presiden Obama dan Setiausaha Negara Hillary Clinton mengutuk filem itu, dalam usaha untuk meredakan sentimen anti-Amerika. Kedutaan Amerika Syarikat di Islamabad yang dihasilkan iklan dari komen orang ramai oleh Obama dan Clinton, dan Jabatan Negeri membelanjakan kira-kira $ 70,000 kepada membeli masa komersial untuk menunjukkannya, jabatan jurucakap Victoria Nuland berkata dalam satu kenyataan.
Satu lagi sebab untuk membantah . . .
Baru-baru ini karikatur Nabi Muhammad (keamanan dan rahmat Allah ke atasnya) yang diterbitkan oleh majalah Perancis Charlie Hedbo, telah menambah minyak kepada api dengan mencetuskan kemarahan lebih di seluruh DUNIA Islam. 2 lukisan menunjukkan Nabi (keamanan dan rahmat Allah ke atasnya) berbogel. Perancis Interior Menteri Manuel Valls menyatakan bahawa Perancis tidak akan membenarkan protes jalanan terhadap kartun. Kawasan di seluruh negara telah diberikan perintah untuk melarang demonstrasi dan tindakan keras jika pengharaman dicabar.
"Tidak akan tegas tiada pengecualian. Demonstrasi akan diharamkan dan dipecahkan, "Valls satu sidang akhbar. Polis berjaga-jaga yang tinggi di Paris selepas protes yang dirancang oleh beberapa kumpulan Muslim telah diharamkan. Perancis telah ditutup kedutaan-kedutaan dan lain-lain pejabat rasmi di 20 buah negara dalam Islam menganut negara. Pemimpin Islam Perancis mengutuk majalah dan berkata permintaan untuk tenang akan dibaca di masjid-masjid di seluruh negara pada hari Jumaat.

Satu demonstrasi Islam Pakistan membantu rakan sekerja yang cedera kerana mereka cuba untuk sampai ke kedutaan Amerika Syarikat semasa protes terhadap filem anti-Islam di Islamabad pada 21 September, 2012. (A Pakistani Muslim demonstrator helps an injured colleague as they attempt to reach the US embassy during a protest against an anti-Islam film in Islamabad on September 21, 2012). (AFP Photo/Aamir Qureshi)
Bendera dalam api . . .
Pakistan tidak adalah satu-satunya negara yang menyaksikan demonstrasi pada hari Jumaat. Warganegara beberapa negara lain Islam mengambil jalan-jalan dalam protes. Di Iraq, penunjuk perasaan di bandar Basra menaikkan bendera Iraq sambil melaungkan "Kematian untuk Amerika." Penunjuk perasaan membakar bendera Israel dan Amerika dan menaikkan sepanduk yang berbunyi, "Kami mengutuk kesalahan yang dibuat terhadap nabi . " Dalam ibu negara Sri Lanka Colombo, kira-kira 2,000 umat Islam membakar patung Presiden Barack Obama dan bendera Amerika, mendesak pengharaman filem Amerika Syarikat.
Di Bangladesh, lebih 2,000 orang berarak melalui jalan-jalan di Dhaka, membakar keranda sementara terbungkus dalam bendera Amerika dan patung Obama. Mereka juga membakar bendera Perancis membantah karikatur Nabi Muhammad (keamanan dan rahmat Allah ke atasnya). Penunjuk perasaan juga telah berkumpul di Tunisia dan Lubnan sebagai bantahan mereka ditutup pada hari ke-10.

Polis rusuhan Pakistan mengejar penunjuk perasaan semasa protes terhadap filem anti-Islam di Islamabad pada 21 September, 2012. (Pakistani riot police chase demonstrators during a protest against an anti-Islam film in Islamabad on September 21, 2012). (AFP Photo/Aamir Qureshi)

Anggota polis Pakistan melepaskan tembakan dengan senjata automatik ke arah penunjuk perasaan semasa protes terhadap filem anti-Islam di Islamabad pada 21 September, 2012. (Pakistani policeman fire an automatic weapon towards demonstrators during a protest against an anti-Islam film in Islamabad on September 21, 2012). (AFP Photo/Aamir Qureshi)

Penunjuk perasaan Pakistan membaling batu ke arah polis rusuhan semasa protes terhadap filem anti-Islam di Islamabad pada 21 September, 2012. (Pakistani demonstrators throw stones toward riot police during a protest against an anti-Islam film in Islamabad on September 21, 2012). (AFP Photo/Aamir Qureshi)

Penunjuk perasaan Islam Pakistan menjerit kenderaan polis slogansas membakar di latar belakang semasa protes terhadap filem anti-Islam di Karachi pada September 21, 2012. (Pakistani Muslim demonstrators shout slogansas police vehicles burn in the background during a protest against an anti-Islam film in Karachi on September 21, 2012). (AFP Photo/Asif Hassan)
RT News (9, Dz ‘Qaidah September 22) - Kerajaan Pakistan mengisytiharkan Jumaat cuti umum, dinamakan "Hari Cinta." Cuti telah dicipta khusus supaya orang aman boleh perhimpunan terhadap video yang anti-Islam. Walau bagaimanapun, protes dengan cepat bertukar menjadi ganas di beberapa bandar di seluruh negara. 15 orang telah terbunuh dan lagi 200 cedera sebagai polis melepaskan gas pemedih mata dan peluru hidup untuk menyuraikan rioters. (RT News (9, Dz ‘Qaidah September 22) - The Pakistani government declared Friday a public holiday, named "The Day of Love." The holiday was created specifically so people could peacefully rally against the anti-Muslim video. However, the protests quickly turned violent in multiple cities throughout the country. Fifteen people have been killed and another 200 injured as police fired teargas and live ammunition to disperse rioters).
AssociatedPress 21 Sep 2012 - 'Polis Pakistan Kebakaran Terbuka Penunjuk perasaan' polis Pakistan melepaskan tembakan pada rioters yang pembakaran sebuah pawagam semasa protes terhadap filem anti-Islam. Pasukan keselamatan bertempur dengan penunjuk perasaan di beberapa bandar lain di Pakistan. (AssociatedPress 21 Sep 2012 - ‘Pakistan Police Open Fire on Protesters’ Pakistani police opened fire on rioters who were torching a cinema during a protest against an anti-Islam film. Security forces clashed with demonstrators in several other cities in Pakistan).
RT News (Diterbitkan pada 21 Sep 2012) – Iran dengan bangganya berarak perkakasan tentera di Tehran pada hari Jumaat di bawah pandangan Presiden Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, yang digunakan sekiranya sekali lagi menantang dgn tdk mematuhi menyerang diBarat dan Israel. Paparan, yang melibatkan beribu-ribu kakitangan kereta kebal, tentera dan peluru berpandu yang ditanggung pada trak, menandakan ulang tahun permulaan perang Iran-Iraq 1980-1988. (RT News Published on 21 Sep 2012 - ‘Iran military parade video: Tehran flexes muscle, warns enemies’ Iran proudly paraded its military hardware in Tehran on Friday under the gaze of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who used the event to again defiantly lash out at the West and Israel. The display, involving thousands of military personnel, tanks and missiles borne on trucks, marked the anniversary of the start of the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war).
RT News (Diterbitkan pada 21 Sep 2012) - 'Kepercayaan Buta dalam demokrasi Timur Tengah di sebalik dasar Amerika Syarikat berbalik' perselisihan di antara kuasa Barat dan DUNIA Islam nampaknya semakin meningkat. Di bandar Pakistan Peshawar, polis mengatakan penunjuk perasaan membakar pawagam pada api, marah atas filem buatan Amerika Syarikat anti-Islam. Terdahulu, ribuan bertempur dengan polis di Pakistan. Saluran TV Pakistan menunjukkan klip Presiden Obama mengecam filem, yang ia diharapkan akan menenangkan penunjuk perasaan. Ramai yang percaya usaha Washington di rantau ini kelihatan kaunter-produktif. (RT News Published on 21 Sep 2012 - ‘Blind faith in Mideast democracy behind US policy backfire’ The rift between western powers and the Islamic WORLD seems to be growing. In the Pakistani city of Peshawar, police say protesters set cinemas on fire, angry over the US-made anti-Islam film. Earlier, thousands clashed with police in Pakistan. Pakistani TV channels are showing clips of President Obama denouncing the film, which it's hoped will calm the protesters. Many believe Washington's efforts in the region seem counter-productive).
Fifteen killed, about 200 injured as Pakistanis
clash over anti-Islam film . . .
Fifteen people have been killed and another 200 injured on Friday after tens of thousands of demonstrators hit the streets to protest against an anti-Islam film. Police fired teargas and live ammunition to disperse rioters. Twelve of the deaths happened in the city of Karachi. The combined total of the wounded in Karachi, Peshawar, and Islamabad was 195 people, according to AFP. The government declared Friday a public holiday, named “The Day of Love." The holiday was created specifically so people could peacefully rally against the video. However, the protests quickly turned violent in multiple cities throughout the country.
Protesters have taken to the streets in Islamabad, Karachi, Peshawar, Rawalpindi, and Lahore. In Peshawar, a driver for a Pakistani television station was killed when police bullets hit his vehicle at the scene. A protester was also shot and killed during a separate demonstration in the city, according to AP. Several hundred protesters set two cinemas and the city’s chamber of commerce on fire, and damaged shops and vehicles. Police used batons to repel the demonstrators. Later in the day, tens of thousands of protesters gathered in one of the city’s neighborhoods calling for the maker of the film to be executed.
Twelve people have died in the city of Karachi. Armed protesters fired on police, killing one officer and wounding another. Members of the same group set fire to two cinemas and a bank, according to AP. In the country’s capital, Islamabad, which saw violent clashes between protesters and officers on Thursday, protesters burned a police check post and breached the “Red Zone,” where the US embassy is located. RT correspondent Paula Slier reports there is a standoff between police and protesters trying to reach the US embassy in Islamabad, and that the army has been called in. Throngs are pelting stones at officers, who in turn teargas them as they attempt to storm the embassy.
“What we’re witnessing is the spark to the fire that is seeing tens of thousands of people take to the streets in these cities to hold the US responsible for what they say is the worst attack ever on Islam,” Slier said. Police also fired teargas on demonstrators in Islamabad and Lahore in an attempt to keep them from advancing toward US missions in the cities. In an effort to curb the protests and respond to safety concerns, the government has closed numerous shops, markets, and petrol stations throughout the country.
The government blocked YouTube earlier in the week, to prevent citizens from viewing the 14-minute movie trailer of the “Innocence of Muslims.” The film has generated unrest in the Muslim world over the past 10 days, and led to the deaths of at over 40 people. Most of the anger has been directed at the US government, although the movie was independently directed and produced.
The US State Department is airing a message on Pakistani television channels which shows President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton denouncing the film, in an effort to defuse anti-American sentiment. The US embassy in Islamabad produced the ad from public comments by Obama and Clinton, and the State Department spent about $70,000 to buy commercial time to show it, department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said in a statement.
Another reason to protest . . .
Recent caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed (peace and blessings of God be on him), published by French magazine Charlie Hedbo, have added fuel to the fire by sparking even more anger across the Muslim world. Two of the drawings showed the Prophet (peace and blessings of God be on him) naked. French Interior Minister Manuel Valls stated that France will not allow street protests against the cartoons. Regions throughout the country have been given orders to prohibit demonstrations and crackdown if the ban is challenged.
“There will be strictly no exceptions. Demonstrations will be banned and broken up,” Valls told a news conference. Police are on high alert in Paris after protests planned by some Muslim groups were banned. France has closed its embassies and other official offices in 20 countries in Islam-professing countries. French Muslim leaders condemned the magazine and said a request for calm would be read in mosques across the country on Friday.
Flags up in flames . . .
Pakistan is not the only country which saw demonstrations on Friday. Citizens of several other Muslim countries took to the streets in protest. In Iraq, demonstrators in the city of Basra raised Iraqi flags while chanting “Death to America.” Protesters burned Israeli and American flags and raised a banner that read, “We condemn the offences made against the prophet (peace and blessings of God be on him).” In the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo, about 2,000 Muslims burned effigies of President Barack Obama and American flags, demanding the US ban the film.
In Bangladesh, over 2,000 people marched through the streets of Dhaka, burning a makeshift coffin draped in an American flag and an effigy of Obama. They also burned a French flag to protest against the caricatures of Mohammed (peace and blessings of God be on him). Protesters have also gathered in Tunisia and Lebanon as the protests close in on their 10th day.
Muslim fury: LIVE anti-US protest timeline . . .

Pakistan penunjuk perasaan Islam bersurai selepas polis melepaskan gas pemedih mata kerana mereka cuba untuk sampai ke kedutaan AS semasa protes terhadap filem anti-Islam di Islamabad pada 20 September 2012 (Pakistani Muslim demonstrators disperse after police fired tear gas as they attempt to reach the US embassy during a protest against an anti-Islam film in Islamabad on September 20, 2012) (AFP Photo/Aamir Qureshi)

Seorang lelaki membaca pada September 19, 2012 di Paris, penutup belakang Perancis secara menyindir mingguan Charlie Hebdo yang mempunyai pada kulit depan isu September 19 lukisan secara menyindir bertajuk "Intouchables 2". (A man reads on September 19, 2012 in Paris, the back cover of French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo which features on the front cover of its September 19 issue a satirical drawing titled "Intouchables 2)". (AFP photo/Thomas Coex)

Penunjuk perasaan memegang tanda-tanda yang membaca 'Kami suka Muhammad' (keamanan dan rahmat Allah ke atasnya) dan 'Hentikan menyinggung agama kami' sebagai mereka berjalan ke arah kedutaan Amerika Syarikat semasa demonstrasi yang dianjurkan oleh sebuah organisasi Muslim Thai di Bangkok pada 18 September, 2012. (Protesters hold signs reading 'We love Muhammad' (peace and blessings of God be on him) and 'Stop offending our religion' as they walk towards the US embassy during a demonstration organised by a Thai Muslim organisation in Bangkok on September 18, 2012). (AFP photo/Christophe Archambault)

Anggota bomba cuba memadamkan api di dalam kenderaan polis India terbakar sebagai pertembungan penunjuk perasaan dengan polis semasa protes dan mogok satu hari dipanggil oleh beberapa pertubuhan agama dan politik untuk membantah filem anti-Islam di Srinagar pada 18 September, 2012. (Firefighters attempt to extinguish the flames in an Indian police vehicle burning as protesters clash with police during a protest and one day strike called by several religious and political organisations to protest an anti-Islam movie in Srinagar on September 18, 2012). (AFP photo/Rouf Bhat)

Berpuluh-puluh ribu berarak di Beirut, Lubnan, pada 17 September 2012, berikutan panggilan untuk demo besar-besaran yang dikeluarkan oleh ketua Hizbullah, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah. (Tens of thousands are marching in Beirut, Lebanon, on September 17, 2012, following calls for massive demos issued by Hezbollah chief, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah). (AFP photo/Joseph Eid)

Amerika, mendengar kita - Jangan menghina Nabi kami’ (keamanan dan rahmat Allah ke atasnya) memuji-muji Beirut demonstran. '(America, hear us - don't insult our Prophet! (peace and blessings of God be on him)’ chant Beirut demonstrators). (Reuters/Sharif Karim)

Polis anti-rusuhan Indonesian menangkap penunjuk perasaan semasa protes terhadap filem bajet rendah menghina umat Islam di luar kedutaan Amerika Syarikat di Jakarta. (Indonesian anti-riot police arrest a protester during a protest against a low-budget film insulting to Muslims outside the US embassy in Jakarta). (AFP Photo/Adek Berry)

Penunjuk perasaan dari Hizbut Tahrir menunjukkan terhadap penghinaan kepada Islam di Kedutaan Amerika di London September 16, 2012. (Protesters from Hizb ut-Tahrir demonstrate against insults to Islam at the American Embassy in London September 16, 2012). (Reuters/Neil Hall)

Protes anti-Amerika Syarikat di bandar Belgium Antwerp (Anti-US protest in the Belgian city of Antwerp)

Imej dari twitter oleh pengguna (Image from twitter by user @SamNaz116)

Imej dari Twitter/@ khadrania (Image from Twitter/@khadrania)

Penunjuk perasaan melarikan diri sebagai polis rusuhan melepaskan gas pemedih mata ke arah mereka di luar kedutaan Amerika Syarikat di Sanaa September 13, 2012 (Protesters run as riot police release tear gas towards them outside the U.S. embassy in Sanaa September 13, 2012). (Reuters/Khaled Abdullah)

Setiausaha Negara Amerika Syarikat Hillary Clinton menyampaikan ucapan di Jabatan Negara di Washington September 12, 2012, kematian kakitangan kedutaan Amerika Syarikat di Benghazi. (U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivers remarks at the State Department in Washington September 12, 2012, on the deaths of U.S. embassy staff in Benghazi). (Reuters/Gary Cameron)
of Love' in Pakistan: Video of deadly anti-US protest 21 Sep 2012
Pakistan Police Open Fire on Protesters 21 Sep 2012
Iran military parade video: Tehran flexes muscle, warns enemies 21 Sep 2012
Blind faith in Mideast democracy behind US policy backfire 21 Sep 2012
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