Thursday 25 July 2013

Rusuhan Brazil ke atas Kos lawatan Paus: Pertembungan Penunjuk Perasaan dgn Polis Malam lawatan . . .

Rusuhan Brazil ke atas kos lawatan Paus: Pertembungan penunjuk perasaan dengan polis pada malam lawatan Pope Francis. Polis melepaskan gas pemedih mata dan peluru getah semasa pertempuran dengan penunjuk perasaan berhampiran rumah gabenor negeri Rio de Janeiro sejurus selepas Pope Francis bercakap di sana selepas mesyuarat dengan Presiden Dilma Rousseff dan pegawai-pegawai kerajaan yang lain.

Paus tiba ke Rio de Janeiro awal hari ini di tengah-tengah keselamatan memuncak dengan kebimbangan mungkin ada ulangan massa, dan kadang-kadang ganas, demonstrasi yang melanda beberapa bandar Brazil bulan lalu.

Brazilians riot over cost of Papal visit: protesters clash with police on eve of Pope Francis visit. Police fired tear gas and rubber bullets during clashes with demonstrators near the Rio de Janeiro state governor's mansion shortly after Pope Francis spoke there after meeting with President Dilma Rousseff and other government officials.

The Pope arrived to Rio de Janeiro earlier in the day amid heightened security with concerns there could be a repeat of the mass, and sometimes violent, demonstrations that plagued several Brazilian cities last month.

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