Thursday 25 July 2013

Mesir: 6 mati di Kaherah Pertempuran di Universiti . . .

Photo: AP Seorang lelaki yang menembak bersenjata semasa pertempuran antara pihak lawan dan penyokong Mesir menggulingkan Presiden Mohammed Morsi di Kaherah, Mesir, ISNIN, 22 Julai, 2013. Pada Isnin, pertempuran tercetus antara penyokong Morsi dan lawan berhampiran Tahrir Square di Kaherah dan di bandar Qalioub di pinggir ibu negara, di mana sekurang-kurangnya satu orang telah ditembak mati, pegawai keselamatan berkata (An man fires his weapon during clashes between opponents and supporters of Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, July 22, 2013. On Monday, clashes broke out between Morsi supporters and opponents near Cairo's Tahrir Square and in the city of Qalioub on the capital's outskirts, where at least one person was shot to death, security officials said (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

1WC’sChannel - CAIRO (AP) “Mesir: 6 mati di Kaherah Pertempuran di Universiti” Pertempuran antara penyokong dan penentang Presiden yang menggulingkan negara sebelum subuh pada hari Selasa dekat kampus Universiti Kaherah meninggalkan 6 kematian, seorang pegawai kanan perubatan berkata.

Khaled el-Khateeb, yang mengetuai kecemasan Kementerian Kesihatan dan jabatan rawatan rapi, berkata 6 mati dekat dengan tapak yang duduk dalam oleh penyokong Mohammed Morsi yang disingkirkan oleh tentera pada 3 Julai lalu selepas setahun beliau di pejabat.

Penyingkiran Morsi, presiden pertama Mesir yang dipilih secara bebas, diikuti protes jalanan besar-besaran oleh berjuta-juta orang-orang Mesir yang menuntut bahawa langkah presiden Islam turun. Penyokong beliau memanggil semula dan menegaskan mereka tidak akan menyertai proses politik yang disokong tentera sehingga kemudian.

Pertempuran terbaru dihadkan sehari dicemari oleh keganasan di beberapa bahagian negara ini. Di bandar Qalioub utara Kaherah, 3 orang terbunuh Isnin dalam pertempuran antara penyokong dan penentang Morsi. Penyokong kedua-dua belah pihak juga berjuang berhampiran tapak utama ‘Sit-in’ oleh penyokong Morsi di daerah Kaherah timur dan di Tahrir persegi pusat, tempat kelahiran pemberontakan 2011 yang menggulingkan rejim terdahulu autoritarian Morsi itu, Hosni Mubarak.

Lebih daripada 80 orang cedera pada hari Isnin, menurut el-Khateeb. Keluarga Morsi yang mengecam tentera dalam satu sidang akhbar hari Isnin, menuduhnya "Penculikan" dia, dan diplomat Eropah menggesa supaya pesalah itu dilepaskan selepas tidak dibenarkan berkomunikasi selama hampir 3 minggu sejak kejatuhannya.

Nasib Morsi, yang telah ditahan tanpa sebarang tuduhan, telah menjadi tumpuan pertempuran politik antara Ikhwan Muslimin Morsi dan kerajaan baru yang disokong oleh tentera. Ikhwan telah cuba untuk menggunakan tahanan untuk perhimpunan negara untuk sampingan dengan harapan untuk memulihkan populariti yang rosak teruk. Kerajaan sementara, sebaliknya, muncul di bahagian yang akan menggunakannya untuk memberi tekanan kepada penyokong beliau turun menyokong dari bantahan mereka menuntut beliau semula.

Setakat ini, bagaimanapun, bantahan ke atas tahanan Morsi itu seolah-olah telah mendapat tarikan di luar sedikit penyokong presiden, tanpa membawa jumlah jauh lebih besar untuk perhimpunan yang berterusan di seluruh negara.

Dalam satu kenyataan ‘toughly worded’ Isnin, Ikhwan membentangkan rancangan untuk menyelesaikan krisis yang telah banyak berubah dari apa yang Morsi dicadangkan dalam hari-hari terakhir di pejabat. Ia berkata Morsi mesti dikembalikan bersama-sama dengan atas rumah yang kini dibubarkan parlimen dan perlembagaan digantung, diikuti dengan pilihan raya Parlimen baru yang akan memulakan proses untuk meminda perlembagaan, dan kemudian "dialog kebangsaan" boleh diadakan.

Ia mencela orang-orang di sebalik penyingkiran Morsi sebagai "putschists" dan tertuduh "komander rampasan kuasa, dengan sokongan asing" menumbangkan "semua harapan dalam sistem demokrasi." Presiden Interim Adly Mansour berulang panggilan untuk perdamaian dalam satu ucapan televisyen nasional lewat Isnin. "Kami . . . ingin menjadikan laman baru dalam buku negara," katanya. "Tidak menghina, tidak ada kebencian, ada bahagian-bahagian dan tidak ada perlanggaran." Ucapan beliau menandakan ulang tahun ke-61 satu rampasan kuasa tentera yang menggulingkan pemerintahan beraja dan diiringi permulaan dekad de facto pemerintahan tentera.

Photo: AP Seorang gadis Mesir berjalan lalu skuter terbakar yang dibakar semasa pertempuran antara pihak lawan dan penyokong Presiden yang digulingkan Mohammed Morsi, di Kaherah, Mesir, Isnin, 22 Julai, 2013. Pada Isnin, pertempuran tercetus antara penyokong Morsi dan lawan berhampiran Tahrir Square di Kaherah dan di bandar Qalioub di pinggir ibu negara, di mana sekurang-kurangnya satu orang telah ditembak mati, pegawai keselamatan berkata (An Egyptian woman runs past a burning scooter that was set on fire during clashes between opponents and supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi, in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, July 22, 2013. On Monday, clashes broke out between Morsi supporters and opponents near Cairo's Tahrir Square and in the city of Qalioub on the capital's outskirts, where at least one person was shot to death, security officials said (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Photo: AP Penentang Presiden yang digulingkan Mohammed Morsi membawa rakan-rakan mereka yang cedera dalam pertempuran dengan penyokong Morsi, di Kaherah, Mesir, Isnin 22 Julai, 2013. Pada Isnin, pertempuran tercetus antara penyokong Morsi dan lawan berhampiran Tahrir Square di Kaherah dan di bandar Qalioub di pinggir ibu negara, di mana sekurang-kurangnya satu orang telah ditembak mati, pegawai keselamatan berkata (Opponents of ousted President Mohammed Morsi carry their friend who was wounded during clashes with Morsi supporters, in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, July 22, 2013. On Monday, clashes broke out between Morsi supporters and opponents near Cairo's Tahrir Square and in the city of Qalioub on the capital's outskirts, where at least one person was shot to death, security officials said (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Photo: AP Lawan Presiden yang digulingkan Mohammed Morsi, membawa rakan cedera yang cedera semasa pertempuran dengan penyokong Morsi, di Kaherah, Mesir, Isnin 22 Julai, 2013. Beratus-ratus penyokong Morsi cuba untuk berarak ke arah Kedutaan Amerika Syarikat, lalui berhampiran Tahrir Square, di mana lawan Morsi telah berkhemah. Pertempuran meletus di antara kedua-dua pihak (An opponent of ousted President Mohammed Morsi, carries his injured friend who was wounded during clashes with Morsi supporters, in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, July 22, 2013. Several hundred Morsi supporters tried to march toward the U.S. Embassy, passing near Tahrir Square, where Morsi opponents have been camped out. Clashes erupted between the two sides (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Photo: AP Penentang Presiden yang digulingkan Mohammed Morsi membawa rakan-rakan mereka yang cedera yang cedera semasa pertempuran dengan penyokong Morsi, di Kaherah, Mesir, Isnin, 22 JULAI, 2013. Beratus-ratus penyokong Morsi cuba untuk berarak ke arah Kedutaan Amerika Syarikat, lalui berhampiran Tahrir Square, di mana lawan Morsi telah berkhemah. Pertempuran meletus di antara kedua-dua pihak (Opponents of ousted President Mohammed Morsi carry their injured friend who was wounded during clashes with Morsi supporters, in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, July 22, 2013. Several hundred Morsi supporters tried to march toward the U.S. Embassy, passing near Tahrir Square, where Morsi opponents have been camped out. Clashes erupted between the two sides (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Photo: AP Anggota bomba Mesir memadamkan skuter terbakar yang dibakar semasa pertempuran antara pihak lawan dan penyokong Presiden yang digulingkan Mohammed Morsi, di Kaherah, Mesir, Isnin, 22 Julai, 2013. Pada Isnin, pertempuran tercetus antara penyokong Morsi dan lawan berhampiran Tahrir Square di Kaherah dan di bandar Qalioub di pinggir ibu negara, di mana sekurang-kurangnya satu orang telah ditembak mati, pegawai keselamatan berkata (Egyptian firefighters extinguish a burning scooter that was set on fire during clashes between opponents and supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi, in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, July 22, 2013. On Monday, clashes broke out between Morsi supporters and opponents near Cairo's Tahrir Square and in the city of Qalioub on the capital's outskirts, where at least one person was shot to death, security officials said (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Photo: AP Penentang yang menggulingkan Presiden Mohammed Morsi berjalan lalui skuter yang terbakar, yang telah dibakar semasa pertempuran dengan penyokong Morsi, di Kaherah, Mesir, Isnin 22 Julai, 2013. Pada Isnin, pertempuran tercetus antara penyokong Morsi dan lawan berhampiran Tahrir Square di Kaherah dan di bandar Qalioub di pinggir ibu negara, di mana sekurang-kurangnya satu orang telah ditembak mati, pegawai keselamatan berkata (Opponents of ousted President Mohammed Morsi walk past a burning scooter, that was set on fire during clashes with Morsi supporters, in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, July 22, 2013. On Monday, clashes broke out between Morsi supporters and opponents near Cairo's Tahrir Square and in the city of Qalioub on the capital's outskirts, where at least one person was shot to death, security officials said (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Photo: AP Penentang Mesir yangmenggulingkan Presiden Mohammed Morsi berjalan lalui membakar skuter, yang telah dibakar semasa pertempuran dengan penyokong Morsi, di Kaherah, Mesir, Isnin 22 julai, 2013. Pada Isnin, pertempuran tercetus antara penyokong Morsi dan lawan berhampiran Tahrir Square di Kaherah dan di bandar Qalioub di pinggir ibu negara, di mana sekurang-kurangnya satu orang telah ditembak mati, pegawai keselamatan berkata (Opponents of Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi run past burning scooters, that were set on fire during clashes with Morsi supporters, in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, July 22, 2013. On Monday, clashes broke out between Morsi supporters and opponents near Cairo's Tahrir Square and in the city of Qalioub on the capital's outskirts, where at least one person was shot to death, security officials said (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Photo: AP Penentang Presiden yang menggulingkan Mohammed Morsi memegang kayu dan lalui skuter yang terbakar, yang telah dibakar semasa pertempuran dengan penyokong Morsi, di Kaherah, Mesir, Isnin, 22 Julai, 2013. Pada Isnin, pertempuran tercetus antara penyokong Morsi dan lawan berhampiran Tahrir Square di Kaherah dan di bandar Qalioub di pinggir ibu negara, di mana sekurang-kurangnya satu orang telah ditembak mati, pegawai keselamatan berkata (Opponents of ousted President Mohammed Morsi hold sticks and pass past a burning scooter, that was set on fire during clashes with Morsi supporters, in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, July 22, 2013. On Monday, clashes broke out between Morsi supporters and opponents near Cairo's Tahrir Square and in the city of Qalioub on the capital's outskirts, where at least one person was shot to death, security officials said (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Photo: AP Seorang ahli bomba Mesir memadamkan skuter yang terbakar, yang telah dibakar semasa pertempuran antara pihak lawan dan penyokong Presiden Mohammed Morsi yang digulingkan, di Kaherah, Mesir, Isnin, 22 JULAI, 2013. Pada Isnin, pertempuran tercetus antara penyokong Morsi dan lawan berhampiran Tahrir Square di Kaherah dan di bandar Qalioub di pinggir ibu negara, di mana sekurang-kurangnya satu orang telah ditembak mati, pegawai keselamatan berkata (An Egyptian firefighter extinguishes a burning scooter, that was set on fire during clashes between opponents and supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi, in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, July 22, 2013. On Monday, clashes broke out between Morsi supporters and opponents near Cairo's Tahrir Square and in the city of Qalioub on the capital's outskirts, where at least one person was shot to death, security officials said (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Photo: AP lawan yang menggulingkan Presiden Mohammed Morsi berkelip tanda kemenangan yang akan datang untuk skuter yang terbakar dan poster pemimpin bekas, yang telah dibakar semasa pertempuran dengan penyokong Morsi, di Kaherah, Mesir, ISNIN, 22 Julai, 2013. Pada Isnin, pertempuran tercetus antara penyokong Morsi dan lawan berhampiran Tahrir Square di Kaherah dan di bandar Qalioub di pinggir ibu negara, di mana sekurang-kurangnya satu orang telah ditembak mati, pegawai keselamatan berkata (An opponent of ousted President Mohammed Morsi flashes the victory sign next to a burning scooter and posters of the former leader, that was set on fire during clashes with Morsi supporters, in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, July 22, 2013. On Monday, clashes broke out between Morsi supporters and opponents near Cairo's Tahrir Square and in the city of Qalioub on the capital's outskirts, where at least one person was shot to death, security officials said (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Photo: AP Penentang Presiden yang menggulingkan Mohammed Morsi, berkumpul berhampiran skuter yang terbakar, yang telah dibakar semasa pertempuran dengan penyokong Morsi, di Kaherah, Mesir, Isnin, 22 Julai, 2013. Pada Isnin, pertempuran tercetus antara penyokong Morsi dan lawan berhampiran Tahrir Square di Kaherah dan di bandar Qalioub di pinggir ibu negara, di mana sekurang-kurangnya satu orang telah ditembak mati, pegawai keselamatan berkata (Opponents of ousted President Mohammed Morsi, gather near a burning scooter, that was set on fire during clashes with Morsi supporters, in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, July 22, 2013. On Monday, clashes broke out between Morsi supporters and opponents near Cairo's Tahrir Square and in the city of Qalioub on the capital's outskirts, where at least one person was shot to death, security officials said (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Egypt: 6 dead in Cairo university clashes

1WC’sChannel -  CAIRO (AP) Clashes between supporters and opponents of the country's ousted president before dawn on Tuesday near the main campus of Cairo University left six dead, a senior medical official said.

Khaled el-Khateeb, who heads the Health Ministry's emergency and intensive care department, said the six died close to the site of a sit-in by supporters of Mohammed Morsi, ousted by the military on July 3 after a year in office.

The ouster of Morsi, Egypt's first freely elected president, followed massive street protests by millions of Egyptians demanding that the Islamist president step down. His supporters are calling for his reinstatement and insist they will not join the military-backed political process until then.

The latest clashes capped a day marred by violence in several parts of the country. In the town of Qalioub north of Cairo, three people were killed Monday in clashes between supporters and opponents of Morsi. Backers of the two sides also fought near the site of the main sit-in by Morsi supporters in an eastern Cairo district and in the central Tahrir square, birthplace of the 2011 uprising that toppled the regime of Morsi's authoritarian predecessor, Hosni Mubarak.

More than 80 people were injured on Monday, according to el-Khateeb. Morsi's family denounced the military in a Monday news conference, accusing it of "kidnapping" him, and European diplomats urged that he be released after being held incommunicado for nearly three weeks since his ouster.

The fate of Morsi, who has been held without charge, has become a focus of the political battle between Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood and the new military-backed government. The Brotherhood has tried to use his detention to rally the country to its side, hoping to restore its badly damaged popularity. The interim government, in turn, appears in part to be using it to pressure his supporters into backing down from their protests demanding his reinstatement.

So far, however, the outcry over Morsi's detention seems to have gained little traction beyond the president's supporters, without bringing significantly greater numbers to its ongoing rallies around the country.

In a toughly worded statement Monday, the Brotherhood laid out a plan for resolving the crisis that was little changed from what Morsi proposed in his final days in office. It said Morsi must first be reinstated along with the now-dissolved upper house of parliament and the suspended constitution, followed by new parliamentary elections that would start a process for amending the constitution, and then a "national dialogue" could be held.

It denounced those behind Morsi's ouster as "putschists" and accused "coup commanders, with foreign support" of overthrowing "all the hopes in a democratic system." Interim President Adly Mansour repeated calls for reconciliation in a nationally televised speech late Monday. "We ... want to turn a new page in the nation's book," he said. "No contempt, no hatred, no divisions and no collisions." His speech marked the 61st anniversary of a military coup that toppled the monarchy and ushered the start of decades of de facto military rule.

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